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Everyone had finally died down from the excitement at dinner. We were all downstairs, the adults watching "Coming to America" and the kids were playing with the xbox. Adonis has really been touchy feely all night so I was sitting in his lap in the corner seat on the large leather sectional. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a message from Bryson. I pulled my lips into my mouth to keep from smiling and excused myself. I didn't want anyone to eavesdrop on my conversation so I went all the way upstairs into my old bedroom and closed and locked the door.

Bryson 🤩: Hey beautiful!

Even though I read the text on my way up here it still made smile reading it again.

Me: Hey, I didn't expect to hear from you this soon.

I was just walking around the room reminiscing about the things I saw.

Bryson 🤩: Haven't been able to get you off my mind 😔

After reading his text I dialed his number while laughing. He answered on the second ring "Beautiful" I smiled and continued laughing. "You are too much" I know he could tell I was cheesing so I tried sucking in my lips to to relax my face. "I thought I was just enough for you?" I shook my head "Cornball" I said. I just couldn't stop smiling. "Nah, but for real I got a few things to handle up there in two weeks so I was wondering if me coming next week to see you smile would be too much?" I licked my lips, and dropped my head looking at the ring Adonis had just given me. "You still there?" Bryson brought me out my thoughts with his smooth deep voice. "Uh yeah" he chuckled a bit "Yeah you still there or yeah you cool with me coming to see you?" I  was about to lay back on my bed when someone tried to open the door. When they realized it was locked they started knocking. "Sure, but listen, let me call you back." I pressed the end key and pushed the phone in my pocket  as got up to unlock the door. "Why you in here with the door locked?" Jojo asked as she pushed her way past me. "Minding my business!" I laughed loudly "Oh, do tell. Inquiring minds wanna know!" I was startled by Adonis voice as he leaned lazily against the wall opposite my door. My eyes bucked out my head and Jojo started fake coughing trying to cover up her laugh. I looked at her like she was crazy. Did this little girl just set me up? "I'm gonna go so you guys can talk?" She put her head down and was about to me to go back downstairs. "Did you bring him up here?" I grabbed her arm to stop her. Scrunching her eyebrows together she looked me in my eye "He was already here when I came, I thought you guys were having some sort of lover's quell" nodding my head I let her arm go. "You good?" Sighing I gave her a half smile "We'll be down in a minute." Adonis waited until she was out of view down the stairs before he charged into the room. After closing the door back and locking it he looked me square in my face with a mean mug. "Who were you talking to?" My heart started pounding and my breath picked up. I just put my head down and intertwined my fingers. That brought my attention again to the new ring on my hand and it made me feel a little guilty, so I dropped my arms to my side. I looked up just in time to see him nodd his head and grabbed me roughly by my arms and slammed me into the wall. "Don't fucking play with me Rain! You literally just said you would marry me not even 4 hours ago and you on the phone laughing with some nigga while were still celebrating?" I scrunched up my face at the pain of his fingers digging into my arms  and the ringing woozy feeling I got (I guess from the impact of my head hitting the wall). "Ahh" was all I could manage as I blinked a few times and tried to grab his arms to get him to loose his hold. He leaned in real close and whispered in my ear "But that's not what you were doing right?!" It was a question I think, but he definitely had a answer in mind and I was gonna give him the answer he wanted. "No" I said quietly while shaking my head. Finally letting go of my arms he grabbed my collar and backhanded the shit out of me. "You thought last time was bad?! Fucking play with me if you want to." I put my hand to my face where he slapped me and tried to rub the sting away. I turned to him with fire in my eyes, my nostrils were flaring, I was breathing fast and I could hear my heart pounding in my ear. I balled up my fist to the point that you could hear my knuckles crack "You sure that's what you wanna do?" He raised one eyebrow and questioned. He didn't seemed the least concerned. He didn't even get in a position where he could better protect himself. He just stood there looking bored. I looked into his eyes and the rage challenge there caused me to slowly calm myself. I just shook my head and walked into my bathroom. I could feel my jaw swelling and the right side of my lip was throbbing. At first when I approached the mirror I had my head down and rinsed my mouth out with cold water. Taking a deep breath I looked at my reflection and the tears just started flowing. "Look at this shit!" My came out choked as I sobbed. He stood in the door and I could see the muscles working his jaw as he clenched his teeth. "Half my damn family is downstairs and you pick now to let your anger get the best of you!" He let out what sound like growl pinched the bridge of his nose and put his head down. "How the fuck are we gonna explain this?" I pulled my thick cardigan off and looked at my arms and saw bruises in the shape of his hands on both arms. "Fuck it!  You know what, you explain it.!" I attempted to storm past him but he gripped my arm. "Chill out yo! Come here." This dude had the nerve to try to pull me into his arms and hold me.

