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His head was vibrating and his whole body was shaking. Pounding on the door he continued to scream Rains name. He could hear her whimpering and crying and Adonis angry voice in return. When he heard her scream and a gun shot sound adrenaline rushed throughout his body and he began kicking in the door with all his might. Once the door swung open with a boom he stood there speechless at the sight in front of him. Adonis was on his knees with his head in his hands and Rain was crying hysterically holding a limp child in her arms. He slowly made his way over to them and noticed that the gun was on the floor in between Adonis and Rain. He didn't want to touch it, but he also didn't want Adonis to pick it up again. Slowly he grabbed the shirt that was on the floor near Rains purse and grabbed the gun so his prints wouldn't be on it and put it in the bag. Then he put that on his shoulder and crouched down to check the little girls pulse. It was weak and she looked like she wasn't gonna make it.
Rains head snapped up in his direction like she was just made aware of his presence. "Oh my God baby help me...please help me." He nodded his head and reached out to take the girl in his arms. "I'm so sorry....I shouldn't have come, I should've listened to you." She sobbed into her hands after carefully releasing Dutchess to him. Bryson shushed her "Shhh....I know baby, it's alright, but we gotta get her to a hospital right now." Rain looked at Dutchess and began to vomit. She couldn't believe she had jumped in front of a gun for her. She was bleeding from the gun shot wound in her stomach and coughing up blood. Dutchess was too weak to even cry so tears were just streaming down her face as she reached for Rains hand. "Baby...come on, we gotta go now " Bryson told her trying to head towards the door careful not to hurt the little girl more than she was already hurting. Rain took one last look at Adonis crumpled on the floor and screwed her face up, then she followed behind Bryson out the front door.
Rain quickly jumped in Bryson's back seat and reached for Dutchess. "Just sit back, let me hand her to you." He laid the little girl on Rains chest, closer the door and hurried to the driver seat so he could get them to the closet ER. "I need your phone so I can call Mrs. Laura, I need her to meet us there because I'm not a legal guardian." He reached back and handed her the phone when he came to a red light. "Baby please hurry....she's falling asleep." Rain cried out she was rocking Dutchess side to side without realizing it. "I'm going as fast as I can." He replied calmly. He knew how she felt about Dutchess and she must've been feeling devastated at the time. Rain began to dial Laura number with trembling fingers. "Hey baby, I haven't heard from you in awhile." She answered cheerfully. "Ma! He shot her. We on the way to children's now." She was panicking. Bryson shook his head, she was gonna make that woman have a heartache before she could even make it to see her granddaughter. "Ok, listen...I know your upset, but I need you to calm down and tell me what happened. Who shot whom?" She said trying to keep both herself and Rain calm. "Dutchess, Adonis was aiming at me but she jump in front of me at the last minute." She was damn near howling in Laura's ear. The was complete silence on the other end and although Rain was upset about the situation at hand, she got worried when Laura didn't respond. "Ma, did you here me?" She heard shuffling "I'm on my way" and Laura disconnected the call sending up a prayer as she grabbed her coat, purse, car keys and sprinted out the door.

Once they arrived at the ER and the staff saw Dutchess condition "code blue" was called on the overhead speakers and everything went by so fast and it seemed so chaotic. One of the nurses pulled Rain away from the scene and she was handed over to Bryson. "Someone will be here in a few moments to get information from the two of you." She then disappeared behind the double doors with the rest of the staff. Bryson pulled Rain over to the chairs and sat her on his lap allowing her to cry in his chest as he rubbed her back. "This shit is crazy man" he mumbled. What the hell happened at that house? As calm as he appeared on the outside, his blood was boiling. He so badly wanted to get his hands on Adonis right now. He noticed how Rain was limping, the blood coming from her mouth and her swollen face that was turning black n blue. "WHERE IS SHE" Bryson's thoughts were interrupted by Laura's panicked yelling. Rains head popped up and she began crying again. He ran his hand down his face and shook his head, he had just gotten her settled down a bit. Oh my God ma!" Rain scrambled off his lap and went to Laura. He was walking in that direction until the woman gave him a death glare. He just raised his eyebrows and walked back to his seat. He listened to Rain explain the situation as he sent text messages to the crew (Rains mom, Jean, Khali, and Kandace).

After about 5 hours the waiting area was packed with everyone waiting to hear the news on Dutchess condition. Malik, Chad, Jean, Regina, Jeannette, khali, Johanna, Kandace, and Torian(Rains mom) all had rushed in. Bryson had went and brought coffee, tea,bottled water, donuts, and subs for anyone that was hungry. They were all crowded around Rain trying to figure out how they didn't know she was in an abusive relationship till this point. "Look...I understand you all are feeling some type of way about the situation, but right now is not the time to interrogate her. She's physically and mentally exhausted so just give a break ok." Bryson spoke up as he handed her a cup of coffee. She looked like she had just gotten off a battle field and refused to leave the hospital untill she knew Dutchess was gonna be ok. He didn't even understand why he had to say that to them. Although they still wanted an explanation they backed off. "Baby, I know you don't wanna leave, but atleast let me go get you a change of clothes." Bryson said sitting beside her rubbing her back. She looked down at her clothes for the first time and was horrified. Dutchess blood was all over her and her clothes were torn in places from the fight she had with Adonis. She nodded her head, but when he got up to leave she grabbed his arm. "No don't leave me baby....please I need you here with me." Shaking his head he sat back down next to her and looked to her mother. "Lady, would you mind doing that for me please? Apparently I can't leave right now." She got up from the opposite side of Rain where she had been holding her hand praying for her peace and mental stability. "Sure baby." Rain looked up to her "Thank you Lady" she said quietly. "I'll be back shortly, I love you." She told her making her way out the door.
"Who is that all over Teegan?" Laura asked Torian (Rain mother) as she was walking past her on her way out. "Bryson" she said simply. "Well who is he to her?" Torain was taken back by her bold questioning. How did she have the audacity to question what Rain was doing when her son had just tried to kill her. "I suggest you put your energy in praying for your granddaughters recovery and the sanity of your son instead of questioning what's going on with my child." She told her with a tight smile and turned to leave. Laura eyebrows raised, she was speechless. Sucking in her lips she nodded her head. Laura knew she was right and was embarrassed by her own actions. Adonis had almost killed that girl and in the process shot his daughter. Her nerves were on edge, she had been calling him non stop and he didn't answer the phone. She wondered if he knew that Dutchess was the one he shot instead of Rain. Hopefully the doctors would come and tell them she was ok soon, so she could put her focus on finding Adonis to figure out why he wasn't here.
A male doctor came out with a clipboard in hand and looked over everyone in the waiting room. His gaze stopped at Rain and he called to her "Ms. Kahuna" as he made his way towards her. Bryson placed his hand on Rains her lower back and stood with her. Laura made her way to them, but stopped short when she saw Rains eyes roll to the back of her head and she dropped back falling in Bryson's arms. Laura put one hand over her heart and the other over her mouth as she watch all the women surrounding the doctor go into hysterics. Her heart was beating so hard she thought it would bust out of her chest, she was frozen. Taking a deep breath she willed her legs to move just as her phone went off. The caller ID read "Son 🥰". She answered "Get your ass down here to children's hospital right now!" She screamed into the phone.

I know its short, but honestly I'd rather not go into too much detail in this situation, It's sad enough. When writing the details it made me wanna cry so I took some details out.

Oh Lord! What did the doctor tell them.

Why is Adonis MIA even if he didn't mean to shoot her, that's still his child and he should be there!

Will Rain finally put her big girl draws on really break free of Adonis?

As always thanks for reading and don't forget to vote, comment and share!!

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