Played Right Into His Hands

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Shutting down her computer, Rai stood up and began putting all the scattered paperwork on her desk in its rightful files when her phone went off. Smiling to herself she reached over and answered it without checking the caller ID. Since she found out she was pregnant four months ago her and Bryson had gotten closer. He often called and checked on her throughout the day. "Hey" she purred into the phone. "Miss me?" Her blood ran cold and she almost dropped the phone the voice startled her so much. "A-A-Adonis?!" She stuttered out his name. "Wh-why are you calling me?" Her hand went to her stomach protectively. "Who else would you be expecting to be sounding like that?" He sound calm to her.
After the trial he was sentenced to 5yrs in a maximum security prison and 4yrs probation on his release. The judge also issued a strict restraining order against him for Rain. He was to have absolutely no contact with her or her mother for those 9yrs. "What wrong love? You don't sound happy to hear from me?" Rai's eyebrows knit together and she sat down hard on the chair. Bryson had told her specifically not to indulge any form of communication with him, because he didn't want her stressing, but this came as such a shock to her sit hadn't occurred to her to hang up. "Your not supposed to be contacting me. How are you even calling me? What do you want?" Remembering that he was far away from her and couldn't harm her made her a little more easy. "Oh I can't call and check up on my baby mother?" He said with a chuckle. Her breathing picked up and tears clouded her eyes. "You don't deserve to have a child you selfish bastard! You will never see this child!" She was leaning foward in the chair trying her best not to yell into the phone. "Your pregnant?" Adonis whole family always spoke of Rain as if she were Dutchess biological mother, he was being funny referring to her as his baby mother. He didn't even consider the fact that she might've actually been pregnant. The tears cascade down her face and she gripped the phone. If he didn't know she was pregnant why would he call her his baby mother? What had she done? He would surely make it his business to pester her now. "Bitch there is no one and nothing in the word that could keep me from my child I promise you that!" He growled out. "Thanks for letting me know though." Bryson was gonna be livid. "Fuck you asshole!" Her office door opened and she hung up the phone immediately. "What was that about?" Bryson stood at the door looking confused.


"If this bitch think she just about to take my baby and live happily ever after with some other nigga she got another thing coming." Brianna rolled her eyes as she took the phone off mute. "Daddy I don't know why you even still bothering with that spoiled ass brat. She's the reason both of your children are not here right now and your locked up in there. I told you I can give you a son and we would be.." Adonis cut her off "How many times I gotta tell you..know your place Bri?!" He was taking deep breaths trying to calm himself down so he wouldn't draw attention from the correctional officers (C.Os) there. "I'm sorry Daddy. I just know I can make you happy if you let me." She pouted. Brianna never liked the idea of being a side chick, but she fell in love with him and would do anything to have him be hers (especially now that his annoying ass daughter was out of the picture always comparing her to Rain). "You know how you can make me happy? Do what the fuck I tell you to and stop questioning me! You got that?"


"You played right into his hands Teegan! Damn many times we gotta through this shit cause you won't listen to me? I was already watching out backs, now I'm be all paranoid trying to make sure you and my baby safe." Bryson scolded Rain as they ate. She had been having cravings for cheesecake so he thought he would take her to the cheesecake factory after work. "I know baby, and I'm sorry, I let my emotions get the best of me. But he's in jail now, so you don't have to be so paranoid." She tried reasoning with him taking a bite of her turtle cheesecake. "Please don't be so naive sweetie. He called you and your number is blocked from his list! Ain't no telling what connections he got out I'm the streets." He ran his hand down his face trying to remain calm. She was so sensitive lately and he didn't wanna make her cry. "Damn..I didn't think about that." She said quietly and her head dropped and tears stung her eyes. Bryson huffed out when he noticed posture. "Don't do that. I'm sorry if I sound harsh Rai, it's just my job is to protect you and sometimes you do things without thinking and that makes my job harder. There's no reason to cry baby." Rain sniffled and shook her head acknowledging that she understood. "You wanna just take this to go?" He motioned for the waiter before hearing her answer.


"She's pregnant! OMGosh Adonis. She's not gonna let me near that baby." Adonis pinched the bridge of his nose. "Ma, calm down. There's no way I'm letting her get away with that and you know it." Thinking back to the man Rain was laying all over at the hospital when Dutchess got admitted she asked him "Even if it were possible for you to somehow pursued her to let us be in the babies life, how do you know it's even yours? How far along is she? You know that could be why she said she wanted to pull away from the family because she's having another man's child." Rage filled him. "Why would you ask me something like that? You think she was cheating on me?" He wanted to choke the shit outta of Teegan just at the thought of her being with another man while they were together. "Well she seemed awfully cozy with that guy at the hospital. And I could just be assuming but it seem like they very familiar and comfortable being all over each other." His eyebrows knit together as he thought back to the night he mistakenly shit Dutchess and he vaguely remembered a man he never met taking them out of the apartment. He really didn't pay that too much attention until his mother just mentioned it to him. "Why you ain't dd's ay something if you saw her all hugged up with him ma?" She always said Rain was like her real daughter, but her loyalty should be to him. That made him feel some type of way. "Well at first I did ask her mother about it, but given the circumstances nobody really wanted to talk about that when Dutchess was lying on her death bed." She remembered the look Torian gave her when she asked about it and she still felt ashamed that she was thinking about who Teegan was getting comfort from while her granddaughter was dying. "Damn. This whole situation got me fucked up and she over there with the next nigga without a care in the world. Has she even attempted to contact you to see how you doing?" Laura huffed "Adonis why are you contacting Teegan anyway? You know you shouldn't be doing that. I mean I know you still love her, but it's time you let her move on don't you think?" There was silence on the phone for a minute. "Maybe you have still been talking to her and just don't wanna tell me." He chuckled without humor. "Regardless, she still pregnant with my child and I have a right to be a father." Laura just shook her head "Boy you be in a whole world if your own huh? Talking to you is like is like talking to a brick wall." It was obvious his mind was set on Rain today and she didn't want any parts of that so she ended their conversation and thought about reaching out to Teegan.


Mmm....Teegan always manage to put herself in drama.

Is Adonis the father? Does he have connects in the streets?

Stay tuned to find out

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