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Rain was loving the feeling of the hot shower after her workout. Bryson had a gym and pool in a building the size of a small house in his backyard. She took full advantage of its convenience. When she was home she had to leave and drive 15 mins to work out then drive back home and get dressed for work. The first two days Bryson was still in bed when she left for work, but then he decided to join her which she didn't mind the company at all. Johanna would usually join her, but she had been MIA the past fee weeks blowing her off and ignoring her calls and texts. Rain wondered if she had done something to upset her.
She dried off and put lotion on preparing for work and her stomach growled at the smells coming from the kitchen. She dressed in a pencil skirt and short sleeve button down top. She put her combed her out of the wrap and put her heels on. When she got downstairs Bryson already had her cup of coffee sitting on the table and was fixing her plate. "Oooh you got it smelling good in here sweetheart." She kissed him rubbing her hand along his head as he handed her the plate. "Imma definitely miss you pampering me." She said with a pout before sipping the perfectly made coffee. "I got about another week before I leave. Your welcome to stick around I just won't be able to spend as much time with you as I have been." He sat down next to her with his plate and looked at her waiting on a response. "I gotta face the music sometime, I guess. We can still have dinner together though." She replied putting a forkful of the omelet into her mouth. Bryson eyebrows knit together and he sat back and studied her before saying anything else. "What you mean by face the music?" She shrugged her shoulders "Coming face to face with Adonis." He shook his head and raised one eyebrow "I thought you said y'all don't live together." Taking a drink of her coffee she swallowed "We don't, he has a key though and he said he gonna stay there until he gets to talk to me." Pushing his chair back he stood up and put "Aww hell naw! You ain't tell me he said no shit like that." She took a paper towel and wiped off her mouth "Calm down, it's cool. I'm just gonna tell him I'm really done and get my keys back." He blew out a breath and ran his hands down his face "Calm down? Do not realize that was a threat?! After what I told you last night about how I feel about you, you expect me to just sit back and watch you walk your little ass into the lions den? How would that make me any different from him?" He turned his back to her as he tried to get his emotions under control. He wasn't angry with her and he didn't want her to take it that way just because he couldn't show it to the dude. "Bryson please don't be upset with me. I just figured I'd handle it myself so you wouldn't have to put yourself in the middle of my drama." She touched his arm lightly turning him back to face her. Shaking his head he cupped her face gently "Babygirl, your being naive right now. Dont you understand a dude like that just ain't gonna want to let a woman like you go that easily." He let his hand drop from her face as he balled it into a fist at his next thought "And I swear for God if he puts his hands on you one more time Imma make his daughter an orphan." Rain looked into his eyes and grabbed his hand "Baby, I'll be ok." He shook his head and she could see his muscles move in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. "Yo...I ain't trying to come take over your life, but I'm damn sure not about to let him hurt you again. Imma drop you off at work and when I pick you up we going to your house to get a few things you need and you coming back here to stay with me till I can figure something out. I'm not gonna be able move straight until I know for sure your safe from that idiot." Rain pulled her lips into her mouth and and looked in his eyes. He was dead serious and honestly it wasn't a bad idea. He could help her find a new place so she wouldn't have to worry about Adonis popping up unwelcome. "OK" She agreed nodding her head. "Alright, finish your breakfast while I get dressed so you won't be late." He kissed her cheek and made his way upstairs.


"I don't wanna keep doing this if we just gonna keep it a secret. I'm not ashamed of who I am and the decisions I make. I'm a grown as woman hiding out in my own place because my girlfriend is afraid people won't accept her sexual preference." Johanna got up and stormed out the room slamming the door unnecessarily. She opened the patio door and sat on the lounge chair on the balcony overlooking the city. She reached in the can bucket and pulled out a blunt paper, a bag of weed and her crusher placing them on the small table she used to roll up. She didn't even bother to pay attention when the patio doors opened and closed, she just continued with her task. Kandace sat down on the chair beside her with her hands folded in her lap and watched as Johanna rolled the blunt. She wanted to say something so she wouldn't be so upset with her, but she was at a loss for words. Johanna sat back closed her eyes and pulled hard on the blunt relaxing her nerves. She ain't wanna say nothing else, cause at this point all she was gonna do is cuss her out and hurt her feelings. After about the sixth time she opened her eyes to offer it to Kandace which she accepted and mimicked what Johanna had just done."Babe..I'm sorry, I just wanna get you to understand where I'm coming from." Kandace started off trying to apologize. "Yo, I really don't and right now I honestly don't wanna talk about this shit no more cause it ain't doing nothing but pissing me off more." Johanna said putting her arm over her face. "Let's just smoke this blunt and go get something to eat." Kandace nodded her head as she handed the blunt back "Alright."


"You sure you don't wanna be there when I tell him." Khali asked Chad as she handed him the loofah so he could wash her back. "Nah, that's something I feel like the two of you should discuss, cause although I'm really a cool dude I can go from 0 to 1000 in 2 seconds flat. I don't wanna be the reason why you got a rift with your family if some slick shit is said." She nodded his head "Yeah, I understand, you right." She turned to face him and wrapped her hands around his neck kissing him. He dropped the loofah and picked her up causing her to wrap her legs around his waist. He held her ass while pinning her to the wall returning the kiss. Khali head fell back as she felt him enter her and he but his lip loving how wet she got for him. Shifting her weight he gripped her thighs from the inside to have a better hold of her and began deep stroking her. "Oh Chad...mmmm...yes, just like that."


Sorry so short. I needed a filler and I wanted to update you guys on some of the other characters.

Why Rain tell Bryson that. He seem like he about ready to tear some shit up huh?

That's why both Kandace and Khali went MIA 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

Look at Chad and Khali all in love. My money on this couple being the ones to make it through. The only to find out is to stay tuned!!

Thank you for reading and as always remember to vote, comment and share

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