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"Dang girl, you acting like a crackhead all antsy. The GPS says we'll be there in about 10 minutes." I shook my head looking over at Khali. She kept checking her makeup in the mirror, fixing her hair and her leg was shaking. "Shut up big head! I know you gonna be acting the same way when you drop me off." She told me laughing. "Naw, that dude got yo ass sprung off conversation." I teased her and she mean mugged me and stuck her tongue out.
When I pulled into the driveway Chad was standing on his front porch, I could see how anxious he was as well. I didn't even put the car in park good and Khali hopped her happy go lucky ass out and ran to him jumping in his arms causing him to stumble and almost fall.
"Baybae! I missed you so much!" She squealed and was kissing him all over his face. He was just cracking up laughing as he focused on balancing her so they wouldn't fall. "I missed you too Baybae." When they started kissing I honked my horn "Alright now! Damn what y'all trying to do give the neighbors a show. She slid off him and fixed her short ass maxi dress. "You gon come get these bags?" I asked them Popping the trunk. I was gonna get out myself and take them to her, but I wanted to see exactly what type of dude he was. "My bad B, I got it. And thanks for bringing her by." Chad said after getting her things." I waved and backed out the driveway. I guess they call themselves in love he thoughts he watched his little sister melt of Chad."Take care of my lil sister Chad" he nodded his head "sure thing boss."

Since he told Rain he would be coming to visit she hasn't answered his calls and her text messages were short and not often. Maybe she wasn't feeling him like he was feeling her. He usually wasn't mistaken when he made a connection with someone and that didn't happen too often. So he decided to go pay his sister a visit. Since she lived up here and most of his time was spent in Florida he rarely got to spend time with her like he did the younger two. "What's up sis" he called out strolling into her salon. "Hey! There go my little big brother!" She said as she excitedly gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I missed you, how long you here for?" He sat down in the empty salon chair across from her. She had a client, so he didn't wanna be in her way. "About two weeks, I got plans for us all to chill together." He said running his hand over his smooth hair. "Yah! You know I'm down. Where Khali and Kandace? They ain't wanna stop by and see me?" She said with a fake pout. "Khali all booed up already, I dropped her off on the way here. Kandace left us as soon as we touched down, talking about her "friend" was picking her up." He chuckled while shaking his head remembering how Khali and Chad were acting. "Oh, well I hope a boo-break long enough to chill with us" Jean said while carefully running the flat iron down the patch of hair. Bryson ran his hand down his face "Boo-break? Yo, how corny can you be?" He said as they laughed together. The door opened and both Jean and Bryson turned to see who was coming in. "And speaking of being bood-up, look who we have here brother." She told him with a huge smile.


