Mackin and Relaxing

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"Daddy!" Dutchess yelled excited and ran to Adonis. Chuckling he scooped her up and kissed her, before turning around to close and lock his mother's door. "Little girl, what I tell you about all that running and screaming in my house?" Laura said coming into the living room to greet her son. "Hey, ma. She's just excited to see me." Pushing her lips up and giving her granddaughter the "you know better stare" she opened her arms to embrace her son. "Mhmmm..that's still no excuse. Anyways, what you doing here?! I thought you were going to be you know where with you know who." She said making her way into the kitchen. She didn't want to say that he planned to be in Florida with Rain, so he needed Dutchess to stay with her for the week. "Man, she still tripping ma. I ain't about to be bothered with her nonsense around her fan club all week." He smacked his teeth and put his daughter on stool before taking a seat beside her. "Dutchess why don't you go play in your room and let me and your dad talk" Laura didn't believe in putting kids in "grown folk business" so she wasn't going to talk around her. "But Nana I'm hungry" she pouted and stuck out her bottom lip. "Girl, the food not even done, I'll call when its ready." Dutchess got down and started stumping away "man... she always sending me to my room that's why I don't like coming here." She mumbled. Adonis quickly got up and grabbed her arm turning her to face him "Yo, I know you not talking to my mom slick like that. I'll bust yo little lip open" he threatened her. "No sir" she put her head down and walked down the hallway wiping her tears. "You be letting her get away with way too much." He shook his head as he sat back down. "Boy hush..I got this, I raised you! She only acting like that because you here." Laura turned the eye off under the pot of tomato soup and flipped the grilled cheese sandwich over. "Anyways, you want some or you already ate?" Adonis phone went off and he picked it up reading the text before answering his mom. "Naw I'm good."

Rain 🤯💦: Can we not do this right now. I'm trying to enjoy what's left of my vacation.
Adonis: This exactly what I be talking about. You get around yo fan club and start acting funny.
Rain 🤯💦: 🙄🙄 we'll talk when I get back. Dont be like that.
Adonis: Yeah ok 👌🏾

"Boy, you hear me?" He put the phone down on the counter top and ran his hand down his face. "Yeah, ma. She know I love her, she be acting like she don't ever do anything wrong. Don't ever wanna admit her wrong doings and apologize. I ain't time for that childish shi...stuff." Pulling down two soup bowls and saucers she rinsed them off before filling the bowls with soup and putting the sandwiches on the saucers cutting them into four. "Well, you keep going back to her like you do. If you don't wanna deal with her just leave her alone and let her move on Adonis. You got that girl all kinds of confused." She shook her head and poured half ice tea and half lemonade into the two cups. "Want some?"  She asked Adonis holding up the pitcher of juice. He nodded his head as he picked up his phone sending another text.

Adonis 👅🥰: Make sure you keep that energy when you get back too.

Rain smacked her teeth and put her phone in her waist bag closing the locker. She decided she wasn't gonna respond to his texts or calls for the rest of her trip. He was so negative at times and she wasn't in the mood to be arguing with him. She tied the oversized robe and put her hair into a high messy bun as she joined her friends making they way to the massage tables lined up side by side. "Girl I been dreaming about this right here." Johana voice shook as the masseuse lightly pounded her back. "Mmmm...yes miss, right there." Jeannette coached the lady as she kneaded her lower back. "I'm in heaven" Rain added to the praises as she felt like her body tingling and muscles relaxing. "Yo, I can't tell yall really enjoying. All that talking y'all doing!" Regina lifted her head slightly to screw face them. "Man! I'm saying" Malik agreed with her. Chad just shook his head and chuckled.
After the massage, they went over to get facials, manicures and pedicures. "I would like the massage and just a polish change, because I got my feet and nails done recently." Rain explained to the lady as she ushered her to the chairs. "We'll catch up with y'all later." Malik and Chad said they were headed to the beach. "Oh my bad"  Chad said as he helped the lady catch her balance. He had bumped into her not paying attention on his way out the spa area. "Its ok" the pretty brown skin woman replied removing her hand from his chest. She had put it there to catch herself from falling. "You pretty as hell though" he commented looking her in the eyes. "Thank you" she chuckled and blushed trying to make her way past him. "Ey, let me talk to you  for a minute." He was quick to catch her before she got out of his reach. "Uh always flirting with somebody." They both turned around at  womans voice. She was the same complexion and has similar features as the woman he was holding onto. "Mind yo business heffa" she said with a wide smile. "And who is this man you all over?" She asked with her hands on her hips." Turning back to him her eyes got big cause she didn't get his name yet. "Umm..." letting go of her he extended his hand "Hey, I'm Chad and this is my cousin Malik" She looked him up and down before accepting his hand " Nice to meet you, I'm Kandis" she let go and put her hand back on her hip. "I'm Khali" he turned to look at the pretty woman standing beside him at her soft voice. "Where you ladies rushing to?" Malik spoke up eyeing Khandis as he licked his lips.


I know it's kinda slow right now, but I'm building up to it I just want yall to get a feel for the characters and how they interact with each other.
Anyways....I hope your enjoying, remember to vote, comment and share.
Gimme some feed back guys 😜😜

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