Adonis still relevant

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"Damn this food is good. You put your foot in it deary." Geno said with a mouth full of food. Brianna had made fried chicken, baked macaroni and cheese, baked beans, cabbage and corn bread. "What you thought I couldn't cook?" She asked and mixed her macaroni and cheese and baked beans together on her plate. "Don't let my little compliment go to your head, your no chef." Brianna rolled her eyes and smacked her lips. "Whatever, but the way you slurping it up tells me otherwise." She picked the crispy drumstick up with both hands and took a big bite. "My mouths dry, be sweetheart and fetch me a beer." Since their agreement Geno had made himself at home in her apartment. He was using one of her drawers, had clothes and shoes in her closet, he even had a chair ordered for him to sit in when he was here. A few days ago he came with bags of groceries and drinks he liked. And he had his game console connected to the big screen in the front room. She couldn't really be too upset, because it wasn't just things for himself he brought over. Along with the wads of cash he would give her every time he saw her, he brought jewelry, dresses, shoes, coats, and made sure the kitchen stayed stocked at all times. If it wasn't for the fa t that he was married she would be content with this whole situation. "Here, I'm gonna go get ready in the bedroom." She told him handing him a corona and sauntered upstairs to her room. She took off the stretch pants and tshirt she had on and dug in her lingerie draw for an outfit. She settled on a red and black fishnet bra and panties set and stockings. She slipped on her red bottom pumps and laced them up her calfs. She grabbed the red choker and chain combination and snapped secured it to her neck snuggly. After adding the matching chain cuffs to her wrist she got all fours and held her position waiting patiently for Geno.
Brianna could hear the stairs creeking under the weight of Geno. He stood at the door and licked his lips. She was a pain in his ass, because of the baby she had refused to get rid of, but he had to admit to himself she was definitely arm candy. Other than the pudge from her constant growing belly she had the perfect shape and she fucked him like a pornstar. He quickly made his way to her and grabbed hold of the long chain attached to her neck. She presented her wrists so he could have access to the chains on them as well. He secured them together and tugged causing her to fall at his feet. "I noticed you hadn't eaten much dinner, but don't worry dear I have a mouthful for you." He told her excitedly as he used his free hand to undo his pants and allowed them to drop down to his knees. "May I?" She asked. He nodded his head and smiled as he watched her pull down his drawers and take his dick in her hands. He shuddered at the cold feeling of her fingers, but the temperature quickly changed once she had him in her mouth. He was only semi hard, so it was nothing for her to put it all in her mouth and she teased his balls with the tip of her tongue before slowly pulling her head back to adjust to his sudden growth. "Sss..mmm" Genos eyes rolled and his head dipped back at the sensation. She rotated her neck and bobbed her head back and forth taking him in her mouth fully every time. Once she had his penis as sloppy as she liked it she gripped the base tightly and tugged as she continued to deep throat him. "Aahh...fffuuucckkk yeah." Geno blew out a breath and let his head drop down to watch her as if she were creating a masterpiece of art. "Dammnn..." He groaned as she took a break from deep throating him to pay attention to his balls. She slumped one in her mouth quickly and made a suckling sensation and twirled her tongue around it, then she went to do the same to the next one. Hearing his loud moans made her smile and she dropped his balls to lick and suck up his shaft until she was at the tip. She tongue kissed it and teased it. When she felt his hand fist on her hair she put his whole penis in her mouth and hummed on it. "FUCK Bri!" He let go of her hair, stepped back and tugged hard on the chain. Brianna stood up quickly and trailed behind him. He sat  on the bed and yanked on the chain again. She fell to her knees. "Come sit on it" He demanded and let the chains drop. She crawled up his body and straddled him positioning herself over him. Getting on her tippy toed she slowly decent and watching his facial expression until their pelvis met. Placing her hands on her knees she bounced up and down focusing on the sound of her ass slapping against his thighs. Geno gripped her hips and thrust up into her keeping up with her pace. Brianna closed her eyes and envisioned Adonis. He was gripping her hips and smacking her ass. "That's right baby right this dick." Her pussy pulsed and stomach muscles tightening. She reach her hands around and spread her ass cheeks loving the feel of him reaching deeper into to. Her juices flowed all over his dick as she picked up the pace and leaned foward a bit. She reached his hands and guided them to her ass so her hands were free to rest on his chest and balance herself while she ground her hips. She bit her bottom lip when she felt the tingling sensation and she exploded from her core to her toes. "Oh gosh og gosh..." She hollered out as an orgasm took over.


