Life Goes On

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Chad stood in the doorway of the laundry room and watched as pulled the clothes out of the dryer and put them on the shelf. Then she put the clothes from the washer into the dryer and pressed the start button. When she began folding the clothes in putting them in piles he joined her. "Hey, can we talk." He asked as he folded one of her nightgowns. "Sure, wazzup?" She answered nonchalantly. Chad hated the distance he had allowed to grow between them. They used to text all day while at work and fall asleep talking at night. Lately they've just been letting the TV put them to sleep in an uncomfortable silence. "I've been trying to find the words to say to you, but honestly I need to just apologize and go from there. I was selfish and forced you to do something that never should've even been considered. I felt betrayed and hurt. I never thought you would force me into a position I wasn't ready for, and in hindsight I truly had the wrong response and I've been afraid to apologize, because I know it's not good enough. It won't undo the damage that has already been done." He had stopped folding the clothes and was watching her intently, trying to gauge her reaction. Khali put her hands on the shelf and let her head hang down. She was bombarded with so many emotions by this conversation, it almost felt overwhelming. The biggest emotion of all was mourning the loss of her child. She had been doing that by herself until now and it was eating her alive. The tears started pouring and her whole body shook as she cried. Chad couldn't help the tears that began to fall, but he grabbed his wife and pulled her close allowing her to lean on him for support. Khali snuggled up against his chest and let the flood gates go, this was all she wanted since since the while ordeal began. To be comforted by her best friend/husband.

"Are you sure, what if we wake the kids up?" Jeannette asked Ronald as he took off the black dress she wore to the funeral. "They been running all Dat bae, they tired. Plus I locked the door, so we good." He assured her and pushed her down on the bed. She scooted back and he pulled her panties off with a sence of urgency. She balled the sheets up in her fists as he devoured her, trying to keep from calling out. Ronald sucked on her clit untill her felt he felt it swell, then he trailed his tongue lower and plunged his tongue into her opening. She squirmed at the sensation and her hips moved in an effort to pace his tongue. "Sssss...ooooooh" She was trying her hardest to suppress her moans, but it felt so good. Ronald wrapped his Arma around her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed, so he could have better access to her pussy. "Oh yeah..yeah.." She whispered. He flattened his tongue and licked his way back up to her clit and pushed two fingers inside of her. "Mmmmmm...." Jeannette moaned, he hips were moving at a fast pace and the friction of his slow movements and fast pace combined sent her over the edge. She tucked her bottom lip in-between her teeth as her whole body tingled and vibrated with the powerful force of the orgasm. Ronald continued slurping all her juices, her legs began shaking and she reached down to push him back. He stood up and put her legs on his shoulders and plunged himself deep into her wetness. Jeannette reached out to grab a pillow, she put it over her face and bit into it to keep from yelling. His quick and deep strokes was bringing her to another orgasm, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to keep quiet for this one. Her toes spread wide and her back arched as she thrust her hips to meet his pace. Once Ronald felt her pussy pulsing and squeezing his dick his stokes got sloppy. He drilled into her with deep powerful strokes until her reached his climax. He collapsed on the bed and allowed himself so fall into a much needed deep sleep.


"Can I have 3 cherry snowcones and waters please?" Brad told the vendor handing him his credit card. Kandace was so ready to just go home and lay in the bed lazily, but she was at the zoo with the Stewards. When Malik left for work this morning, he gave her an itinerary to follow for his parents. It started with breakfast at The Pancake House, Kandace was worried that she wouldn't have enough in common with them to keep up a conversation. It turned out that Donna was a talker, so really didn't have to say much. She mostly bragged about how proud she was of Malik and the rest of the meal was spent talking about Mrs.Stewards plans for the baby. After they left breakfast Danna insisted on going to the grocery store to get ingredients to make Maliks favorite dessert, Monkey bread. When Kandace showed her the ingredients Malik had already bought before their arrival, Donna said she only used fresh products and the brand was wrong. Kandace bit her tongue accommodated her soon to be mother in laws wishes. She didn't want any issues with Malik.
Kandace put her hand on her lower back and leaned against the brick building. She was so ready to leave, but Donna was so excited and taking pictures of all the animals. "Hey, why don't we come back on the weekend when Malik is off work. I don't think babygirl should be on her feet to much longer." Brad told his wife as he handed them the snowcones and water he had just purchased. "Nonsense, walking will do her good. Exercise makes for an easier labor and with her small frame she can use all the help she can get." Donna smiled and rubbed Kandace large belly. "Ain't that right grandbaby?" She cooed. "Nana just want what's best for this precious baby." Kandace huffed and took a large chunk of the snowcone rolling it around in her mouth to keep from saying something she would later regret. "Look, you guys can pet the goats while I take your pictures." Kandace saw a bench near the area and although she didn't plan on going anywhere near those goats, she would put on so she could rest for a minute. "Ohhh, come on Brad!" Donna squealed excitedly. He looked to Kandace with an apologetic facial expression and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Come on little mama, the sooner she sees all the animals the sooner we can get home." Kandace rolled her eyes and chuckled, allowing her future father in law to guide her.
Kandace got a notification while she was sitting on the bench pretending to be interested and taking pictures of Donna.

Leek 😛😋: How's it going?

She shook her head and sent a quick response

Me: 🖕🏾

Malik knew how his mother was. Why he would even want Kandace to try and keep up with her while she was pregnant made no since. He was always the one talking about how she needed to learn to sit down somewhere and relax more. Now since his mom's here he agreed with her "getting out the house more".

Leek 😛😋: 🤣 it can't be all that bad.
Leek 😛😋: Hang in there I'm off in 2 hours.

"Oh honey, your definitely gonna have to learn to put that phone down and be in the moment when the baby comes. Your gonna miss out on some beautiful moments with all your attention on the screen." Maliks mom said taking a seat next to Kandace once she realized she wasn't taking pictures anymore. "Malik text me to see how things were going. I was just responding to him." She said with aggravation in her tone. She didn't need to be scolded like some little teenager. "Oh, I apologize. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just pointing out that family time is very important and Malik shouldn't be bothering you while he's at work anyways, you guys will see each other and be all booed up soon enough." She smiled, before could continue, she saw Brad walking away with his phone to his ear so she jumped up to follow him. "Thank God" Kandace breath a sigh of relief for the distraction.

Me: Well as soon as we're done here we headed to pick you up. I'm ready to clock out. I'm so done with be the tour guide for today.

She texted Malik, but when she didn't a response she smacked her teeth and got up to head towards the Stewards. "Mrs.Donna the giraffes are around this corner, then we should start making our way to pick up Malik. Traffic this time of day is horrible and I don't wanna make him wait to long." She knew if she mentioned her son that would work in her favor. "That sounds like a good idea. Come on and get off that phone Brad, you can talk to your hussy anytime. We're spending family right now." Kandace eyebrows went up, but she kept quiet. She knew there was something more to the whole "perfect family" routine she saw when they visited a few months ago. She couldn't wait to tell Malik what she just heard.

🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys.

Although it's always sad when we have to say goodbye to a loved does not stop.

Ronald used this opportunity to just jumped right back in the bed with Jeannette. You think he's using her again, or dies he honestly have feelings for her?

Jeannette just digging herself deeper in the whole. What is she honestly expecting from a man that cheated on his wife with her then had sex the same night of her funeral. She just asking to get her feelings hurt.

Chad and Khali finally communicating. You think they can get that spark back in their marriage?

Is Kandace really ready for this family life with Malik. She doesn't seem to understand what is expected of her.

The only way to find out is to stay tuned....
Thanks for reading and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share

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