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Brianna tapped her heel on the hardwood floor of the blandly decorated office. She had been waiting almost an hour to see Adonis attorney. He said he had some friends in high places that could get his charges dropped. She dressed in a tight gray pinstripe skirt suit with a red blouse and stilettos to match. She rubbed her thigh thinking how smooth the nude stockings made her legs look. She wanted him to know she was about her business so she only put on light makeup that was earth tones and had her hair slicked up into a neat bun with a few curls on the sides and back to make it pop. Her red Louis Vuitton bag sat in her lap with $200,000 in a plain manilla envelope to pay the lawyer fees. She couldn't wait until this was all over. Adonis said he didn't want to have a child with her, but after she showed him how she was for him while he was locked up, there was no way he wouldn't give her the family she craved and hopefully make her his wife. "Brianna?!" She was snatched out of her fantasy world when the lawyer called out her name. "Yes" she said excitedly as stood shaking the man's hand that was extended to her. "Come this way to my office." He pointed to the open door. "Hold my calls, this is an important meeting." He instructed his secretary as she nodded her head not even looking up to acknowledge him. Brianna quickly took a seat in the plush leather chair in front of the big black desk and crossed one leg over other. She loved the way her legs looked in heels and attention she got from it, but they were killing her feet because they were new and she hadn't broken them in yet. "Would you like some coffee,tea, soda, water?" He asked as he shut the office door behind him. "Umm..no thanks, I've had breakfast already and I have somewhere to be so I'd like to get right down to business if you don't mind." She said reaching into her bag to get the envelope full of cash. He raised his eyebrows "I like that, it's kinda rare to find a woman that gets right down to business." The lawyer turned around and locked the door. Brianna eyebrows creased together, she thought that was weird, but shrugged her shoulders and leaned foward to put the money out on his desk. She assumed he wanted to count it in front of her before  starting the paperwork for Adonis release. She jumped and dropped all the cash on the floor when she felt his grip on her shoulders. "Shit" she said automatically getting down on her knees to gather the cash that fell. "I didn't mean to startle you, but that's definitely my favorite way to start." A look of confusion was on her face as she looked up to see him standing in front of her with his pants undone and his erect penis only inches from her face. "What the fuck is you on dude!" She screamed as she fell back on her butt. "Come on now, you know you can't get something for nothing. I called in a lot of favors to get your lil jail birds charges dropped." He said while licking his lips stroking the length of his penis. "The least you can do is show me some appreciation" He stated matter of factly looking her dead in the eyes. "This wasn't part of the deal. I got your $200,000 you said it would cost" She was shaking her head no backing up from him. "That was to pay the fees, this is for my hardwork and efforts I put in, now its your turn to return the favor." He unbuckled his pants and let them drop to the floor "But I'm not against getting some wet pussy instead" He stated with a smirk as he slowly made his way towards her. "Come on now, you gotta be kidding me, you can't be that hard up for a nut dude." She said sarcastically standing up. "Nah, not at all sweetheart, but I always get what i want and when I watched you walk your sexy ass in my office I knew I wanted you." He reached down and rubbed his hand in between her thighs going up to her private area. She squirmed a bit and stopped his hand before it reached where he was headed. "I don't wanna do this. You just said you wanted the money over the phone, I don't just fuck random people." Her back was against the wall and he was literally pressing up against her with his head lowered near the crook of her neck. "You gotta learn how to play the game sweetheart. I get what I want and you get what you want. Come on, I seen how you looked at me. Mmmm....and that pussy so wet, I can feel it through your panties." He licked the side of her face causing her to cringe and turn her head away. "I was wet thinking about how I was gonna get to my man, not thinking about a pervert like you." She moved to the side some trying to get him to move away from her. "Look I'm a busy man, you can put on your big girl drawers and close this deal, or take that chump change you no doubt sucked 50 dicks for and tell your boyfriend you failed to get him out cause you were acting like a scared little girl." He stood back and looked her in the eyes. Taking a deep breath she reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties and stockings. "You got a rubber?" She would rather let him fuck than have some random dick in her mouth. "Never leave home without it" he chuckled pulling the magnum condom out of his inner jacket pocket. She stood there shaking her head while she watch him put the condom on. When he was finished she took a deep breath and opened her legs wide. "Nah, I wanna watch that ass jiggle." He smiled pointing to the desk. Brianna wasn't an emotion female, but this made her feel degraded and if Adonis found out he would be pissed and most likely stop fucking with her, because she gave "his pussy" away.  She had tears running down her face as she cleaned the desk sweeping everything on the floor with one hand before leaning over it. When he entered her roughly from behind she gripped the edges of the desk and tried to imagine it was Adonis. She felt like he was taking a peace of her away every time he rammed into her. God forgive me she thought in her head. She just grit and bear it because she would do anything for Adonis, she loved him with everything she was.

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