Chapter Five - Lawnmower Dog

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Summer and I sat on the living room couch, Dad was sitting on his chair watching the coin collecting tv show, literally none of us watch that show but him. He likes the weirdest shit. I guess we all have weird tastes. Our own weird hobbies. When I was younger, I used to collect leaves and bugs. Mom would never allow me to bring the bugs in the house, so I had a tiny station outside. Then at the age of 10, before I got incredibly sick with whatever it was, Mom got me my first violin, to try to get me out of the bug collecting, and it worked. I played and played with it. I loved it, even though I wasn't very good at it at first. I just loved how it felt in my hands and loved how it sounded once I got the hang of it. I was thinking of going on America's Got Talent, playing the violin and dancing around... but the judges scared me and Dad said it would be a bad idea if I went on and lost, it would be humiliating, he said. I bet in another universe, I could've went on a talent show. That'd be so cool. Instead... I made a cool looking masquerade mask, went to the mall, and played next to the pianist who loved it when I would chime in. I was 13 when I played my first original song that I wrote called 'Song of the Caged Bird'. People seemed to love it. Someone recorded me and threw the video on youtube and within a week, that video got 11 million views. Since then, I was writing other songs and making my own beats to them and went to malls and other spots where I could play. I'd never tell anyone this but I'd even go on other planets for a little more inspiration. The planets I'd go on are peaceful, beautiful. No one really bothers me. I am aware that there are places to never go, there's only two I travel too through my portal gun. My portal gun is very similar to Rick's but instead of it being bright green, its purple. And each time I'd use it it does drain a little fast. To this day, I still have no idea how I did all this and didn't get caught by anyone. What's next on my wishlist... working with actual pop singers. Publishing my songs... getting better at dancing, I'm awful. Maybe some day... that'd be neat.

"There's nothing on tv on a Tuesday evening." Dad said to us, hoping to spark up conversation, it is quite quiet in here. Dad was skipping through channels, couldn't find the right show to watch. Summer couldn't care less, she just laid on the couch beside me with her phone in her face... as per usual.

"I thought you liked the coin collecting show?" I ask, looking up at him from my journal. Wasn't writing anything amazing down, just drawing some stuff. I believe my drawing skills aren't particularly strong, but I enjoy engaging in it as a way to occupy myself.

"Nah, I do. Its just the same as last week. A repeat." He said as I noticed Snuffles walk up to him. I think I'm the only one who calls Snuffles Snowball. He looks more Like a ball of snow then whatever a Snuffles is.

"What? Why are you looking at me?" Perfect response to a pet from a parent that didn't really want to take care of one in the first place. Snuffles just stood in front of Dad, staring up at him.

"You want to go outside? Outside?" He then turned off the tv and got up from his comfortable spot, sighing because he has to move. He walked passed us to open the door to the back yard. He pointed as he looked at our dog.

"Outside?" Snuffles just looked at him, not moving, almost not even blinking, just a little clueless. Immediately after Dad took his seat again, Snuffles deliberately made eye contact and urinated on the rug, as if intentional.

"Oh shit."

"Are you kidding me?! Come on!" Dad shouted in aggravation.

"Oh my god." Summer turned her head and saw what just happened. Then turning her head back to her phone.

"W-what's wrong?" Mort asked, running into  the room.

"Your idiot dog!"

"Oh, he-he didn't mean it, Dad. D-did you, Snuffles? You're a good boy!" Morty then knelt down and started to pet and praise the dog, who liked him and wagged his tail like crazy, which only mad Dad more bothered.

"Don't praise him now, Morty! He just peed on the carpet! Bad dog! Bad!" Dad then took Snuffles by the back of his head and shoved his face in his urine. As he did this, Rick walked in almost out of nowhere and grabbed Morty by his arm and pulled him up.

"Morty, come on, I need your help tonight."

"Hey, wait, hold on a second, Rick. You wouldn't by any chance have some sort of crazy science thing you could whip up that might help make this dog a little smarter, would you?"

"I thought the whole point of having a dog was to feel superior, Jerry. If I were you, I wouldn't pull that thread. Come on, Morty." Then Dad grabbed Morty's other arm.

"Listen, Rick. If you're gonna stay here rent-free and use my son for your stupid science, the least you could do is put a little bit of it to use for the family. You make that dog smart or... or Morty's grounded!" Yeah, right. He never grounds anybody.

"Haha!!" Summer laughed.

"Aw, man!" Morty whined. Rick glared at Dad, but giving in.

"Boy, you really got me up against a wall this time, Jerry." He then walked out of the room and to the garage. We heard him working some something, metal slightly clashing, a machine whirring, what does he have in Dad's garage exactly? He then walked out in seconds with some type of helmet and walked back into the living room. He quickly placed it on the dog's head.

"Alright, Ruffles. What's his name?"


"Snuffles, shake." Rick stuck out his hand for Snuffles to shake, and Snuffles shook.

"Roll over." And he rolled over. Wow.

"Go to the bathroom." And to our amazement, our dog walked towards the bathroom. And moment's later, we heard the toilet flush.

"No. Way."

"Holy crap."

"Yeah, you're at the top of your game now, Jerry. Have fun. Come on, Morty." And with that, Rick dragged Morty out of the living room and into the garage. I watched them leave, then looking down at the helmet wearing dog and let out a sigh. Since Rick entered our lives, Morty and I no longer spend as much time together as we did before. This applies to Summer as well. There is no assistance with homework anymore, and we don't discuss our shared interests, we don't go out, which gives me sense of being excluded.

This sucks.

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