Chapter Seven - Lawnmower Dog

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"Thank you!" I called out to the cab driver as the rain fell harshly from the sky. Didn't think it was gonna rain so hard. I shut the car door and quickly ran into the house with my hands over my head to prevent the rain from hitting my glasses, I did a poor job at that. I closed the door as I walked in the house and locked it.

"Ugh... if I knew it was gonna be stormy, I would've gotten an umbrella." I said as I took my shoes off and looked over at the clock. 10:52pm. Yeah... I was there way longer than an hour. What a crazy day. I coughed a little and made my way towards my room until I heard mechanical movement coming from upstairs... like heavy robotic movement. Snuffles? I walked up the stairs to find what is making that noise, this feels like I'm in some type of horror video game. Suddenly the movement stopped and I found myself outside of Summer's room... Where I saw Snuffles standing in front of her bed as she slept. I was shocked by the scene. He's not on all fours on the floor, instead he's in this two legged robotic... robot. Thunder was cracking loudly outside, making Summer wake up and notice me by the doorway. I pointed to Snuffles without saying anything, didn't really move my gaze anywhere else really. After tracking the direction of my eyes, she eventually became aware of Snuffles, who was simply standing and gazing at both of us. Instantly, she let out a breathless gasp and abruptly sat upright on her bed.

"Where are my testicles, Summer?" He asked her, sounding a little less than robotic. She didn't say anything to him, she just brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them a little. I slowly walked over to her, not really knowing what else to do. Then he stared at me.

"Where are my testicles, Julia? They were removed. Where have the gone?" He asked me, cocking his head slightly to the right.

"Oh... wow... That-that's an intense line of questioning, Snuffles-"

"Do not call me that!" He shouted as he brought his mechanical fist up and striking Summer's mirror behind him, shattering it, making us scream in fear. This is getting too real.

"Snuffles was my slave name. You shall now call me Snowball, Because my fur is pretty and white."

"Ok, Snowball," Summer started as I sat down next to her when Snowball came closer to us, "just calm down, ok? You're scaring us."

"Scaring you? Tell me, Summer," He started as he stood up on the bed, coming closer to us. Her and I were backing up to the bedframe behind us as he came closer, "if a human was born with stumpy legs, would they breed it with another deformed human and put their children on display like the dachshund?"

"Uhhh..." Summer didn't know what to say, neither did I. Terrified to say the wrong thing, thinking Snuf-Snowball was going to crush us. Out of nowhere, I caught a glimpse of Mom and Dad in the doorway, completely taken aback by what they were witnessing.

"Hey. Oh, wow. Ok, is-is... everything ok in here?" He asked, staring up at Snowball, who wasn't fazed by their presence. Summer and I looked over and shook our heads at them.

"Jerry. Come to rub my face in urine again?" Snowball asked Dad, straightening himself from hovering over us.

"No! We were just... uh, just seeing if Julie and Summer want to... uh..." Dad didn't know what to say.

"Go on, um... one of our famous midnight family walks!" Mom said.

"Yeah!! Totally!"

"Let's go!" Summer and I then quickly got up from the bed and took our parents' hands. Right as we were about to leave the room, we suddenly heard more mechanical sounds, and another dog appeared in front of us. At that moment, Snowball leaped off of Summer's bed.

"You will walk when it is time to walk." We are soooo screwed.

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