Bum Plans

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Looking at her list of books and supplies she needed from the college supply store was exciting and overwhelming to her. Johanna took a deep breath and decided to just start from the first shelve and work her way around the store until she had marked off everything. As she searched for any books she may need she begin to feel a slow,because it seemed that everyone else was just flying around, grabbing their books and leaving. They must not be new like her she thought to herself and scratched her head in frustration. "Need some help?" She looked up to see the tall chocolate regular from the gym. "Oh lawd" She rolled her eyes and ran her hand down her face. "What? I can't have a beautiful brain to match my body?" He asked her smiling. Johanna burst out laughing loudly and then covered her mouth embarrassed by her own loudness. "Boy, if that wasn't the biggest indication that your so far into yourself ain't no room for anyone else." She shook her head and put her list up to her face to make herself seem busy. "Man..whatever miss last, I just thought you might want a lil assistance finding your books cause you look lost." He gave her a head nod and continued about his way. "Shit!" She pulled the paper down from in front of her face and went to catch up with "chocolate regular". He was already in line by the time she reached him. "My bad, I can be a bit outspoken at times, but I could really use the help." She admitted with her head slightly bowed and a crooked smile. "Well first off, I'm Justin." He said extending his hand. "I've seen you a few times at the gym, but I guess I was fortunate enough to never make your acquaintance." Her eyes got big and she shook her head. "I'm Johanna, nice to meet you" responded shaking his hand in return. "Mmm...such a beautiful name for a feisty lil lady like you." She smiled big and chuckled.


"Get the fuck outta my office with this foolishness." Geno stood up and smacked the cherry wood desk as hard as he could. Brianna jumped and started walking backwards while she rummaged through her purse blindly for her mase. "You think your the first gold digging shut to come to me with claims of paternity. Little girl you just don't know, your playing with the big boys now. And I highly suggest you get lost and never contact this office or me again." He practically growled at her as he pointed towards the door. Brianna had ended backing up so much her back hit the door and she begin feeling for the knob without turning around. "Is that a threat Geno? Because I don't take kindly to threats, especially coming from men that feel the need to coerce women into uncomfortable sexual relationships." Although she didn't intend to leave yet she cracked the door open a tiny bit, just to be sure she could get away quickly if need be. A broad smile spread across his round face and it showed his perfect pearly white teeth. "You take it as you please, just don't toy with me little Brianna. You have no idea the amount of information I could get my hands on pertaining to you." He shook his head, stood tall and straightened his suite. "Or the amount of damage that could be done, if you persist with this bullshit." Brianna didn't move, she wasn't  backing down, but she wasn't stupid either. "You can threaten all you like, but it still won't change the fact that I'm carrying your child and I will see to it that you pay out your ass for it. If it wasn't for your perverted ass I would've never been in this situation to begin with, you wanted to fuck me and I let you for the Adonis freedom." Nodding his head he smiled again and clapped his hands 3 times. "Oh, we have ourselves a regular mother Teresa on our hands here. You sacrifice your slut ass for the thousandth time to get your scumbag, no good boyfriend, out the clinker. You should be given a nobel prize." His shoulders shook up and down and he put his hand on his stomach as he chuckled. "Fuck you Geno! You know what it is, and the bottom line is no matter what you say I got proof that you couldn't help but to stick your little dick in the good ass pussy the first chance you got. Now you gotta deal with the consequences." He suddenly stood up straight again and stopped laughing, the smile on his face was replaced with a look of disgust. "Don't flatter yourself, I've had better sweetheart, and by the way your pussy stayed wet I'm guaranteed you liked it, but I get it. Go ahead save face, as a matter of fact....save your life and get the fuck outta here. Im not gonna be so pleasant the next time I gotta tell you." She opened the door all the way this time. "This ain't over by far.!" She promised him and walked to the elevators. She took a deep breath and slouched a bit against the wall as the elevator slowly decent. She knew it wasn't gonna be easy, but damn. She almost pissed herself when he slammed his hand on the table, she thought for sure he was gonna put his big ass hands on her the way he was acting. "Ok Bri, pull yourself together. You got one more thing to take care of." She told herself as the elevator came to a stop at the ground level.


Jeannette turned the heat down low and unzipped her coat. She had been sitting in the car the past hour and was starting to get hot. She reached in her cup holder and grabbed the bottle of cream soda Dr.Pepper. she sipped it, without taking her eyes from the display she was watching. Ronald had been off and on at her house for the past week and she needed to be sure for herself this time she knew everything that was going down. He had claimed it was his time with the kids and he didn't wanna bring her in the middle of his messy divorce, so he didn't want her with him. Although the kids knew Jeannette as auntie, he didn't want to confuse them. She had followed him to Chilli's restaurant and watched his interactions with Regina and the kids through the large window. She squinted her eyes when she Ronald put his arm around Regina shoulders. Regina quickly pulled away from him shaking her trying to get him to put his arm down. The kids seemed oblivious to the it and were smiling and laughing. Jeannette took a deep breath and put the car in reverse. She had enough of watching the shameless way Ronald constantly tried to touch Regina and she would fight him off every time. Driving on the way back home she wondered if it mattered that Regina was the one that didn't want to be bothered with him. So they really weren't messing around anymore, but only because she wouldn't give in to him. Would Regina eventually let her walls down and let him in again? She felt ashamed that she was stalking them. She was frustrated by what she saw and all she wanted to do was go home and take a nice relaxing bath with a strong drink. "Welcome to five guys. Can I take your order?" This time around she was gonna pad her stomach so it could help absorb some of the alcohol, cause she didn't want a hangover in the morning. Her job was already stressful enough without feeling shitty to add to it. "Umm...yeah I'll take a double cheeseburger done well with BBQ sauce, onions, lettuce, and pickles, a side of regular fries and a large strawberry spite." She nodded her head as the cashier read back her order.
Jeannette also stopped by the liquor store and bought the biggest bottle of grey goose they had. It ran her about $500, but this was her guilty pleasure. As she juggled the bag with liquor, her food and drink and tried opening the front door she got a txt. She threw the door open and put all the bags down on the couch hurriedly reaching in her pocket to pull out her phone. She hoped it was Ronald telling her he was on the way to her. She could definitely use the stress relief he provided.

Ronald : Hey, I'mma be a little later than expected, so don't wait up 😘.

She slammed the door closed and locked it and slouched down on the couch. "Asshole" She said outloud.

🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys

So theres a lot going on in this chapter.
Seems like Johanna off to new territory. Looks like she met her match, maybe she gonna get more than she bargained for starting up school🤔

Brianna plan doesn't seem to be going as smoothly as she thought. Will she find a way to get the lawyers big money?

Jeannette 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ shame on you girl. You still dealing with your friends husband after being outed and you stalking now?

Stay tuned....
And as always don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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