Chapter Three - Pilot

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The bell rang, meaning first period was going to start in three minutes. I took out my text book for my first class which was geometry. I took my headphones off my head and placed them in my locker. I felt ready for the test that will be given to us when we go to class. Unfortunately when I took the rest of what I needed out of my locker and closed it, I heard chatter and laughter behind me. And here... we go. I slowly turned my head, only to be greeted by Tricia Lange and Jason Whitman, and a few others that I've forgotten the names of.

"Hi, Julietta. How are you doing?" One of them asked, blonde hair, pink earrings, chewing on gum with her mouth wide open, oh how much I hate that. I couldn't help my lip curling up a tiny bit in disgust.

"It's Juliella." I corrected her.

"I don't care. You don't even look like a Juliella... you look more like a... a... Timmy, what's a really old and incredibly dumb girl name?" Oh, now I recognize her. She used to be Summer's friend in middle school. Cassie. Forgot why they're not friends now.

"Um... Olga? She looks like an Olga to me." They started to laugh. I rolled my eyes and walked down the halls. Always the same stuff with students like that. I get made fun of for the dumbest shit. Like for my looks, the way that I speak, I can't help having braces on the bottom and tops. I even get picked on for being kept back a grade in middle school, because I was extremely ill for months. I would be a junior right now if it wasn't for whatever that was. My whole school year was ruined. Whatever that sickness was, it really messed me up. We went to doctors and hospitals, they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I was told that I was revived seven times. Doctors didn't want to say that they have given up, but they wanted to send me home, so that I was kept comfortable. Basically telling my parents that there was no hope and I wasn't gonna make it. Somehow I bounced back, Mom and Dad couldn't believe it. They were all so scared. We never talked about that year, Mom would cry whenever it was brought up. After that, I felt... off.

"Okay, students, it's time for class! Gather your belongings, you have 10 seconds, hurry up!" Mrs. Alvarez exclaimed, clapping her hands together while students hurriedly entered their classrooms. A random student walked passed me roughly, making me drop my books on the floor in front of Mrs. Alvarez.

"Pick your books up, Smith. Get in there." I quickly picked my books up and walked into class. I sat down at my desk and set my books and bag down, Students around me in the classroom were being a little loud, laughing and talking about their weekends, talking about what they are going to wear for one of the popular students' Halloween party. Then the bell rang, and first period started. Mrs. Alvarez walked into the room, shouting for students to take their seats and be quiet.

"Alright, students. Take your seats, quiet down, Julietta! Zip it." She pointed at me, I didn't say a word before, I think she knew that.

"I didn't say anything, Mrs. A."

"Yeah, right. Alright, before the test, we'll start with a brief warm-up. I'll be asking questions, and you should respond, but only when I specifically call your name. And no shouting over each other, I have a headache!"

"Then don't shout yourself then." Jason Laurent said next to me, thinking he's incredibly funny. Mrs. Alvarez sent a glare his way, shutting him up, and his friends who were laughing as well.

"I ain't playin', Laurent. I get talked over, you get detention. You got that? That goes for all of you. Ready? Alexis. What is... 800 divided by 200?" She asked Alexis, one of her favorite students... I know this because Mrs. Alvarez knows her mom.

"The answer is... uh, 4?"

"Good. Next... Mike!" I felt someone poking at the back of my head... at first I thought it was just because I put my hair up in a bun the wrong way, maybe it wasn't tight enough. But when I brought my hand back there, I felt the sharp edge of a pencil stab me a little. I turned my head back and noticed Cassie, just smiling at me. Shrugging and pointing at my hair.

"What?" I whispered. She just smiled bigger, shrugging once more and looking at her friend beside her. I then turned my head back to the front.

"Close, Mike. The answer to 30 times 6 is 180. You should've known that. Next..." Times, dividing? I thought we were doing geometric transformations and right-triangle trigonometry? x and y stuff? I then felt another poke at the back of my head. I turned around as Cassie was just pulling back a little.

"What?" I asked once more, perhaps a tiny bit louder.

"Your hair is in the way... so, put it down."

"Leave me alone."

"Smith, what did I say about talking over me?" Alvarez asked me, glaring my way. Literally the only face she knows how to make.

"I was just asking why Cassie was touching my head? Like, its annoying me, and I'd like it to stop."

"Cassie wasn't doing anything. I was watching her the whole time." Cassie let out a high pitched hmph.

"But she is though."

"Smith? You know what... Considering that you're fine with causing interruption in my class, why don't I take the opportunity to pose the questions to you?"

"That's not necessary, I don't mean to interrupt-"

"Oh no no no, I think you do mean to. Do you believe that these questions are not suitable for someone as intelligent as yourself? Do you consider yourself to be more advanced than your peers?

"N-no I don't think that at all."

"Hm. Well, then. Stand up."

"Stand up?"

"Yeah, stand up. Come on, get up, princess."

"Yeah, Olga. Stand." Cassie whispered behind me. I sighed, then did what the teacher said and stood up from my desk. Then she smiled at me.

"Alright, Smith, here's the first question for you. Can you tell me the result of dividing 500 by 25?"

"Its 20."

"Oh, good. Next... 420 times 6?"

"2520." I said, kinda fast actually. I loved math, my favorite subject. However, I never realized I could solve problems in my mind so quickly.

"Huh, yeah. That's right. How about something harder... the square root of..." A student then spoke up, assisting the teacher.

"6889!" At that, some students laughed a little, quietly.

"She'll never get that." One student said.

"Hm. sure, Smith? Square root of 6889?"

"83." The smirk was fading from her face, some students were whispering to each other.

"Um..." She then walked up to her desk and used her calculator. She looked up to me, and nodded.

"Can you tell me... what 90 times 58 is?"

"Its... um... 5,220." She typed in her calculator. Looked at me, then looked down and typed something else.

"Divided by 15?"

"348. Want... want to know the square root?" She bit her lip and turned her head to the clock.

"N-no. We need to start the test now." She then set the calculator down and quickly started to pass papers.

"Julie, you can sit down now. Thank you. The-the questions I have asked of you guys are not going to be on the test. I just asked them just because. Don't rush through it, take your time. And if you finish before others, take the rest of your time reading or doing whatever." Jason turned his head and stared at me.

"How did you know all that?" He asked. I just shrugged at him and looked forward, smiling a little. Kind of shocked myself, I don't think I ever felt this good at school.

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