Overrated Privacy

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Khali starred at the half empty pack of birth control pills. She had included them into her morning routine since she was 16yrs old. She always used contraception when you had sex, because she didn't want to get a disease or have an unplanned pregnancy. She had done the right thing and waited until she was married to consider having children and right now she had baby fever bad. She kept finding reasons to pop up at Brysons to spend time with her nefew, but it just wasn't enough anymore. She was ready to have a baby of her own. Chad was the type of man that paid attention to his woman and in most cases this would thrill her, but it was inconvenient when it came to her plans to stop taking the birth control and allow God to decide when she got pregnant. She peaked out the bathroom to see if Chad was still in the bed. Most mornings he used the guest bathroom so they wouldn't be in each other's way when getting ready for work. She sighed with relief when she saw his side of the bed was messy as usual, but more importantly empty. Khali hurried went to her closet and pulled the pack of fresh mint tic tacs from her purse. They were white and just small enough to pass for the birth control pills, but how would she explain the smell. She could use baby aspirin. It's actually healthy to take one a day and wouldn't harm the fetus once she conceived. She bit her lip and contemplated. The ones she had were light orange, but she was sure she could find a store brand that sold them in white. Putting the tic tacs back in her purse, she decided to continue with her regular morning routine. Today would be the last day she would take the birth control pills, she would just have to stop by the pharmacy on her way home from work.

Chad sat on the chair pulling his socks on nodding his head to the R & B music he was listening to. "Hurry up slow poke, your breakfast gonna get cold." She gave him a peck on the cheek and reached into her top drawer grabbing the pack of birth control pills she had put back before he came into the room. He watched her pop one out into her hand and she left the room to go eat. Chad shook his head as he stood up to finish getting ready so he could eat breakfast with his new wife. He didn't understand why she was in such a rush to have a baby right now. He could just picture it now. They would have to get up 2 hours earlier to make sure they had time to feed, dress, and drop the baby off at daycare before work. Khali wasn't the stay at home mom type, so he was sure she would want to return to work as soon as possible. He ran his hand down his face while he walked down the stairs headed to the kitchen. He would miss out on sleep, because of the crying, feeding and diaper changes through the night. He sat down across from his smiling wife. "Looks good, thanks bae." He said his grace and took a long drink of water before pouting syrup on his waffles. "So, you guys heard anything from Johanna, Regina or Jeannette?" He asked making small talk as he cut his food. Khali swallowed the food she was chewing as she shook her head. "Johanna and Regina just went MIA on us." She took a sip of her orange juice before she continued. "Teegan said she popped up on Jeannette and she was in a bad way. I guess she's all depressed, cause she was falling in love with Ronald." Chad shook his head. "Mmm...that's crazy" he put a stopped to savor the taste of the omelet Khali had made. It had bacon, onions, red and green peppers, and shredded cheese. Just like he liked it. He thought about how different thier breakfast would be if they had a kid right now. Would Khaki even have chance to cook him a meal like this or would he have to settle for cold cereal, because she needed time to feed the baby. He decided he was gonna get Khali a present thus afternoon, it may not completely ease her baby fever, but it might put it off for awhile. "People gotta deal with things in their own time and way. They'll come around when they ready." Khali nodded her head in agreement. She was finished eating, but didn't have to leave the house for another 20 mins, so she got up and made another cup of coffee."Want another cup?" She asked Chad showing him the half full pot. "Yeah, today is gonna be a long day. Corporate is coming to audit and rhat means the managers are gonna be sweating, which means they gone be having me running around like a chicken with my head cut off making sure everyone in my department is in order. He shook his head just thinking about the chaotic day he had ahead of him. "Aww baybae..." Khali filled the coffee cup up and returned the pot turning it in off position and unplugging it. "Well when you get home, I guess imma have to help you relieve some of that stress huh?" She said with a wink showing her bright smile. "Most definitely love." He smiled pouring some cream and sugar into his cup and stirred it before taking a sip. He was definitely sure he wasn't ready to give up his freedom yet.


"Come on now, we were friends when you met me. I don't understand why this is a issue. I guess you think me and Chad are fucking around too huh?!" Rain said rolling her eyes. "Don't go there. You know damn well there's a difference in your friendship with him and Chad." Bryson picked up Rain phone and started going through it. "What are you doing now? You going through my phone? I thought we said we weren't gonna disrespect each other's privacy?!" Bryson held the phone up "If there's nothing to find why can't I?" He challenged her. "Go ahead, you not gonna find shut about me fucking with anyone else, but I honestly don't know how I would be able to respect you the same  if you do." She shook her head and took a deep breath. She was being honest, there was nothing for him to find, but she couldn't believe he was accusing her of cheating. She thought he was happy with her. Maybe Jean tried hooking him up with someone else because he was telling her he was unhappy. "I never thought I would feel the need to go through your phone either, but lately I'm not so sure about that." He admitted, but he handed her the phone back anyway. "Bryson, there is only you. Since the day you asked me to be sure, there has only been you. I can't believe you question that." After the last time they had sex Bryson planned on stop talking to Tasha, but when he met up with her he couldn't resist the vibe she was giving off and they ended up planning another date. He felt guilty about it, but at the same time she reminded him of the peace he once shared with Rain and that was hard to resist. "I just want you to be straight with me Teegan. You were still in love with Adonis and I admit the way we started wasn't exactly the best way or time to begin a relationship, but I fell for you fast and hard and there was no way I was about to give that up. Imma be honest with you...when all that shit was going down with you and Adonis you showed me where your heart was and I let how I felt about you and the way you treated me blind me to the truth." Rains eyebrows creased and she shook her head no "I was done with him, I know I still had feelings for him I won't deny that, but I never hid it from you. I love you Bryson, I have no doubt that I wanna be with you, I just can't read you anymore. We used to be so connected, like I know I made a few mistakes, but the love has always been real, you gotta know that." She bent down to his level while he was sitting on the couch and put her hands on both sides of his face. "Please believe me." Bryson closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes he could read the hope and expectation in her face. "I love you too baby" He kissed her and pulled her on his lap.


🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys

Well well...I don't see things going so smoothly for the plans Khali has in mind. Is she gonna mess a good thing?

Bryson...mmm he stuck on Rain, but doing exactly what he promised her he wouldn't. Or is he, cause technically they broke up and never officially rekindled.🤔🤷🏾‍♀️ but I don't see this playing out well either.

Will Khali actually have the balls to go through with her plans?

Will Bryson man up and be straight foward with Tasha and Teegan?
Only one way to find out....

Stay tuned.....
And as always don't forget to vote comment and share.

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