Reroute to Nana's House

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"Mommy come on I'm gonna be late." This was our normal routine every other weekend Dutchess would stay with me with me. Sometimes Adonis would be here and sometimes he wouldn't. Monday morning I would always stop by the coffee shop and get a coffee for me and a hot chocolate and donut for her. If we left out late and she missed her treat I wouldn't hear the end of it all week long. Today Adonis decided to ride with us, which was a first for me. I normally dropped her off and ran errands or met up with my friends, etc... so for him to come is throwing my schedule off completely. "I'm coming babygirl." I slipped on my thigh high timberland boots, grabbed my pastel pink leather jacket, scarf, headband, gloves, and put my phone and keys inside my purse. "All set?" I asked grabbing her hand. I gave her a once over to make sure she had her snow boots, hat, gloves and scarf on before we headed out the door. Adonis set the alarm and locked the door following behind us. "Mommy." I but my lip and blinked "Yes Dutchess" I looked down at her pouty face. "Can we still get our treat? Daddy doesn't like to stop in the morning, because he's always in a big rush." I chuckled and nodded my head "Yes babygirl, were still gonna get out treat." She smiled and squeezed my hand. I opened the door for Dutchess and made sure she strapped herself in before getting into the passenger seat. Adonis was very quiet this morning, so I didn't really what mood he was in. I was just gonna go with his flow. We were in the line at Starbucks and he was placing our order when I got a text. I wondered if i should answer it. If I didn't check to see who it was that would make an even bigger issue than it being the wrong person.

Jean 💇‍♀️❤: Hey Ms Rain! I was just confirming your 12PM appointment today. I sent you a text yesterday, but you never got back to me.

Me: I'm definitely coming! I'm sorry I didn't get back yesterday I was a bit busy.

Jean 💇‍♀️❤:Good, cause I got something for you.

Me: 🤔🤔 what's that?

Jean 💇‍♀️❤: You'll see when you get here.

"Don't spill this in my car, I'm not playing with you little girl." Adonis fussed at Dutchess as he handed her the bag and drink. "Be careful handling that cocoa baby, it's hot you know. You gotta blow it a lot." I rolled my eyes at Adonis. I hated when he was in this type of mood. He didn't care about nobody feelings until he cleared his head. "You don't have to be so mean about it. When I take her...." he rudely interrupted me. "That's her problem now! You and my mom spoil the shit out of that girl. She doesn't know what no mean and she be running all over y'all." I looked back nervously at her while he fussed at me. "I really don't think we should have this conversation right now in front of her." She had her head down and she hadn't even touched her donut, it was just sitting in her hand. "Oh! So now that you got a little title you think you can tell me what's best for my own child?" I just decided to be quiet. I'm not about to argue in front of anybody child, not my own either and the fact that he saying things like that for her to hear will not work out well in the future. "You not gone say shit? Any other time you just gotta throw your two cents in, but when it has to do with MY child you don't care enough to speak up huh?" I shook my head and pulled my lips into my mouth trying not to play into his hand. I just kept glancing back at Dutchess and she had started cry "What the hell you crying for?!" He looked in the rearview mirror when she started sniffling. "Ok, that's enough! It's one thing to take your anger out on me, but I refuse to allow you to let that spill over to that baby. She ain't done nothing wrong! Look at her! You got her crying and feeling bad! She about to start school right now, do you care about how that's going to effect her day?" I reached back and held her hand as she tried to stop herself from crying. "I can't believe you Adonis! Your just a big ass b...." he had heard me call him a bully many times before so he knew what was about to come out my mouth before I even finished the sentence. Dutchess gasped and it got quiet for a while after he smacked the shut outta me. "And you got big ass balls to talk to me like that in front of my daughter!" I didn't even know to do. I never wanted her to witness this side of him. I couldn't help the tears that began to fall and I covered my face with hands because I didn't want her to see me cry, but I was so angry and embarrassed and sad that it just poured out of me. It was very delayed, but Dutchess finally let out a loud scream and began to cry uncomfortably. "No no baby, don't cry. I'm fine sweetheart. It's ok." I reached back trying to rub her shoulders and calm her down. He had gotten quiet again and I didn't know what to do or say to this baby. If she was truly my daughter there was no way in hell I would let her go to school after witnessing that. "What the fuck is you doing?" Adonis cursed at me, but I completely ignored him and literally climbed in the back seat and held Dutchess in my arms rubbing her back to sooth her. When he pulled into the parking lot, he shut the engine off and we sat there, just listening to Dutchess cry. "I can't tell you what to do with her....your absolutely right....but I really don't think its a good ideal to send her to school like this." I said in between sobs. "Look at your daughter Adonis! She's just a baby." I pleaded with him. He let out a rough growl and started the car back up. About 15 mins later we pulled up to Mrs.Laura house. "Come on Dutches." He reached in the back seat to help her out and she snuggled into me squeezing her arms tighter around me. His nose flared and he bit his lips. I don't know how he expected her to react after what she just did. "I'm running outta patience right now for this." I nodded my head "Dutchess baby, were at Nana's house. Dont you wanna say hi." She looked up at me with tears still streaming from her eyes "Are you gonna come too? I don't want you to stay with Daddy he's gonna whoop you." I took a deep breath and nodded my head "Yeah, I'm gonna come." She finally let me go and grabbed her things . I saw Adonis run his hand down his face and he shook his head. When we got to the door, Dutchess was clinging to me again and Adonis looked remorseful as he pulled out his keys to unlock the door. I ended up carrying babygirl upstairs into the spare bedroom where she slept when she stayed the night here. We went into the bathroom and I helped her wash her face and the stickiness from the donut she had clutched in her hand off. Then I hung her coat on the hook hanging over the closet door and put her bookbag in little cubby where her overnight bag usually went. "Sweetheart why don't you watch tv while I go and talk to your dad ok?" She shook her head and grabbed my leg. "I don't want you to go with daddy, you said you would stay." I took a deep breath and picked her up sitting on her bed. "Listen, Nana's downstairs ok. Were all gonna talk together, I'm sure your dad is really sorry about losing his temper with me and saying all those mean things to us, but I want you to know that I'm not afraid of him ok. He's not gonna hit me again, Nana's not gonna let that happen right?!" She nodded her head. "Ok, you be a good girl and sit and watch tv. I'll come check on you in a little bit alright." She hugged me again then reached up to touch my cheek "Does it hurt?" I pulled her hand away gently "No baby, it really wasn't a very hard hit." I lied. "Well it's turning colors. You should put some more makeup on because your other cheek is turning colors too." I chuckled a bit and helped her get comfortable in the bed handing her the remote once I found a suitable tv show for her to watch. As I was closing the door she turned to me "I love you mommy." I smiled "I love you too babygirl" and I closed the door heading downstairs to deal with this bullshit.

