Chapter Ten - M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

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"Ok, let go of me please, Jesus!" We were now outside of school on the street. I ripped my hand out of his grasp and rubbed my wrist a little.

"What the hell's going on here? What happened in the class... and why are the both of you naked?!" I asked, looking away as Rick turned to me.

"Oh my god, I am getting over a virus, I have no desire to throw up again!"

"Sh-Shut up and listen to me. Take your clothes off now. Y-y-you gotta trust me."

"No way, man. I'd rather jump in a pile of needles! What the hell happened in class?"

"That wasn't your class, Julia. That-that wasn't even your stupid teacher. This place isn't real. This entire world is not the world. We're inside a huge simulation chamber on an alien spaceship."

"Ok, what the hell are you talking about? This place isn't real? If feels real... almost too real."

"Aw geez, I don't know, Rick, I think y-you might be wrong about this." Morty said to him, holding their clothes, please put them back on.

"Morty, do I have to say it 47 times?"

"Say that you're right about this, I'm not taking my clothes off."

"You have to. These aliens hate nudity, they can't stand it. They won't be able to monitor us if we're naked."

"You and Morty are both naked, I think that's enough nudity. My answer's still no and will be forever. Deal with it."

"Ah, screw it, you're probably right. But I'm right about everything else, as I usually am." Rick said and then took all of his and Morty's clothes from Morty's arms and stuffed them through the nearest sewage drain.

"Whoa, Rick?"

"Hey-hey-hey, Morty! Keep your hands off your ding-dong! Its the only way we can speak freely. Both of you, look around. Do you really think this world is real? You'd have to be an idiot not to notice the sloppy details."

"Dude, I saw what happened in class, I'm already aware of the bullshit." I told him.

"Look. That guy's putting a bun between two hot dogs." Rick pointed at the man by the hot dog stand, eating a bun between two hot dogs.


"I don't know, Rick. I mean, I've seen people do that before." I haven't.

"Look at that old lady. She's-she's walking a cat on a leash." Well, sometimes I see that.

"Uh, Mrs. Spencer does that all the time, Rick."

"Look, I-I-I don't wanna hear about Mrs. Spencer, Morty. She's an idiot! Alright, alright, there!" Rick then pointed at a toaster... a toaster house. A poptart was walking out of it and entering a small toaster car. Come on, if Morty doesn't think that's weird...

"Ok, ok, you got me on that one." Morty said.

"Oh really, Morty? Are you sure you haven't seen that somewhere in real life before?" Rick asked him, smiling.

"No, no. I haven't seen that. I mean, why would a poptart want to live inside a toaster, Rick? I mean, that would be, like, the scariest place for them to live. You know what I mean?"

"You're missing the point, Morty. Why would he drive a smaller toaster with wheels? I mean, does your car look like a smaller version of your house? No." Rick then started to walk down the street.

"So, why are they doing this?" I asked, following him

"W-what do they want?" Morty asked after.

"Well, that would be obvious to you guys if you'd been paying attention." Rick was almost interrupted by an ambulance speeding up behind us, loud sirens and stopping right in front of us. The back doors opened up revealing two EMTs and a man on a gurney.

"We got the president of the United States in here! We need 10cc of concentrated dark matter stat or he'll die!" Rick forcefully closed the doors and strode away, with Morty and me trailing behind.

"Concentrated dark matter? They were asking that in class." Morty said.

"They were pushing for the answer." I said after.

"Yeah, its a special fuel I invented to travel through faster than anybody else. These Zigerions are always trying to scam me out of my secret, but they made a big mistake this time, Morty. They dragged you two into this. Now they're gonna pay!"

"What do you- w-w-what are we gonna do?" Morty asked.

"We're gonna scam the scammers. And we're gonna take them for everything they've got."

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