Straight Like That

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"Ok, just lay back and pull your pants down to your hips." The technician instructed. Brianna did as she was told and bit her bottom lip. The tech poured clear gel on the small instrument and then placed it on her stomach. Brianna flinched at the cold feeling. "Yeah, I know it's a bit cold, but other than that you shouldn't feel any discomfort." Bri nodded her head and looked up at the ceiling as the instrument was pressed against her lower stomach. She wondered what was being displayed on the monitor. She'd seen other get ultrasound before, but never had one done on herself. She turned her head to face the technician who seemed to be focused moving the instrument back and forth. She would stop and apply a little more pressure in certain areas with one hand and click buttons with other. Brianna knew that meant she was taking pictures of the images she saw, like the size and placement of her uterus, her ovaries, and of course the baby. "Can I see?" She finally got the courage to ask. The monitor was turned away from her, because of the procedure she was scheduled for. The woman's eyebrows raised and she frowned a but. "I mean...normally we try not show it to clients in your situation, but it's not really against the rules. If you're sure...." Brianna nodded her head. Tears filled her eyes when she saw the image of the heartbeat fluttering. "Oh God" She whispered as the baby's form came into view.

"I can't do this!" She whispered as she sprung up from the table

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"I can't do this!" She whispered as she sprung up from the table. The technicians mouth dropped open as she watched Brianna pull up her pants and grab her coat and purse off the hooks on the back of the door. "Umm....ok." was her only response as Bri threw the door open and raced down the halls. She was going so fast, she almost knocked over a nurse flying through the front doors of the clinic.


"Yo..real talk sis, that little girl got me all the way fucked up." Bryson vented as he watched Jean wipe down her station and set up for her first client. "I know it seems that way, but you gotta be patient with her. She was still closing out the relationship when y'all started messing around. Then to have to deal with Dutchess dying and finding out she was pregnant with his child and then he gets murdered." She blew out a breath and shook her head. "The girls been through a lot these past couple months and she's hormonal. I think she just still needs some time to process everything and grieve. I can tell she cares deeply for you brother, and I know it's killing her that she's hurt you in the process of trying to sort her chaotic life out." Jean said as she sprayed the vinegar/water mixture on the large mirror. She crumpled up some paper towels and started scrubbing the mirror in circular motions, so it wouldn't leave streaks. "Nah...I been patient. I've been understanding, I've given her room and haven't judged her at all through any of it. At every chance she makes selfish decisions without regards to how it affects me or my happiness. I tried taking it slowly cause I knew the situation, but she pushed until I gave in." He explained, leaning back in the seat and adjusting his pants. "Bryson, it's me you talking to." Jean started as she pulled perm, shampoo, conditioner and dye out of her oversized duffle bag. "She told you what it was and never hid her feelings for him. YOU were ready for her to move on, and knew it would be easier on her if she had you to motivate her. You are not without fault in this scenario sir." She informed him while placing the bottles neatly on the shelves next to her station. "That's some bogus shut and you know it. Every move she made it was done willing, I communicated the whole time to make sure we were on the same page." He said disagreeing with her point of view. "Bryson...I'm not saying you forced her, cause y'all were feeling each other equally. I'm just trying to say maybe her head knew you were better for her, and so she was trying to get her heart to catch up." She replied softly as she hung a few aprons on the hook. "So you saying..... you don't think she really loves me?!" Jeaned stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "That's not what I'm saying at all! I'm saying she was still in love with Adonis, but didn't wanna lose you. So she tried pushing the feelings for him to the back to speed up the process so you would still be there. I think it was just bad timing." She said shaking her head. "I don't know what to do, babygirl got my heart, but I feel like a sucka sometimes." They both turned their heads when the bell chimed, alerting them a client had entered the shop. "Alright sis, thanks for talking to me. Imma head out and let you handle your business." He said quickly giving her a side hug. "Anytime big bro. I hope y'all figure it out, not just for y'all, but the baby as well. I love you bro." Taking a deep breath he nodded his head "Yeah, me too. I'll hit you up later."

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