"What the hell is wrong with you! My granddaughter ain't got no business witnessing no shit like that. You can scar that baby for life." I heard his mother saying before I walked into the kitchen. "And you better pray to God that woman can forgive this foolishness, her and Dutchess have so much invested in each other. How you gonna replace her in that child's life if she walks away? Have you thought about that?" I cleared my throat to let my presence be known. Adonis looked at me first and shook his head and put it down. Mrs. Laura covered her mouth with hand and threw the dishrag she was holding on the countertop. "Oh God. How could you do something like.." her face scrunched up like she was gonna cry and she stormed out the kitchen. My face must look worse than I thought. I bit my lip and stood there in the doorway with my hands to my side. "I really didn't know what to do or say at this point. Hell I didn't know what it is that I did to make him so angry with me, I was gone almost two weeks. The very day I get back he proposed to me and hit me all in the same day. Then this bullshit with the mother thing and just seemed like he was knit picking or something to have a reason. "Baby..I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry." He started, but I didn't wanna hear it. There's only so many ways you can apologize and over course of our relationship I'm sure I've heard them all. "Can you just take me home please." I asked quietly, hoping he would just allow me that. "If that's what you want baby." Yeah was guilt and sorrow and all that in his eyes, but I just didn't care to see that. I just wanted to move on. It was clear to me that he wasn't gonna be able to get over whatever issues he was harboring for me and I refused to pay for them this way for the rest of my life. "Imma go say goodbye to your mom real quick." I said making my way to her room without waiting for a response. "Hey" I announced myself while standing in her room doorway. It seemed like she was praying. "Come here baby." I slowly made my way to her as she led me to her bathroom. "Look" she pointed to the mirror, and I was ready to start crying all over. My pretty face was all bruised up and the side of my lip was healed, but it was discolored. "You are too beautiful for this..." she turned me to face her and embraced me "I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I know how it feels to have your heart wrestling with your brain." She was interrupted "She'll be fine mom. It's not like I hit her all the time, my anger just got the best of me is all." Adonis defended himself "Are you serious right now!" She yelled at him I just grabbed his hand and pulled him out the room to get him to go, because I knew where this would lead. She may not know Adonis told me, but I know how hard it was for her to get out of the abusive relationship his father had her in for decades. There was nothing he could say to her that would appease her. I just didn't have the energy. "Please, let's just go. Imma check on Dutchess then I'mma meet you at the car. Dutchess was knocked out. I undressed so she only had her tshirt and panties on and tucked her into bed. After I folded her clothes and set them on top of the cubby I kissed her cheek and went to sit in the car.

Oooh this dude got a problem keeping his hands to himself.
Maybe that why she was so adamant about moving on from him.
Hopefully your not to mad about the way the book itself turning out and hopefully I haven't offended anyone, because any kind of abusive is nothing to laugh about.
As always thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment and share

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