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"You tripping! This is definitely one of the best movies. It's a classic.!" He shook his head and just grabbed her arm pulling her back down to him. "Chill your little hyper ass down. We can watch this sappy movie if you like." She smiled big and cuddled up to him. "Ok. You'll grow to love it in time." He smacked his teeth "If you say so." They had been together everyday. After they left the shop they went to his house and enjoyed a peaceful night watching movies and enjoying each other company. Rain fell asleep comfortably on his chest reminding her of their days in Florida. She would get up an hour early to go into work and then rush home to meet up with Bryson, Chad, Khali, and Jean and her boyfriend Dominic. Kandace had been MIA with her "friend" that picked her up from the airport and she always had an excuse why she couldn't come chill with them. This was the fourth day they had been together and they were in their own little world. Although Adonis had been texting and calling Rain and trying to do pop up visits on her job, she had managed to successfully dodge him.

While relaxing watching the movie Bryson could feel her relax into him and knew she would soon be sleep. He hated to disturb her, but he had to pee. "Babygirl, let up a minute." He said tapping her thigh. "What wrong?" She asked sitting up. "Nothing, I just gotta go to the bathroom." She nodded her head as she turned her attention back to "You've got mail" even though she'd seen it 1000 times she still hated being disturbed in the middle of it.
When Bryson came back out the bathroom the movie had been paused and she was no where in sight. He wondered if maybe she went to use the other bathroom. He figured he'd go get something to drink and snack ok. Making his way downstairs he could hear Rain talking.

