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Johanna tapped on the steering wheel and watched all the people go in and our of the college. She was bored with her life and really felt like she needed a change. Going to school would definitely give her chance to start a new. She had considered moving out of town, but changed her mind because she didn't want to leave Lady. She grabbed her bag and keys and finally decided to exit the vehicle. It seemed like it took her forever to make it to the door of the school. She took a deep breath and opened the doors.


Kandace put the car in park and grabbed the grocery bag from the passenger seat exiting the vehicle. She had been calling Malik all day and he wasn't answering. It pissed her off because he missed her prenatal appointment. It seemed like she reminded him a thousand the beginning of that week and he swore he would be there. He better have a good explanation for being MIA. When she reached the door she was surprised to see it opening already. Malik must've seen her pull up. She smiled and stepped backbto allow the door to open extending her hands to allow him to give him the grocery bag. She had bought the ingredients for him to make seafood alfredo with bread and a no bake cheese cake with cookies and cream ice cream. "Oh, my bad. I didn't see you." Rain said as she tried to grab the bags. "You want me to carry that in for you?" She asked politely. Kandace snorted and pulled the bags out of reach. "Naw, I got it.....What you doing here?" She hadn't even noticed that the car in the spacious driveway wasn't Maliks, he must've parked in the garage. "Uh..Malik is my friend...remember?!" Rain responded sarcastically. "My brother know you over here while he at home playing daddy to your baby?" Teegan chuckled and started walking towards her car. "Don't worry so much about what's going on in my life. You got demons to tackle of your own sweetheart." She said before she hopped on her car and drove off.

"Malik!" Kandace belted out his name as she took the bag of groceries into the kitchen and began unpacking them. She put the things for dinner on the counter, the ice cream in the fridge and the ingredients for her cheesecake in the fridge. "What you doing here?" Malik questioned her as he came around the kitchen corner tying his sweatpants. Kandace looked up at him and got angry. He didn't have a shirt on and he seemed real relaxed. Putting her hands on her hips she pointed towards the door. "The real question is, what was she doing here while you dressed like that?" His eyebrows raised and he chuckled. He thought it was funny that she was playing the jealous part right now. "So...this is where we are right now?! You at the point where you feel like you can question me?" He went to the counter and leaned on it taking in the food she had brought. "Are you kidding me? I been calling you all day! You missed my prenatal appointment for me to find you sitting up in this house with that bitch?" Kandace huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oh bad" He rubbed the back of his neck. "I forgot about that sweetie." Kandace ran her hand down her face and shook her head." You gotta be shitting me right now. I reminded you of that like 5x this week, so much so that you ask me if I thought you were senile. Even after that I didn't sweat it, I just figured you could make it up to me by making my favorite dinner and watching a movie together and I come her to find her leaving your house. You standing there all nonchalantly and cool, like y'all just fucked and it's none of my business." She ranted as she paced back and forth in the spacious kitchen. "Yo. Chill out. First off stop her a bitch, we been friends for mad long and she doesn't disrespect you like that, so your not gonna sit here and disrespect her in my presence. Secondly, I apologize about the little doctor's appointment and what not, but I told you I forgot. And most importantly, since when did we get to the point where I gotta answer to you about what I do and who i do it with?" Kandace had this look in her eyes like she wanted to kill him. "You talking about we a "family" well where in the family clause is it OK to fuck with other females? Oh so I guess I can go and chill with some of my friends then? That's cool with you?" She cooked her head to the side and smacked her teeth. "Yo..chill out with all that attitude. We are a family, and I like chilling with you, I won't you to feel comfortable around me, but we ain't never established a relationship. I like how things are right now let's not complicate it ok?!" He walked over to her slowly and and pulled her into him. "You trying to play games Malik?" She looked into his eyes as she asked the question. He sighed and move back from her. "We gone do this little dinner and mo ie thing or nah?" Kandace reluctantly nodded her head and started pulling out the pots he needed to cook with.

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