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"I'm telling you Jean, he's all into her. We may see each other here and there, but he spends most of time at home with Rain." Tasha said as she cut the chicken in her slouvaki salad. "Mmmm..." Jean shook her head and drank some of the strawberry lemonade to help wash down her mouthful of salad. "I'm telling you Tasha, yes she does have his attention, but it'll be easy to work your way in there." She took her steak knife and fork and started cutting up the large lobster stuffed mushrooms. "Now my brother if very laid back and not with all the drama or nonsense, and Teegan..." She paused for a second to make sure her words came out right. Tasha knew they were friends and she didn't wanna seem like she was backstabbing. "Well she's a nice enough female, but her life is all drama, it's like it follows the poor girl." She put a piece of the mushroom in her mouth and closed her eyes to savor how it so creamy and melted. "My brothers tired of it, but he's not the type to jungle a bunch of different females" She put another few pieces of mushroom in her mouth and looked at Tasha to respond. Tasha eyebrows creased and a frown formed on her face. "Honey let me just say you sound way more enthusiastic and invested in this happening then your brother. What's the deal? What are you getting out of me and your brother getting together?" Jean message alert chimed, she sighed and pulled her out her purse.

Bri: We're  you able to convince her?

"He's my brother Tasha. I just want him happy, and right now he's blinded Teegan pretty smile. I just honestly wanna see him happy." She told Kisha as she tezt Brianna back.

Me: It's in the works now.

She texted back and put her phone back in her purse. "I guess, but if he's as gone off her as you say and I've seen, how do I get around that?" Tasha  asked taking a large bite of her pita. "Just make yourself available. I'll give him the push he needs. Jean smiled as she went in on her mushrooms again.


"You got me a dog?! Cause I want a baby?! What do I look like a child to you?!" Khali paced back and forth in the livingroom. "You've gotta be kidding me?! This is a joke! I'm being punked right? Where's the camera?" She asked and started looking around like she would find Chad's phone set up somewhere on record. Chad was speechless. He really thought this would be a way to give her something to take care of without loosing his freedom. "Baby, I honestly just thought that..." Khali interrupted him "There's no you telling me you thought this through. It had to be some last minute fly by idea you came up with on your way home from work, cause this is some bullshit. It's like you haven't even been listening to me. You can't pacify me with some damn substitute baby alive toy and thunk that will fulfill my need of motherhood. I just can't with you right now." She stormed off upstairs and slammed the bedroom door as hard as she could. Chad sat on the couch petting the little shih Tzu. "Well my friend, I guess it's back to the pet store with you." He told the dog, holding him up so they were face to face.

Khali stood looking down at the packet of birth control and the bottle of aspirin. It was a blister pack, so all she would do was slit the top with her nail and slide the pill out, which left the package basically intact. All she had to do was carefully make the slit and switch out the medicine. She tried the first one and it worked out perfectly for her. Chad knew she was upset with him so he would give her some time to cool off. "Here we go." She quickly and carefully switched out all the pills and shook the pack a little to be sure they wouldn't just fall out when she picked them up. "Perfect" She said outloud and she replaced the pack in her top drawer. Being a nurse, Khali knew it would take some time for the actual birth control pills to run through her system so figured she would have to do this for about 3 months before she could expect to be pregnant. To be sure that her husband didn't find out about her plan, she would be sure to get really sick in about 3 weeks and have Chad pick up her prescription of antibiotics. The doctors always warned her that antibiotics don't go well with the pill, it somehow dilutes the strength. She stared at the closed drawer and wondered if maybe she had gone to far? Just like it wasn't fair that Chad tell her she couldn't have a baby, was it fair to trick him into having one? She reached out to grab the knob when Chad came through the door with puppy dog eyes, holding the dog he had bought her. It was cute, it was light brown with big purple bow tied around its neck. She shook her head and pet the puppy. "I guess we could keep it, but make no mistake! This is not a substitute child for me." She took the shih tzu from him and cuddled it. "Ewwww" She squealed when it licked her cheek. "I was thinking we could name her Chow" Khali scrunched her nose up and look the dog in the face. "Are you a Chow?" The dog barked and sanked back in her arms. Chad kissed Khali on the opposite cheek the dog did and hugged her from behind. "I'm sorry baby. You know I love you, I just hate to see you upset with me." Khali breathed out heavily and leaned back into him. "I love you too."


"Damn...ain't nothing fitting me no more." Kandace tugged at the jeans, jumping up and down. When that didn't work she put her hand on the thigh area and stretched her leg back and forth, she did that to both sides and finally got them over her hips, but couldn't button them. "This is some straight bullshit! Ain't no way I can't fit my shit." Malik sat in the recliner in her large bedroom and shook his head as he watched her attempt the third pair of jeans. "Listen  man, just throw on some leggings and a top, you just gonna have to go shop for maternity clothes." Kandace put her hands on her hips and faced away from her floor length mirror to address his comment. "There's no way I'm buying some fufu fluffy shit, im.just not that type of girl." Chuckling Malik spoke up again "Oh so crop tops and skin tight jeans is the way you plan to dress your whole life huh?" She scrunched up her face at him and shook her head. " That's not what I mean. I'm just saying if you expect me to be like Teegan all prissy and pink you have another thing coming." Malik eyebrows raised. "I would never expect you to be like Rain." He commented, picturing her in his mind with her soft pinks and her dainty nature. "Of course not! I could never be like the all perfect Rain, with her oh woe is me I'm a damsel in destress save me attitude." She huffed. "Wow, where did that come from. I was just saying I expect you to be you." Kandace felt like he would prefer her to be like Teegan, she flipped her hand at him "Whatever Malik" she gave him mad attitude as she picked out a pair of black leggings and a tan button up shirt.


🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys

What is Jean up to? She claims she just want Bryson happy, but she working with Brianna to tear him and Rain connection. Messy miss🤦🏾‍♀️

What y'all think about Khali plan? I thunk she playing with fire. She has a good relationship why ruin it deceiving a good man?

Kandace seeming a little jealous and Malik seems like he feeling Rain.

Stay tuned.....

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