"I told you, I don't wanna see you right now." He made it to the end of the stairs and saw her sitting on the couch with her back to him. "Well stay there then, I don't care I'm not going home tonight." He watched as she ran her hands through her freshly styled hair making it a little messy. "I'm sick of it! You can apologize till your blue in the face. I've heard all the sorrys I care to hear from you. Im done,what part about that don't you understand." He walked quietly into the kitchen and started getting what he came down for, but did it quietly so he wouldn't disturb her and also so he could hear what she was saying. "Ha! That's definitely not a problem, as a matter of fact if you look in the bottom draw of my jewelry box you can have it back now!" She said while laughing. "Why the hell would I continue to wear that? You've made a mockery this relationship time and time again. For all I care you can take it and give it to Ms.Brianna, I'm sure she'd love it!" She stood to her feet and started pacing. "Yeah, you didn't think I knew about her huh? Or any of your other skanks?! I'm just tired up to my eyeballs and the fact that you got me running around with makeup on like some fucking after school special just is too much. It's way to much and I'm done, so do what you want with that ring, just please leave me the fuck alone!" With that statement she ended the call, flopped down on the sofa, and put her head in her hands. Bryson could hear her crying and it made him want to break dudes face. "Babygirl." He said as he approached her so she wouldn't be startled. "Oh, I apologize...was I loud?" She asked wiping her face. He sat the drinks, popcorn and hot tamales on the coffee table before sitting next to her. "You good?" She sniffled and tried her best to give him a smile. "I'm just so sick and tired of hearing I'm sorry." She started off shaking her head " It doesn't even sound genuine anymore. I just can't keep going through this rollercoaster with him." Bryson ran his hand down his face and took a deep breath to calm himself "Ok, I understand that y'all relationship is complicated and all, but what we not gone do is sit up in my house and spend all night talking about this pussy ah dude. You here to relax, so....matter of fact gimme yo phone." She hesitantly handed it to him. "Adonis is officially blocked for the time being. Come on" She raised her eyebrows but took his outstretched hand. He grabbed the snacks and drinks and they went back upstairs in his room. He pressed play on the movie as she cuddled up to him again. "Thank you." She said and pecked his lips. Creasing his eyebrows he pulled her to him and kissed her again, this time with passion behind it. She straddled him and he roamed her body with his hands making her moan in pleasure. Rain broke the kiss to take her shirt off and leaned back in to continue. She moved her hips when she felt him get hard. When she started to take his shorts off he stopped her. "Ey, you sure this is what you do right now? I'm not trying to rush you." She chuckled ignoring his protest and continued to remove his shorts. He wasn't wearing anything under so his manhood  sprung out greeting her. "She  kissed him once more and licked her lips as she griped his length and dipped her head to take him into her mouth. "Shit Rai...." he moaned out as she deep throat him. "Yo, I need you to be absolutely positive you good with this, cause you got like 5 seconds before I give in." Without responding she let him know she was serious by removing the shorts she was wearing as well. Bryson sat foward and stopped her before he lost his cool and layed her on her back on the bed. He got in between her legs and kissed her gently. She reached down to grab his member, but grasp both her hands and intertwined their fingers. "Listen...I really don't rock with too many people nowadays, and casual sex is not my thing anymore. I'm here with you because I see there being a possibility of a future for us, so as much as I want to take this next step I need you to be sure you know what it is your getting yourself into. Rain I will move heaven and hell about mine especially someone that's beautiful inside and out like you." He pecked her lips again, he couldn't help it they were calling to him all full and pouty. "I need you to tell me is this what you really want?" They were no longer moving, Bryson looked into her eyes waiting for an answer. "I really don't want to be with him anymore..." She started but Bryson shook his head. "I didn't ask you anything about anyone else. I asked are ready to move forward with me. The focus is you and me there's no one else here. Is this where you want to be?" She took a deep breath and sucked her lips in. She knew Bryson was different when that first night they all chilled together. He respects her and has been upfront with her. They would have to of course work on the difference in distance, but she felt good with him. He was like a friend and a lover and she would be crazy to bypass someone like him. "I'm ready." She finally spoke up while nodded her head yes. He bit his bottom lip while he studied her for a moment "You better be sure cause ain't no going back from here." Lifting up the crop top she was wearing he unlatched her bra and slowly circled her nipple with his tongue. He watched her breathing pick up, she cupped his head and moaned "Mmmmm..aahhh" He took his time with her. He slowly moved to the next breast and repeat his actions. Neither of them had anything on their lower body so he could easily feel how wet she was getting. Watching her facial expressions he kissed down her stomach and all along her hips. When he started places sloppy kisses along her inner thighs he smiled to himself as he watched her squirm with anticipation. He already had her moaning and juices flowing and he hadn't really even did shit. When he finally took her clit into his mouth she went from quietly moaning to gasping and her hips began to rotate to the pace he licked and sucked. She was sexy to him he enjoyed watching her writhe and hearing her moans as he twirled his tongue around her clit and in and out of her. When she began to shake and grabbed his head with both hands he smiled to himself cause he knew she was about to come. "Uhn uhn not yet" he told her as he stood up. Her eyes shot flew and she stared at him. He wrapped his hands around her thighs and pulled her to the edge of the bed positioning hisself at her entrance. Her mouth fell open and she began to pant as he slowly entered her feeling her walls squeeze around him. "Uuuuhhhh....sshhhhiiittt" she said called out with her teeth clenched. As he thrust deeper she grabbed his muscular arms and relaxed her muscles to allow herself to get used to his width and length. "Fffuuuuccckkk" her voice quivered as he picked up the pace and deepened his stroke. "Damn babygirl you so fucking beautiful!" Bending forward he wrapped his hands around her pulling her to him and she wrapped her hands around his neck as well. He held her to him with one hand and with the other he balanced himself as climbed onto the bed with her and moving them up so he could have room. He gently laid her back onto the pillows and kissed her passionately as started to stroke her slowly. He kissed along her jaw and neck and swirled his tongue in her ear. She started the feel that tingle in the pit of her stomach as she moved her hips to his rhythm. "You feel so damn good." Panting she grabbed his back bit her lip "Ooooh I'm...I'm about to....uh uh" she studdard out. "Go ahead and come for me love" he whispered in her ear. He grabbed her ass with both hands and buried his face in the crook of her neck grinding into her. It seemed like the room was spinning and her body was stuck on the biggest drop of a rollercoaster as her nerves tingled and muscles clenched around his dick. "Oooh. Gggooodddd" she called out holding onto Bryson as she rode out her orgasm. "That's it baby, let it all go" her whole body shivered and she wrapped her legs around his waist crossing them at her ankles holding onto him like an anchor as she came crashing down from her high. Opening her eyes she began to kiss him passionately and untangled herself from him so she could get on top. She reached down and held him will she slowly descend and made sure to keep an arch in her back as she rotate her hips and bounced on him. "Damn!!! You wet as hell!" He told her blowing out an exaggerated breath. She giggled a bit as she picked up the pace to match the one he had given her earlier. Bryson slapped her ass and groped it as he thrust up causing her to pant. Her eyes rolled as she threw her head back enjoying the feel of him inside of her.

Rain laid on Bryson's chest. She was spent from all their "activities" this evening. They went from the bed to the floor to the wall and finally into the shower. She was pleasantly sore and overly content. "I see why that dude be blowing you up like that." He chuckled lightly while playing in her hair. He could feel her cheeks press against his chest as she smiled and giggled. "You so foolish." Raising his eyebrows he looked down at her "You got that good good. He done fucked up and let me get ahold to you. He lost big time!" He stated while kissing her forehead. " She chuckled and leaned up to kiss him. "Let's eat, I'm starving!" He hopped up making her almost fall on the floor "You ain't said nothing but a word, my stomach in my back!" He said going in his draw to pull out a pair of fresh basketball shorts and made his way downstairs. "Hey, wait for me" she called out slipping on her silk robe.


You feeling the connection between Rain and Bryson? Or you think he'll just end up being a rebound dude?

Is Adonis just gonna let Rain go that easily?

What's up with Kandace and her mystery "friend"

The only to find out is to stay tuned

As always thank you for reading and remember to vote, comment and share

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