Lisa smiled and bounced AB up and down on her lap. "You know he could stay with me for the week while you work and then you could pick him up on the weekends. That way you wouldn't have free time to unwind and catch up on all your errands and things you need to take care of." She told Rain. Teegan eyebrows bunched together and she stopped washing dishes to turn and look at Lisa. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm OK with having him everyday. He brings me joy. It's the highlight of my day when he comes charging at me ready for hugs and kisses after a stressful work day." She told her and turned back to washing the dishes. Adonis had that schedule with Dutchess, he would do all his running around during the week while his mother took care of his daughter and then they would be at Teegans house on the weekends. She didn't understand why he needed to have his mom keep her so much, but it wasn't her place to critique his parenting. But she'd damn sure wasn't gonna sit back and be a part time parent to her child. "Oh don't  get me wrong sweetie. I'm not saying you can't handle it, I'm just saying it would be convenient for you. Plus that would give you more time to spend with Bryson. Rain shook her head as she rinsed the sink free of soap and folded the rag neatly on the side. "Bryson loves that boy like his own son, he would have a fit if I agreed to something like that." Lisa gave AB a slice of the apples he was reaching for and watched as he ate it making sure he didn't choke. "Well, not trying to pull rank or anything, but this is my blood grandson and I feel like me spending time with him is more important than his relationship with someone that's not family." Rai huffed and took a deep breath. She could empathize that Lisa was lonely without Adonis and Dutchess, but she was overstepping. However she didn't want to come off rude, but it pissed her off that she would refer to Bryson that way. "Ma, I know we're not married yet, so Bryson technically isn't his father, but we are actually going through the process of Bryson adopting him. In both of our eyes Bryson is his father." She put her hand on hip and leaned on the kitchen island with the other. She was trying to keep from snatching her baby and running out of the house. This woman had her messed up if she thought she was gonna raise her son. "You never told me that. Why would yall do something like that. I mean Adonis is gone, so there's no need to go to that extent. Nobody is contesting  paternal rights. He doesn't have to feel threatened that someone is going to take his place." Lisa said handing another apple slice to the baby. "That's not why he's doing it. He knows all of that. He's doing it, because he loves him so much." Lisa huffed and looked Rain in the eyes "Well it seems to me like he's trying hard to prove himself to you, cause Adonis Jr is way to young to understand any of that." Rai bit her bottom lip and shifted her weight. "He doesn't have to prove anything to anyone. He was there even before I found out I was pregnant. I'm proud to have Bryson as a father for my son. And honestly if you would give him a chance and get to know him, you would understand where I'm coming from." Rai felt like Lisa was always throwing shot when it came to Bryson and AB relationship. "I don't really see the use in that sweetheart. Who you chose to have relationships with is your business, I'm only concerned with how those relationships will interfere with me being able to bond with my grandson." Rain took another deep breath and swallowed hard. She was biting her tongue, because this situation was touchy and she didn't wanna bump heads with Lisa about her son. She knew she was a good grandmother so wanted her to have a place on AB life, but she wasn't gonna stand for her trying to make it seem like Bryson was an outsider or worse a temporary fix for Adonis position. "I would never try to keep him away from you. What would make you say something like that? Bryson has even accepted your role in his life and he never objects to anything concerning you." Lisa lifted one eyebrow and looked into Rais eyes "And what will happen when he decides to?" Teegans nose flared and she ground her teeth to keep from allowing the words to flow from her mouth. "We're gonna head out. Umm...I got a few things to do and I want to make sure dinner is ready when Bryson gets home. I'll talk to you later." She said grabbing AB and gathering her things. "Rain.." Lisa started to talk. "Please...I'm not in the head space for this." She cut her off and headed out the door.
🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys

At this point Brianna just seem like a gold digger. How you comfortable with a man like that?

Lisa really pushing it. The only thing she gonna accomplish is being banned from AB life.

Thanks for reading and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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