Outside Drama

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"You know you didn't have to speak to me like that, especially in front of my friends." Khali huffed as she put another load into the washer machine. "You already had the environment uncomfortable, then to go make that comment. It really looked like you were choosing Jeannette side and Regina was pissed. I was trying to keep you out the middle of that drama, but it seemed like you were insisting on being apart of it." Chad grabbed the large laundry basket and followed behind Khali into their bedroom. She kicked off her shoes and unzipped her pants pulling them down. They were her favorite pair, because they fit like a glove. "I was not taking anyone's side. I was just trying to keep them from making a mistake by letting a man come in between them. Their bond is tight and too many females choose men over the friendship they've spent years building." She pulled her shirt off over her head and threw it in the dirty clothes basket with her pants. "Khali...." Chad took a deep breath before continuing. "I understand all that, but that's that woman husband. That ain't just some ninja she fucking and caught feelings for. What if that would've been me Jeannette was fucking cause we were going through a rough patch? Would you be ready to sit down and talk "like family"?" He asked her as he poured the clothes out on the bed and started to sort them. "That would be completely different.." She shook her head and went into the bathroom to turn the shower on. "They have been friends forever, a bond like that can be closer than family because it's one you choose and there's no obligation. Every step of the way is purely from the heart. They shouldn't allow ANY man to come between that." Chad stood in the doorway leaning against the frame. He ran his hand down his face and took a deep breath in. "Tell me why you just disregarded what I asked and repeated the same thing you keep saying? Why don't you just admit that you overstepped. We should've defuse  the situation and made sure Regina went home to protect Jeannette. Your actions put us right in the middle of that drama." Khali closed her eyes as the hot shower ran over her body. She was tired of arguing and her body was tense. She really was starting to regret that she stepped in the middle, because even though she was trying to save a close friendship it had spilled over into her relationship. This was their first real argument as a married couple and she hated that it was all about people that weren't in her household. Even though she had grown to love them like family she was not about to let it drain the good vibes of her marriage. She took a deep breath in and exhaled "Your right bae, I shouldn't have stepped in the middle of that. I don't like arguing with you, especially being as it's not even our issue to begin with." She grabbed the loofah and poured the caress vanilla brown sugar onto it and began scrubbing her body. "Chad smiled and walked to the shower taking the loofah and began gently washing her back. "I understand you love them baby, but let's keep outside drama out from now on ok?!" Khali turned to face her husband. "Ok love" and with that they shared a passionate kiss. As Khali put her hand to Chad's face and deepened the kiss her phone sounded in the bedroom. "Grrrr..." Chad groaned loudly. "Could you check that for me please babe?" She asked taking the loofah back from him. He nodded his head and and rinsed the soap off his hands. "But I'm telling you now, if it's Jeannette or Regina I'm sending them heffas to voice-mail" He sternly stated. She chuckled and continued with her shower routine. It didn't even seem like a minute went by before Chad reappeared in the doorway. "It's Bryson, Teegan went into labor and she's having an emergency operation. He said something about tearing her uterus." He informed her as he handed her towel to her and went to get ready to go. "I'm coming." She said urgently and quickly rinsed the soap off to get out.


Bryson sat in the cold metal chair leaned foward with his head in his hands. Jean was beside him subconsciously rubbing his back. She really didn't know what to say in this situation, because she didn't wanna say it'll be alright. There was a real chance Rain wouldn't make out of surgery alive. All she could do was pray and be there for her brother and Rain family. Although at the moment she wanted to cuss them out for making her brother feel like he did something wrong. If she were in his shoes she probably would've made the same decision and they weren't even there so they had their nerves. They had tried to reach Kandace, but she wasn't answering the phone nor responding to any of their text messages. Malik had came, but he was sitting a few seat over with Rain sister and mother. "ANY word on how the surgery going?" Jean looked up to see Khali standing in front of them with Chad right beside her holding her hand. She smiled at the open love the two showed for each other. "It's just a waiting game I guess." Bryson picked up his head and greeted the two quietly. Tears sprang up in Khali eyes, she hadn't seen her brother this way in a long time. It hurt her to watch him so broken and there was nothing she could do to ease the pain. "Why y'all sitting way over here?" Chad asked looking back at the growing group crowded around Torian and Johanna. "Khali stay here with Bryson for a minute. Chad lemme holla at you other there real quick" Jean said getting up to lead Chad to a low traffic area of the waiting room. "What's wrong? Rai ok?" He asked as soon as he thought they were out of ear shot of Bryson and Khali. "When I got here Johanna and Torian were going at Bryson, talking about how he was wrong for making the decision to allow the doctors to perform the hysterectomy." Chad eyebrows joined and a frown formed on his handsome features. "What? Why would they do that? They said she had tearing in her uterus right? He must've been advised to do that." Nodding her head "That's exactly what I was saying, but apparently they butt hurt, because that means Teegan can't have anymore children. As far as I'm concerned they should be happy he was there,because they weren't and she will live through this surgery." Jean said still keeping a close eye on her brother and sister from across the room. "They should be greatful she was there to make that decision. I love them like family, but they wrong for that. That's why he over there looking like he done lost his best friend?!" Jean just nodded her head again and pursed her lips. "They tripping, I'll talk to them." He responded and turned to walk away. "Nah, Bryson don't want that. I already offered to. He said as long as Rain and his baby ok, nothing and nobody else opinion matters." She grabbed his arm stopping him. Chad just nodded his head and headed back to Khali. He stood by Khali and looked over to the crowd not to far from them. He felt pulled. He didn't want to have to choose sides and if it came to that he would pull back from anyone bringing drama to him and his wife. He had grew up around a bunch had of messy people and he refused to allow his life to be consumed with it. He reached down and rubbed Khali shoulders and she leaned into him taking comfort. "She'll be aright y'all. One thing I know about Teegan Rain is that she's strong and now that she got that baby to live for it'll only get better from here I'm sure of it."

After about another hour of waiting a doctors came into the room. "Family of Kahuna" Since there were so many people he didn't wanna address anyone personally. Bryson was the first to hop up and rush over to him. Johanna and Torian were in the middle of a conversation, but when they saw Bryson approached the doctor they followed quickly. Torian wanted to hear first hand what was going on with her babygirl. Since the doctor recognized Bryson as the one in the delivery with Rain he began updating him about her condition. "The surgery went well, she's in recovery now, but I'd still like to hold off on visitors for now. Her and the baby are rooming together, so the father can come back, but that's it for now." Without so much as a glance Torian or Johanna way Bryson followed behind the doctor leaving the two women speechless.


Damn..how Bryson get on the family bad side, but they was all on board when Adonis ass was in the picture.

Chad and Khali are so cute, I love the way they function as a couple.

Torian and Johanna big mad now, I wonder how things gonna play out when Teegan recovers.

Stay tuned and thanks for reading. As always don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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