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"Come on Rai you know if I didn't have to I wouldn't leave at all. As it is with everything going on I've been laxed with business." Pouting her lips she leaned up to give him a kiss and caressed his waves. She pulled back and chuckled as she felt her baby kicking. "Here feel" she instructed Bryson placing his hand where she felt movements. Palming her stomach a huge smile spread across his face when he felt the thump. "Daddy's gonna miss you too." He leaned down and whispered as he place a kiss on Rai exposed belly.
It was the summertime and she was always hot, so she had on a halter top with sheer lace at the bottom that had a slit in the front showing off pregnancy bump. She had stretchy crop leggings on and pair of open toe sandals. "Yiu looking so good I almost wanna carry yo lil ass upstairs." He said standing back up playing with her ponytail. "I thought you had to go right now?" She teased him with a smirk on her face. "Alright keep playing with me, I'll have you calling early FMLA (family medical leave act) to your job." He chucked and raised his eyebrow. "Gon head, I'm about to be late and you know how Jean gets." Bryson picked up his bags and walked out to his car with Rain following behind. He opened her car door and helped her get settled into the seat. "I'll be back before you know it" he kissed her on the forehead and closed her door heading to his car.
After watching Rain pull out the driveway he made sure all the doors were locked and the alarm was turned in his house before he set off to Florida. He hating having to leave her, but he had things he couldn't put off anymore. He was in the process of moving to NewYork, but it would take time and a lot of out of town trips.


Pulling into the parking lot Rain shut the car and sat there rubbing her belly. She was tired, hungry, and hot most of the time now so it took her forever to get things done. She was eight months pregnant and although she couldn't wait to hold her baby in her arms she was scared to death of childbirth. Her and Bryson watched labor and delivery videos trying to get prepared for the experience and if it was anything close to what those other women went through she wanted to be doped up the whole time. She shook her head just thinking about it and reach over grabbing her strawberry shake and french fries she picked up on the way. Before she could waddle her way into the salon good she felt a hand on her arm stopping her from opening the door. "Be careful honey." The woman said to her as the door to the salon came swinging open and almost hit her. " mind was all over the place. Thank you so much...umm do I know.." The woman interrupted her "My name is Tamara, but you can call me Tammie. And it's not a problem" She smiled big. "I'm Rain, but everyone calls me Rai." She was juggling the things in her arms to try and extend her hand to greet the woman. "Well nice to meet you Rai, I gotta get going. You be careful honey." Rain shook her head at her absentminded actions and went into the salon to get her hair done.
"Hey prego!" Jean said excitedly as she hugged Rain and helped her sit in the chair. "Girl..although your brother has pampered the hell out of me I'm about ready for this to be over." She said stuffing a few fries in her mouth. "I hear you." Jean tied the apron around her neck and immediately began inspecting her scalp. "So you nervous about the appointment? Did you tell him yet?" Rain rolled her eyes. "I figured I'd just tell him when he comes back for the baby shower." With Jean's advice she set a DNA testing so they would find out if Bryson was the babies biological father or not. Even though he swore he would be there regardless deep down she was dying to know the truth. "What if it's Adon.." Jean began "No, don't even put that negativity out in the atmosphere like that. He will try to make my life a living hell." Rai said rubbing her temples because she felt a headache coming on just thinking about it. "OK sweetie. I don't wanna stress you more than you already are." Jean said feeling sympathy for her friend. Adonis is seriously nuts when it comes to her and she felt like if it did end up being his Rai would eventually be back with him. She figured that's just how deep he was rooted in her friends head and heart. "Come on, let's get you shampooed and figure out a style for you prego." She said making Rai laugh "Cool beans."

"Did you do what I asked?" Brianna rolled her eyes as she checked her makeup. She was getting ready to go to work when Adonis call came through. "Damn, no hi how are you? How'd you sleep? We start right off with a conversation about her huh? Do you even think about me other to help you get to your lil precious Rai?!" Ahe fussed grabbing her keys off her dresser. "Yo I got other important calls to make, I ain't got time for the small talk right Bri." Adonis said through clenched teeth trying not to yell at her, because he didn't need her catching an attitude at this point. "I made contact and introduced myself as Tammie like you told me to. You gotta give me some time, she not just gonna befriend a complete stranger out the blue you know!" She sighed as she closed and locked her door. "You heard from your lawyer? I talked to her yesterday afternoon." She was trying to change the subject before he pissed her off and she cussed him out causing him to hang up on her. "Yeah, that sounds about right, but ahhh..let me hit you back." He said quickly hanging up without waiting on her response. "I love you too" she said softly once she heard the recording tell her the caller had hung up. She hated that she allowed herself to fall on love with him, because the more emotion she showed the less he paid attention to her. She took a deep breath and put the key in the ignition headed to work.



What's Brianna and Adonis planning?

Whose baby is Rai carrying? Will Bryson really be there like he promised if he finds out its not his

Stay tuned as as always thanks for reading. Don't forget to like comment and share. Follow me so you can get updates!

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