Rain turned into the parking lot of the salon and took a deep breath as she looked into her camera on her phone at her makeup. She figured nobody was gonna be all in her face like that anyway. She had even washed her hair so she wouldn't have to worry about any water getting on her and messing up her makeup. She walked in the salon and made her way to the reception desk. "Hey, I got a 12 with Jean." The young girl tapped a few keys in the computer "Ok Ms Rain, I'll let her know you're here" Jean's had the biggest and last station so that she could see everything that w as s going on in the shop, so Rain hadn't noticed her smiling her way. "Rain normally sat in a chair near Jean and they talked until it was her turn. Given the circumstances, she decided she would sit in the waiting area today. She hadn't even been able to put her but completely on the chair before Jean called her out, creasing her eyebrows together. "Uhn uhn...what you sitting way up there for?" A sickening feeling started in the pit of her stomach when she saw Bryson sitting in the chair across from Jean watching her intensely. She guess he was waiting on her to acknowledge him. Despite her appearance, she really was happy to see him again. This must've been what Jean was talking about when she said she had something for her. Bryson and Rain made eye contact as she slowly made her way to them. "Hey sweetie." She hugged Jean and then turned to Bryson. He raised his eyebrow and gestured for her to come to him. Rain walked to him biting her bottom lip and when she bent over to give him a hug he pulled her onto his lap. "Goodness" she giggled. "Miss me?" He asked. She smiled and nodded her head. "Well I can't tell, you act like you even wanna talk to me when I call" he said low enough so only she could hear. "It's not even like that" she smacked her teeth. "I just had a lot of shit going on. I apologize if I made you feel some type of way." Bryson nodded his head paying attention to her body language and facial expressions. "Well I'm glad you liked my little surprise." Jean giggled as she watched the two of them interact. "Yah, definitely!" Rain answered Smiling big.
"Alright hun, Your all set. That'll be $80" Jean told her client as she turned her to the mirror to show her the finished look. "Yep, you always do such a good job. Thanks Jean." She reached in her purse and handed her a $100 bill. When Jean reached in her draw for change the lady waved her off "You know I always tip" Jean took the apron off her client and began to tidy up her station. "Well I greatly appreciate it. You can schedule your next appointment with the receptionist." She took a saniwipe and cleaned her electric hair products, put the combs in her sanitizer jar, sprayed and wiped the chair, and swept the floor in her area getting it ready for Rain. "I was telling Jean I got plans for us all to chill together. You coming right?!" Bryson told Rain while he rubbed her thigh absentmindedly. "Yah! Just make sure everything in the evening, you know I ain't on vacation anymore. Gotta hit that 9-5 baby." She responded running her hands along the base of his head. "Cool, I gotchu. Now gone over there and get your hair did." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips before he let her stand up. "You going somewhere?" She asked getting comfortable in the salon chair. "You bout to be here for a short. Imma run the street and grab an oxtail dinner. Want something?" He asked while straightening out his clothes and grabbing his keys out his pocket. "Oooh yah. That does sound good huh Jean. You want something?" Rain reached into her bra to pull out her change purse she kept her money in. "What y'all want?" Bryson asked looking between the two of them. "I want the oxtails with cabbage and beans and rice, tell them put a lot of sauce all over it for me." He nodded his and looked at his sister. "No thanks hun, I'm on a diet. I gotta salad in the back for lunch." When Bryson turned to walk away Rain reached out her hand with the $20 bill in it. "Here sweetheart" he looked down at her hand and back up at her face creasing his eyebrows together "Stop playing with me. What you wanna drink?" She chuckled and put the money back "Dr pepper cream soda. If they don't have that a sprite will do" he nodded his head and left to get the food. Jean wrapped a apron around Rains neck and strapped it loosely. "So Ms Rain, its about that time that we normally play with colors. I got this deep purple that I think would just look beautiful on you." She said while running her hands through Rain hair inspecting her scalp. "Umm....let's hold off on that till next time. I already washed my hair, I just need you to style it for me." Jean pouted "Come on....I got it just for you and I know you'll love it! Besides you been real plain jane lately ever since Adonis came back I to the picture. Don't let that man stop you from doing you." She smacked her teeth "Besides Brysons in the picture now and hopefully he will fade Adonis ass right back out." She said chuckling. Rain really did like it when she got highlights in her hair, it made her feel more vibrant. She would just tell Jean to watch her makeup. "Yah, let's do it." Jean smiled and happily opened the box of color and started mixing the solution. She parted a thick layer at the base of Rain neck and pinned up the rest of her hair. She grabbed a piece of foil and put it just under the part of hair she was adding the color to and immediately covered it with foil. When she was halfway down Bryson came in and pulled up a chair closer to them to join in the conversation while he ate his food. Every now and them he would feed Rain a forkful. Jean wondered if they had been talking before Rain took her vacation because Bryson seemed to be so in tune with Rain. After Jean was finished putting the color on she went to the back to get her salad and pulled up a chair next to them. The color had to sit for 20 mins, which was enough time for her to take a meal break.
Rain had just put a large oxtail in her mouth and Bryson reached over with a napkin and wiped off the side of her mouth. "What's on your lip?" Bryson asked looking closer to the area he had wiped off. She stopped chewing and her eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights. She reached up and covered her mouth "Umm...I gotta go to the bathroom" she put her food down and grabbed her purse running to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror she reached into her purse and grabbed her makeup case. As she was trying to fix her makeup she heard a soft knock on the door. "Rai are you ok?" She took a deep breath and opened the door. "Yeah, I'm good. I'm sorry, I know you ready to rinse this out." Rain eyebrows creased together when she realized that Jean was pushing her back into the bathroom. "What the hell is going on?" Rai eyes grew big at her blunt question. "What do you mean?" She asked while looking down to avoid eye contact. "I saw your face Teegan!" Rai took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip while twisting her fingers nervously.

Bryson had wrapped his and Rain food back up. After seeing her face discolored like that, he lost his appetite.
There was no other explanation than her getting her ass beat to explain it. She hadn't even been able to say anything, she just ran to the back. What kind of punk ass dude gets his rocks off by hitting on a female? He was angry because she wasn't an ugly woman and she was accomplished with her own money, so why would she feel the need to put up with some shit like that? He tried calming himself down. He was definitely gonna talk to her about it, but he didn't wanna come off as overbearing. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Rain slip past him and went straight to the wash station without even glancing his way. She must be embarrassed.
For the rest of her hair appointment he just sat there quietly and observed. He secretly wished the dude would pop up on her so he could have a little "talk" with him. Honestly there's no reason a man could give that would validate him putting his hands on woman. Especially her, she was 5 2 and could only be 150lbs soaking wet. Once her hair was done she reached into her purse and pulled out her wallet. Before she could get her cash out he laid a crisp $100 bill on Jean's station. "I gotchu babygirl." She smiled and looked up at him "You don't have to do that." She said quietly. "I know, but I want to. And uhh...when you finish let me holla at you for a minute." He walked to the back so they could talk in private.
After Rain made her next appointment and hugged Jean telling her thank you she made her way to Bryson who she noticed was watching her like a hawk. Not knowing what to do, she just stood in front of him with her head down tapping her hand on her thigh. He could tell she was nervous. He lifted her chin gently to make her look into his eyes. "You don't have to put up with that shit. I know although you can take care of yourself it's only human to want someone that got your back, but this ain't it sweetheart. I can be there for you if you let me. I'd never hurt you like that." Apparently when they were in the bathroom she went ahead and washed off all the makeup she had caked up on her face and he could see the fading bruises. On both her cheeks and her mouth. She opened her mouth to say something a few times, but nothing came out. She just ended up biting her bottom lip as tears began to spill down her cheeks. "Don't cry babygirl, Come here." He held her close rubbing her back. He just wanted to give her comfort and let her know she was safe with him. "I know you got things going on, but come chill with me tonight. I planned for us all to chill together, but if your not in the mood you can just come to my house and we can just spend time alone." She took a deep breath as her tears slowed and looked up at him "Yah! I'd like that. Just chilling with you, I don't have the strength to deal with everyone right now." He nodded in return "Cool"

Duhn duhn duhn! Here comes my man Bryson with S on his chest.
Will Rain let Bryson be her superman? Or stay trapped?
You think Bryson gonna get the opportunity to get his wish and "talk" to Adonis?
Will Jean tell her sisters and then Rain secret will be out there?
Stay tuned as it get juicier!
As always thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share!

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