Chapter Forty-Four - Ricksy Business

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"Bye Mom, bye Dad!"

"Drive carefully!"

"Hope you have a great time!"

"Have fun, you too."

"Yes, we will have as much fun as possible on our... Titanic-themed getaway." Mom commented cynically on the idea as Dad gave her a disapproving look.

"Let's lose the 'tude, please. It's supposed to be romantic." He said to her as she ignored him and stared at her father.

"Speaking of disasters, Dad, we are leaving you in charge here." That's a mistake, no?

"I know, c-can we wrap this up? Morty and I have some synthetic laser eels oxidizing in the garage."

"Hey, don't blow me off. I'm drawing a line, ok? Any damage to this house or these children when we get back, and... n-no more adventures with Morty." Mom warned Rick with a stern look and hands on her hips.

"Aw geez, Rick. If my mom's the one who's saying it, then you know it's pretty serious this time." Morty said to Rick.

"That's right." Mom said as Dad chimed in.

"Exactly, wait what?" Rick sighed a little at them.

"Listen, you have my word as a caregiver, everything's gonna be fine. And if not, like you say, no more adventures or whatever. It's like that old song, "Blomp blomp-a noop noop a-noop noop noop." Y-you guys know that song? From Tiny Rogerts? You never heard of it? You know, the black effeminate guy from the '50s? No-nobody?... Alright, whatever. Look, who cares? Just go on your stupid trip." Rick told them, my siblings and I exchanged confused glance as our parents glared fiercely at Rick.

"Not. One. Thing. Out of place." Dad said, before him and Mom got in the car and pulled out of the driveway. He then stepped out of the car once more on the street, pointing at us, "Not a single thing." He warned, then hopping back in the car and finally driving off down the street. We watched as the car took a right, disappearing from our view. Unexpectedly, we heard bubbling and crackling noises emanating from the garage behind us. I turned my heard and saw a large hole forming in the center of the garage door, as if someone had splashed acid at it. The hole opened up wide as the eels that Rick talked about escaped through the hole and slithering in the air in all different directions. Then the garage door fell forward, if the hole wasn't made, the garage would've crushed us. We looked down at the garage door as we stood in between the burnt hole as Summer chuckled slightly and I facepalmed, somehow I knew that something would've happened right after our parents left. Had a gut feeling.

"Well, we're past the point of no return. I'm going to have a party!" Summer said, clasping her hands and smiling to  herself. Oh boy. She then walked into the house as she pulled her phone out. I followed her into the  house, going to my room to work on something, maybe homework, my science teacher's been giving me a packet to work on. Morty and Rick stayed outside, possibly trying to catch the eels, who knows?  Maybe that's gonna be their last adventure together since Rick's eels had escaped. I walked into the kitchen as Summer immediately called up one of her friends, talking about the party. Not sure if having a party is a good idea, I mean, what if something else bad happens? Wouldn't it be adding disaster after disaster? I opened the fridge and picked up a sprite can as Summer spoke to her friend on the phone, going through the cupboards.

"I found Jello. Can you sneak you mom's vodka?..." She took the orange flavored Jello and set it on the counter, "Yes, she does. I saw it in your laundry room... Listen you can't both be in denial about it... ok cool... ok bye." She then hung up the  phone as Morty walked in.

"Summer, you can't throw a party! Remember what Mom said?" Morty questioned her, she just rolled her eyes at him in response as she closed the cupboard.

"Yeah, if anything gets messed up, you and grandpa Rick get punished. We're only human beings, Morty. Having a party also would help Jules make friends since she hasn't any."

"Geez, thanks, sis."

"Rick! Tell Summer and Julia they can't have a party!" Morty told Rick as he searched through the fridge.

"I don't want to party-"

"Girls, you can't have a party..." Rick said as he took out a tray of food from the fridge, walking passed us. Summer scoffed and looked away, before Rick got in her face, "Because I'm having a party, biiiiiiiiiitches!"

"What? No, Rick, you can't!" Morty panicked as Summer leaned against the counter, smirking at Rick.

"What do you mean you're having a party? Are some glip glops from the third dimension going to come over to play cards or something?"

""Glip glop?" You're lucky a traflorkian doesn't hear you say that."

"What, is that, like, their n-word?"

"It's like the n-word and the c-word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews." Rick said and took a swig of his flask

"H-hey listen, I think the four of us could just, you know, have a nice time, like- just hanging out and... you know, doing a little bonding and-"

"Screw that, Morty. This is my chance to gain some footing with the cool kids." Summer said pointing at herself as Rick looked at her questioningly.

"That's why you party? Boy, you really are 17."

"And why do you party?"

"To get wri-wriggedy wriggedy WRECKED, SOOON!!" He shouted excitedly as Summer scoffed and shook her finger at him.

"Ugh, whatever. Just keep your sci-fi friends away from my awesome ones."

"Uh, yeah and you keep your awesome friends away from my canapes-uh!" Rick said, preparing the tray of food that he took out a moment ago. I shook my head as Morty looked at me.

"At least I'm not the only one who thinks it's a bad idea." He said.

"I have a good feeling it's a bad idea." I caught a small glare from Rick as Summer rolled her eyes at me.

"Of course you two think that it's gonna be a bad idea, you guys are weirdos. Plus, Jules, you should be excited for the party. Everyone in school thinks you're the weirdest smartest girl in the building. Let's try to get you friends." She said, slightly poking my head. I smiled a little at her, pushing her finger away.

"Ahem, not smart- ahehehehmah!" Rick pretended to cough.

"Bitch, I have friends." I said to her.

"Bitch,  I am your sister and Morty is your little brother. That doesn't count."

"Yes it does." Morty argued. I smiled at him. She just rolled her eyes at him and shook my shoulder.

"This will be good for you, trust me. Maybe you'll meet a boy... or girl."

"Ew." I cringed, not happening.

"Ugh, you two suck... C'mon, it's gonna be fine. Now, I need you to help me with the Jello and the punch. Let's get this shit started!"

Little Concessions (Rick and Morty Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon