Out of Pocket

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Brianna side eyed Linda as she watched her coo AB while feeding him his bottle. She had came over to have an early dinner with her, she was trying to build a bond since she knew that was the only way her plan would work. She rubbed her belly and tried to calm her nerves. "I find out the sex of the baby next week. If it's a girl I was thinking of naming her Princess and if it's a boy it would be King. I wanted to name him Adonis Jr, but apparently that name has been spoken for. Linda turned her attention from her grandson to the woman sitting next to her. She slowly rolled her eyes and said a prayer that God would guard her tongue while she prepared to answer Brianna slick remark. "I think those are cute nicknames, but don't you think you should give the baby a strong first name so when they get older they can take pride in it?" She decided to just ignore the remark about Adonis name. Bei pursed her lips, rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "So I suppose Dutchess would've looked on an application?!" She was trying to build a relationship with Linda so her baby wouldn't be without family, but she really got on her nerves. She always had something to say to down her. Linda eyes bugged out her head and her mouth dropped open. She was speechless "Out of respect for my son, I won't say to you what I should. However, I suggest you make your way towards that door." She was fumbling trying to hold onto the baby, the bottle and get up off the couch quickly to show Brianna to the door. The baby began to cry in her arms when the bottle drop. "Shhhh..." She rocked him and pat his bottom softly. "I don't see why tour getting so upset, I was just trying to point out..." Bri began as she stood slowly gathering her jacket and purse. Linda put her hand up "No...the only thing you need to understand is the need to move quickly before I do or say something I may regret later!" Shifting the baby to one arm she walked to the door and opened it. Brianna sucked her teeth as she made her way out. "Whatever." She chuckled as the door slammed almost hitting her. "That bitch!" She stormed down the stairs towards her vehicle.
Linda picked the baby bottle up with one hand cradling AB to her chest with the other and made her way to the kitchen to rinse the bottle off. Once the baby was feeding comfortably she picked up her cell off the charger. She walked into her room and sat on the side of the bed. Looking at AB she could tell after he finished the bottle he would be ready for a nap.
"Hello" Rain answered on the third ring. "Hey, did I wake you? You sound like you were taking a nap." Rai voice sounded raspy on the other end. "Oh, no. We were just relaxing. Everything ok? He being to fussy? You ready for me to come get him?" She smiled as she heard the same concern in Rai voice that she used to when it came to Dutchess. "Girl, naw. He's fine, you know I got him. I was just calling to tell you about that damn girl. I gotta pray God give me more patience with her, because she gone make me slap the black off her little disrespect ass." The bottle made a whistle sound letting her know there was no more milk left. She took it out the babies mouth and put the phone on speaker so she could burp her grandson. Rain chuckled a bit "Oop, she got you cursing?! What happened?" Rain gently moved Bryson arm down off her hip and slid off the bed. She didn't wanna wake him talking to loud and she could tell Linda was upset and needed to vent. "Girl, she had the nerve to ask me if I thought Dutchess name would go good on a job application!" Rains eyebrows creased and she instantly caught an attitude. "What? Why would she say something like that?" She asked as she made her way out of Brysons room. She down the hall to her room and closed the door, so she wouldn't disturb him. "I don't know what would possess her to say some foul crap like that! All I said was she needed to pick better names for that baby than Princess and King." Linda put the baby down on the pillow sleeper she bought for him in the middle of her bed, since he was sleep. She didn't wanna spoil him too much by just holding him the whole time. She reached on her night stand and turned on the baby monitor, and put the receiver in her pocket. Since she wasn't gonna go eat with Brianna anymore, she decided to make something. "I just don't know what he saw in her. Like, how could he claim to be in love with me and then go and conceive a child with a female that acts like her? And the fact that she had already gotten on your bad side before he even got out of jail should've been a red flag for him." Rain shook her head as she pulled a pair of stretch khakis and a powder pink short sleeve blouse out her closet. She laid them on the bed and got a khaki bra and underwear set from her dresser. Even though Linda said she was good with the baby, she wasn't ready for him to spend the night without her. After they got off the phone she planned to shower and head over there to get AB."When I tell you it took everything in me not to knock that child's head off...mmm" Linda said as she pulled a frozen turkey burger and the bag of steak fries from the freezer. She was in no mood to cook so she decided on something quick and easy. "Well unfortunately, thanks to your sons bad judgment you have to deal with this ridiculousness for atleast the next 18 years." Rain sat on the bed and ran her hands through her hair. It had been a minute since she went to the shop. After that uncomfortable dinner when Jean came over she hadn't spoken to her since. There was no one else, other than Johanna that she even trusted in her hair. Rai was very picky when it came to people in her head. "If she knows what's best for her, she better keep my babygirl name out her mouth though." Dutchess had always been a sensitive topic for her, especially now that she was no longer with them. That was the response Linda was expecting from her, she knew it would have to wait until she had the baby, but she would love for Rain to put Brianna in her place. "She just don't know." Linda replied chuckling as she put the pan in the oven. "Hold on ma" Rai took the phone off her ear when she heard a soft knock on the door. "You can come in." When Bryson walked through the door she gave him her undivided attention. "Wazzup?" She asked with a smile. "I thought you left. Had me thinking you was on some hit and run shit." Bryson said as he made his way into her room and sat down on the chair at her vanity. "Ma imma call you back, I'll be there in about an hour and a half." Linda sat down in the recliner in her room.and turned on the tv."Ok, but you know if you got things to take care of there's no rush getting him." Rain smiled "I know, but I'm missing my baby already."  She sat down on the bed and hung up the phone. "So what's on your mind?" She asked Bryson.

Hey guys 🥰😍😘❤️❤️

Thanks for hanging there for my many breaks🤦🏾‍♀️.

Linda seems like a shit starter now. Or you think she just pissed she gotta deal with the sassy nature of Brianna?

Is this a come back for Bryson and Rain?

Only way to find out is to stay tuned. And as always thanks for reading and don't forget to like comment and share

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