I didn't mean to do her like that, but she always pushing me. How the fuck she gone sit in here and talk to some other dude while we celebrating our engagement? She got shit twisted if she thinks I'm just gonna let that shit slide. I tried to hold her and calm her down, but she kept trying to push me away. "Rain, I know, I know I fucked up, but just calm down and let's talk about this." I heard a knock at the door. "Yo!" I responded without opening it. "Daddy, everyone's looking for My Lady. Is she in there with you?" Dutchess soft voice came through the door. "Yeah babygirl, hold up,we'll be down in a minute." It got quite then I heard her jumping down the stairs. I shook my head. Normally I would've put my foot in her ass because she know better than to be running and jumping in Ma house, but right now I had to think of how I was gonna take care of this situation. While I was talking to Dutchess Rain pulled away from me and sat on her bed. I just looked at her for a minute with her head in her hands. Damn, her arms were arms were bruising bad. I felt bad for hurting her, but she know she be on some foul shit sometimes. You dont do a man like that, especially when he trying to make shit right. If I was any other dude she would've definitely been lumped up for real, but I got a soft spot for her she'll never understand. I sat down next to her and pulled her into my lap and I could feel her body shaking and my shirt was getting a little wet from her crying.
I don't know how long we sat like that, but after awhile she got quite and I could tell by her soft breathing she fell asleep. I'm just gonna take her to the car like this and tell everybody she was exhausted from her trip and the excitement from today. I laid her on her bed while I went in the bathroom and g ou t the cardigan she dropped on the floor. Then I slowly put it on her which woke her up a lil bit. "You good, go back to sleep, imma take you home" I told her and picked her up bridal style. When I got to the bottom of the stairs ma was coming my way. "Awww...she was tired huh?!" I just nodded my head and went towards the front door. I didn't want her looking to close cause I forgot which side of her face was swollen. "Imma go ahead and just take  her home, tomorrow is her last vacation day so she can sleep in and I'll bring her back to get her car." She nodded in agreement "Hold on let me get her coat for you. It's cold out there." I sighed, but I wasn't about to go against that cause that's just how she is. Its easier to go along with what she says is best. She draped the coat over her and I leaned back a bit cause she got close to her face like she wanted to kiss her or something. "Ma can you tell Dutchess it's time to go I gotta get her to the car she getting a lil heavy." She chuckled a bit at my comment. "Sure baby, I'll send her right out." And with that I hurried to the car before anybody else could interrupt me. I ain't gone lie, Rain ain't really a big girl, but trying to get my keys out my pocket and hold her up I almost dropped her ass, but I caught my balance. Putting her in the front seat I strapped her in and started the car up. I was about to head back to the house to tell Dutchess to hurry up but she walked out the door holding Johanna hand. Damn! Just what I need, if her nosy ass come over here trying to wake Rain up she definitely gone see her face. "Come on girl, it's cold out here." I told Dutches and got in the driver seat since Johana was helping her get in the back. I started moving Rain face towards me which woke her up a bit, but I started stroking her cheek and kissing her to keep her looking my way. "Ewww! My niece don't wanna see all that! Y'all take y'all asses home and get some privacy." She laughed and slammed the back door Unneccessary. I would usually have something to say about her comment and slamming my damn door, but I just wanted her to get away from the car so I could go. When she turned around and headed back towards the house I let out a sigh of relief. Now I just gotta get Dutchess to bed without seeing her. Damn! I smacked my teeth and started driving. On my way I got a text

Brianna 💦: Hey Daddy😍 You coming through tonight?

I laughed to myself shaking my head. I ain't even got time to respond to her right now.
By the time I pulled up in Rain parking garage they were both knocked out. Hell yeah. I'm about wake Rain up shit she can walk and carry Dutchess straight to bed. Problem solved.


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