The Art of Betrayal

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"I'm just done, I'm not angry or sad or none of that. Truth be told I honestly don't have any feelings about it." Regina let out a sigh and took another drink of wine. "I mean this kinda shit been going on for years, at this point its either me getting a side dude or be mature about it and just walk away with my dignity." She stood up and walked to the bar to pour her another glass full. "I guess I should make something to eat before you get "shit faced" on an empty stomach." Jeannette commented, grabbing her own glass walking into the kitchen. Looking down at her phone she sent a text before taking another drink of the sweet wine. "I was just gonna heat up leftovers, that cool with you?" She made sure to say loudly so Regina would hear her from the living room. "I really don't have an appetite, so you don't even have to bother." Regina said sitting in one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

RONALD: I'm working late tonight, so don't wait up.

YEAH YEAH: How long you think she gonna hold out this time? Maybe you should look into getting a little studio apartment, that way when this happens you won't be so inconvenienced.

RONALD: Maybe. I really don't feel like discussing that. I'll see you later.


"Well, I'm about to heat up this fried chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, black-eyed peas and rice and cornbread. Shoot, ain't no dude worth me starving myself." Jeannette told Regina as she made two plates of the leftovers. She already knew even though Gina was saying she ain't have an appetite as soon as she saw her plate she was gonna be trying to get her to share. "Mmmm, well that do sound good. What made you cook that feast? Like what you be doing sitting here at the table talking to yourself while you eat dinner alone every night?" Regina chuckled trying to be funny. Jeannette just shook her head, she wasn't even about to stoop to the level of childish with her at this moment. Especially when she was more than happy with her living conditions. Jeannette chuckled lightly "Listen, I'm fine being by myself. When was the last time you were able to completely focus on just yourself?
Can honestly say you even know who Regina is or what she wants anymore? Because all I ever hear out your mouth is the kids this or Ronald that..." Jeannette grabbed the plate out the microwave, a fork and a few napkins before placing them in front of a now frowning Regina. "I'm a mother, I don't have time for all that, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that a mother's job is never done." She responded harshly and stabbed at the food on her plate. Jeannette shook her head and sat down in the seat next to her. She silently prayed over her food and then took a fork full of the macaroni and cheese. "You know motherhood is not who you are. Yes, it's a role in your life, an important role I do understand, but being a mother doesn't define you just like being a wife doesn't fine you. You were Regina before you chose any of those roles and I think you have lost sight of who that person is." She spoke casually as she enjoyed the food. Regina dropped her fork causing it to clank loudly against the plate and turned in her seat so she was facing Jeannette. She raised one eyebrow and twisted her lips, but before she could respond the doorbell rang. When Jeannette looked up from her plate and saw the look on Regina face she was happy for the interruption. She wasn't in the mood to argue and she could tell by the look on Gina face she was about to start something. Breathing a sigh of relief she hurried to the front door. She didn't need to ask who there because Khali and Chad were coming over to play a game of spades.
She quickly unlocked the door and welcomżed the newly wed couple with hugs and a kiss to the cheek. " Y'all came just in time cause Gina on one and I definitely ain't got it to do" She said shaking her head. "Let me guess her and Ronald are separating?" Khali asked presenting a large glass tupperware pan with peach cobbler empanadas. "Girl y'all women be coming up with stuff to keep me in the gym huh? If these things are half as good as they smell..."
Jeannette chose not to answer the question, because first she didn't want this night to turn into a discussion about Regina and Ronald marriage. She just wanted to play spades, have a drink or two and a few laughs with her friends. Regina was always the kill joy of the group in her opinion. She led the couple into the den as she took another exaggerated whiff of the dessert. Khali chuckled at her "You are fattest skinny person I ever met in my life" Everyone burst out laughing.

"Ok, ok I definitely got a partner tonight!" Chad boasted as he slammed his card on the table to add to the others. "Got em! Y'all set!" Jeannette yelled excitedly. She got up with her drink in hand and began swaying her hips to the beat of the R&B music playing in the background. Regina smacked her teeth and took another gulp of her vodka and cranberry, Khali rolled her eyes as Jeannette and Chad gave each other a high five. He saw that Khali rolled his eyes so he went to her and placed kisses all on her neck and collar bone "aww is my baby a sore looser?" He said as if she was a baby. "Stooop Chad that tickles..." She giggled and tried to squirmed around in her seat. Regina started to say something smart about the public display of affection they the newly weds were sharing until Jeannette phone ringing caught her eye. GINA was flashing across the screen. Her eyebrows creased, how could her phone being saying she calling her when she didn't even know where her phone was at the moment. Normally she would've just told Jeannette her phone was ringing, maybe it was the many drinks she had consumed, but she felt compelled to answer. "Hello" She said loudly. "Gina?" She heard her husband respond and was shocked to silence. She turned her head to where Jeannette was dancing and sipping on her drink not even paying attention to what was going on at the table anymore. "What the fuck you calling this phone for?" Although she was seriously drunk her voice was steady and sound calm. Inside her whole being was vibrating and her head was pounding at the same rate her heart was thumping in her chest. " Why are you answering Yeah...ah ah Jeannette phone?!" The last thing Ronald expected was for Regina to answer that phone. " You gotta be fucking kidding me, that's all you can come up with? Why I answered her phone? Motha...." She didn't even care to finish her sentence she was so angry. Before she could process her own emotions her body had reacted leaving everyone in the house speechless.
Regina blinked rapidly and she shook her head trying to stop the loud ringing she heard in her ears. Khali came into focus and her soft voice finally registered Regina name over and over. Suddenly she became aware that she was struggling against an unknown force restraining her. Jeannette was being held back by Ronald in a similar way that Chad was holding her. She slightly calmed down as the events that just took place came flooding back to her. Jeannette was thrashing around screaming in Ronalds secure hold. Only his hold seemed intimate in a way, he was talking into her ear and had her pulled tightly into his chest with his arms rubbing up and down  her body as he held her back as if he was trying to sooth her at the same time. Chad on the other hand had Regina's arms crossed behind her back and had a tight grip on them while Khali was in front her with her hands on both sides of her cheek urging her back to reality.


Wooowooo! Ok now, another plot twist for you guys. I know it's been awhile so I didn't wanna come back with anything less than drama 😁😁.
Thank you for reading, I hope your enjoying it. Stay tuned....
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