Chapter Nine - M. Night Shaym-Aliens!

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I woke up from the sound of someone knocking on my door. I rolled over, coughing a little bit before speaking.

"Come in." I said, a little weakly, still feeling a little sick from the flu that I had for a week. I missed Christmas with my grandparents... on Dad's side. I felt bad for missing but they knew it wasn't my fault. I got the shitty flu at a shitty time. Thank god there was no school for that week. Winter vacation, a week off. Goodie. And now its Summer's turn to get sick, sorry sis. The door opened up a little and Morty poked his head in the room.

"Hey, Jules. How're you feeling?"

"Mm..." I sat up a little on my bed, stretching a little before answering his question.

"A little crappy, but a little better. Better enough to go to school. First period is science, joy... I'm gettin' up. Meet ya in a sec." I pushed my purple blanked off me and got up from the bed. Morty then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. Gonna take some of that day flu medicine to help me. I believe I have recovered from the flu, except for the persistent cough.

I put on my glasses and threw on green slightly baggy jeans and a blue sweater... what Summer would call nerd clothes, went to the bathroom and put my hair up in a bun as I usually do. I picked up my lucky bracelet, which is also my favorite gadget. A horseshoe, a four leaf clover, a star... its not an ordinary bracelet. Morty and I sat at the table, eating cereal. Usually we'd see Mom but I hadn't seen her yet. Maybe went to the horse hospital early. When Morty and I finished our cereal, we placed the dishes in the sink and once we were ready to start the day, we picked up our bags and made our way outside to go to the bus stop. After I closed the door behind us, we noticed Rick in the garage, where he usually is. Working on something, which he usually is.

"T-t-t-this is just sloppy craftmanship." He said to himself, picking up his flask and taking a swig of it. He moved a little to the side and I noticed that he had a dead rat on his table, dissecting it?

"Ew." I whispered, what is he working on now exactly?

"Hey, Rick," Morty greeted him, "Boy, sure is really especially beautiful out there today, huh?"

"Oh yes, Morty. I-it's almost unbelievable, isn't it? Yeah, you know? There's something about the air and just the way the sunshine is."

"You- sure, buddy, yeah. Sure. B-brilliant. Very convincing."

"Wha- convincing?"

"Oh! Responsive, too! In real time. I love it!" Rick said, looking at the sky, smiling. Morty and I looked at each other in confusion.

"Uh... ok." Morty said, and without notice, Mom appeared as if almost out of nowhere with a strange look on her face.

"I'm going to work. Morty, good morning. Julia, good morning. Dad, good morning. I'm going to work. Goodbye." Mom said, in a strange tone of voice. She hopped in the car and drove off, leaving Morty and I in even more confusion than before.

"What's with Mom?" I asked.

"Oh, what's with Mom? So you're saying that she's acting weird? How sophisticated. Careful, guys. You're gonna burn out the CPU with this one." Rick said, talking to the sky again.

"Ok, you know what, Rick? You're acting weird too."

"Whatever, quote-unquote "Morty"."

"Alright, well... I'll see you after school." Morty said, taking a step forward, and walking right into the wall of the garage and falling to the floor.

"Ow! Oof! Ugh! Geez, I'm alright. I'm ok." At that, I couldn't help but laugh a little, than I ended up coughing a little.

"Haha. Karma, jerk." He said, smirking.

"Ahem, shut it. Let's get to the bus. What's up with Rick today? He's weirder than usual."

"He's always weird."


The ride to school was a strange one. The bus was actually at our bus stop already, not picking up any kids. Just parked there with the door open, waiting for us to get on. The students on the bus were talking about the same thing; about the day being very beautiful, great weather... students don't care about that stuff. The morning felt quick, rushed, students quickly grabbed their things from their lockers and ran into their classrooms. I wasn't greeted by any bullies... which is another strange thing because that's usually an every morning thing. I ain't complaining though. My science teacher was saying some random things, writing random things down on his chalk board. He was teaching about the solar system, which seemed strange because I thought that we just started learning microbiology. I looked around the room at the other students, all staring up at the front. I was basically the only one who really wasn't paying attention to the teacher, something felt off in the room.

"Julia!" Mr. Bryan called out, snapping me out of my thoughts, making me jump a little.

"Yes, sir?"

"Exactly, how does a meteor become a meteorite?" He asked, smiling at me. All the students turned their eyes at me.

"Oh, um... It hits the earth's surface." Then students started to clap after my answer, catching me way off guard, this never happens.

"That's exactly right! Good job! The following question is challenging, but how much of the universe consists of dark matter?"

"At least... 27%?"


"Right once again! You are the smartest student I have ever had! Wouldn't it be great if you could come up here and share your extensive knowledge about space with the entire class? Please join us!" Next, the students erupted in applause, cheering for me.

"What the hell?" I said silently, is this a dream? I slowly got up from my seat and made my way up to the front of the class, mildly confused. Mr. Bryan put a hand on my shoulder before speaking again.

"We can learn so much from you, Miss Smith!"

"You can?"

"Sure we can!" A student shouted out from the back.

"Well, what... what do you want to learn?"

"Well," the same student inquired, "Could you enlighten us on the process of creating concentrated dark matter?"

"Oh, concentrated dark matter? Why do you want to know that?"

"Just curious. I bet you know the answer to that." Mr. Bryan said.

"Well, I... maybe... It just seems-"

"It's an excellent question. And you must go on all kinds of adventures in space with Rick."

"Wait, no. I don't go on adventures. I don't go in space with him. This is really weird so..."

"Oh, come on. You must know the answer to that. You're a very intelligent student, despite what Rick may say about you."

"How would you even know? I-it doesn't matter, I don't think-" Then in a blink of an eye, the door swung open, revealing Rick and Morty... naked as fffff

"What the?!" I exclaimed loudly as I quickly looked up.

"Julie, u-uh, come on! There's a family emergency, let's go." Rick then took my hand and went to drag me out of class. Mr. Bryan then stepped forward, grabbing my other hand, pulling me back in the class.

"She's not going anywhere. She's not done with today's lessSSSSSSon." His voice became robotic as my hand escaped his grasp, literally fazing through it.

"The hell is going on?" I asked as a naked Rick pulled me out of class and through the halls, making his way to the exit with Morty by our side.

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