Fowl Play

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Bryson stood at the door patiently waiting. He had sent the text before he even pulled into the driveway for her to unlock the door, but here he was ringing the doorbell anyway. "Hey Big Boy" Kisha said as she cheerfully threw herself into his arms. "Damn, it's about time." He put one arm around her and leaned down to give her a partial hug. "Well who pissed in your cheerios?" She asked noticing the frown on his face. "Yo, what's going on? I can smell the alcohol coming out of your pours." He pulled away from her and closed and locked the door. "What? I just had a few drinks to relax after a long week of working hard. You look like you could use one right now." She walled over to the kitchen island where she had multiple bottles of liquor. "Let me guess, you a henny on the rocks kind of man huh?" Bryson nodded his head and sat down on the couch looking around at the mess. "How you know that? My sister big mouth ass told you right?!" She didn't answer him, she just sat next to him handing him the glass and sipping from her own. "Listen I wanted to tell you sorry about the other night, I let Jean talk me into it and I shouldn't have come to your house like that." He rotated the glass swirling the ice around to try and get the liquor cold. "Don't do no foolish shit like that again or you can consider this little friendship over" He stated simply before putting the cup to his mouth and drinking almost half the content. He had a long sleepless night because AB had gotten his shots and was running a fever. Rain had fussed over him so much he wanted to tell her to go in the guest room so he could get some sleep, but he didn't wanna be an asshole. Then he got up early to drop the baby off with Lisa before going to handle some business. It was one of Teegans late days at the office, so he had to pick up the baby and cook dinner. Kisha was lucky he agreed to meet with her, but it had been a while since they chilled and she practically begged him to come. He was cool with it though cause she was normally a person he could relax around. However at the moment, seeing her house dirty made him wanna cut their visit short. She was a single woman so there was no excuse for her house to look like this. Rain always kept their home clean, even when she wasn't feeling well. "You have a little house guest or get together or something?" He asked her as she leaned against the couch and put her legs over his lap. "Nope, why you ask me that?" He raised one eyebrow  "I mean, it look like you did with all this stuff all over the place." There was plates with old food on the coffee table, different shoes all over the floor, sweaters and blazers hung off the couch and chairs. There were empty liquor and soda bottles sitting around, and it looked like she had spilled something like spaghetti sauce on the cream carpet and didn't even bother to get it up. A pile of what he assumed was dirty clothes was piled up by the couch and all he could smell was liquor. "Oh, my bad. Sometimes I get a little busy and get backed up on the house work." He nodded his head "I see." She chuckled. "Here let me get you another one." She said reaching for his glass. "Nah, I'm good. Imma about to head home anyway." He replied handing her glass and moving her legs so he could get up. "No..please just one more." She pouted. "Alright, but just one I need to get home I got another early morning ahead of me." He was already feeling the effects of the drink, which was unusual for him. He been drinking Hennessy since he was a teenager, so he had no problems handling his liquor. Although he was uncomfortable in the messy apartment, one more drink wouldn't kill him. Kisha hopped up happily and clapped her hands. He laughed at her childishness "How many drinks have you had tonight?" He looked down and noticed he was sitting on something so he pulled at the black fabric until he was holding it up in front of him. It was a maxi dress, atleast it didn't stink. He shook his head and tossed it near the pile with the other clothes on the floor. "Here you go love, bottoms up." Kisha said handing the glass. She swallowed hers quickly and then watched him drink only half. She smacked her teeth. "You  know what bottoms up means?" She asked. "Yeah, but I'm not feeling right, I think imma head home." Kisha  sat on his lap and ran her ran over his head down his neck and rested it on his shoulder. "You just determined to leave me. Why? Just chill with me a little bit longer." She pulled the glass from his hand and put it to his mouth. Bryson took another long gulp and then pulled back from the glass. "I'm good on that. I'll stay a bit, but I'm not trying to get drunk." She chuckled and leaned over to put the glass on the coffee table. "I respect it Big Boy. We could just watch this movie and chill." She grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. When the opening credit begin to play she smiled as she noticed Bryson rest his head back on the couch. She put her hand up his shirt and ran it over his peck and six pack. "You so sexy." Kisha guided his hands, she put one on her breast and the other on her ass, absentmindedly he rubbed both and she leaned foward kissing him. She turned her body so she was straddling him and their kiss depended. "Yo, I feel funny or something." She started grinding on him and smiled "That's the first time I heard someone explain it that way." A frown formed on his face "Nah I feel like out of it or something."  Kisha chuckled and tried to kiss him again "Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people." Brysons body felt heavy and he suddenly felt light headed. " put something extra in my drink or something, cause henny don't never have me stuck like this." She stood up and started unbuckling his pants. "You talking to much Big Boy, just enjoy the ride." He wanted to stop her, but everything was getting fuzzy. He mouth felt overly dry so licked his lips. He blinked a few times trying to focus and before he knew it Kisha had his dick in her mouth. "Ohhh fuck, what you doing girl?" His words came out slurred. She massaged his balls and deep throat him causing him to moan. He bit his bottom lip wanting to push her away, but his body felt like led. Kisha popped his dick out her mouth and spit on the tip of his dick before running her tongue up and down his shaft. "Shit..Damn girl." Bryson mumbled. She closed her fist tightly over him and started jerking him with one hand while she removed her shorts with the other. Once she was in position she inserted him inside her sitting on him. "Ohhhh....yesss Big Boy" She whined as she began slowly winding her hips. Bryson eyes popped wide open and his facial expression looked like he wanted to cry. "I been waiting for this for so long mmmm." She mumbled to him leaning foward kissing his lips. Bryson trying turning his head quickly so she wouldn't kiss him, but his movements were so slow that her lips landed on the side of his. He leaned his head back against the couch in an attempt to keep her from kissing him again. "What the fuck are you doing?" He said slowly with his speech still slurred. "Come on baby, you know I feel good to you." She moaned popping her ass up and down enjoying the feel of him inside her. She grabbed his hands and put them on her waist. Not caring at all that he immediately let them fall, she knew it was the pill she slipped in his drinks making him too sluggish to hold on to her. "Nah man....this is wrong." He grunted as he felt her speed up. "Fucking bitch, what you do to me." He growled out as he felt himself close to coming. "I just help loosen you up, that's all Big Boy." She put her head back and held on to his shoulders as she rocked her hips. "Ohhh fuckking shit!" Bryson growled as he came. A smile spread across Kisha face when she felt him release inside of her.

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