Chapter Thirty-Eight - Something Ricked This Way Comes

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Ugh... Morty and I sat on the couch, tired of listening to Dad argue to everyone that Pluto is a planet. He's been going at it on the phone for hours, he's gonna end up having a mental break down. Morty was trying to work on his project while I looked for something on tv to watch while I helped him.

"I told you, I want to file a declaration that Pluto is a planet! Well, my son's going to fail his science class and when that happens, I'm suing you first!" He then angrily hang up the phone and looked at the other side of the room.

"Huh. I think I know what the "A" in NASA stands for." Morty sighed.

"Dad, what's your endgame?"

"Ain't no game, sucka."

"Why don't we just make the solar system with eight planets?" Morty asked.

"Yeah, it's easier." I added as Dad scoffed at us.

"Sure, sure, and why don't we just burn Galileo at the stake for saying the sun is round?! Science isn't always easy." He said to us, before the room began to shake as if there was an earthquake.

"Oh, shit." Suddenly we watched as the items that Morty was using for  his project began to rise up slowly, as did we. We all rose up from the couch and the floor, the place shook a little more. We were freaking out understandably, Dad grabbed both of us in fear, before we all saw a large blue beam crash down and surround us. That was when all of us were sucked up into the air and into an alien spaceship, a god damn UFO. We're screwed!

Next, we arrived on the frigid surface of the spacecraft, where almost complete darkness surrounded us. The ship quickly departed, heading towards our unknown destination. I couldn't really see anything five feet in front of me. I sat up and looked around for my brother and father.

"Dad, Morty? Are you guys here? I can't see anything." I heard breathing other than my own, as well as whimpering that was likely coming from Dad.

"I'm behind you!" I turned around and saw Morty standing behind me, rubbing the  back of his head.

"You ok?"

"I'm fine, just bumped my head on the floor. What's happening?"

"Well... I don't know about you guys and what you might've seen..." I turned around and noticed Dad on the floor hugging his knees, "But... I'm pretty certain that we've been abducted by aliens? I saw the ship so..."

"What?! Absolutely not. It is impossible for us to be on an alien spacecraft!" Dad exclaimed in a state of panic.

"It makes sense, I-I mean, the big beam? We got sucked up in the air and did you see the lights?" Morty asked me, I nodded my head while Dad shook his, still not believing it.

"Ah, kids, please. We're not in a UFO! We can't be. Impossible."

"Dad, haven't you seen the ship just then?" I asked.

"Yeah, didn't you see the flashing colored lights and the bright blue beam surrounding us?" Morty asked, Dad shrugged.

"I had my eyes closed." Morty rolled his eyes as did I.

"Then you can't really say that we're not in a UFO, Dad. You didn't see it." I said, rubbing my forehead a little. I looked around the dark room some more, Morty did the same but we didn't find a thing.

"Where is it even taking us? What's the deal?" I asked.

"I don't know, I can't call Rick or anything. Guess we'll just have to wait and see."

"Not like we got much of a choice." I said to Morty, before the ship shook slightly, making Dad freak out and Morty and I nearly fall.

"Shit, what now?" Dad asked as he crawled over to us. Morty glanced behind us and noticed a source of light illuminating the area, with blinking lights highlighting a large doorframe. Although the door appeared shut, it seemed to suggest that it may soon open. Dad, Morty, and I stood in front of it, not really knowing what's going to happen, or if we should be doing that... or what we're going to see. Suddenly the door slide open, and a walkway was created in front of us. Then we were met by orange and yellow aliens, green eyes. Most carrying a chair on each side, one was sitting on the chair, wearing a crown.

"I'm King Flippy Nips, ruler of Pluto. We discovered you quite by accident during routine surveillance of your world. You really gave it to those guys at NASA!" We all walked down the walk way to meet the alien. The whole place was mostly green and blue, cyan blue, mint green.

"Well, I just... you know, sometimes science is about conviction." Dad said, smiling at the alien.

"I'd like to introduce you to a few people that very much agree with you." The alien king took Dad by the hand and walked him to where ever he was walking to. Morty and I looked at each other before following. He then brought us to some type of balcony, looking below at... millions of aliens. The king then stood in front of the microphone and spoke.

"Plutonians!! Jerry Smith is a scientist from Earth!  Where he's creating a model of our solar system. Jerry, tell Pluto about your decision!" The king allowed Dad to say a few words into the microphone, clearing his throat and appearing both nervous and excited before speaking.

"Um... Pluto is a planet." This caused everyone to cheer and applaud, making Dad stand proudly as he gazed at the vast audience.

"Pluto's a fucking planet, bitch!!" The alien king shouts out. He put his hands on his hips and smiled down, glad to be right about Pluto. Morty and I are confused. Not sure what's going to  happen next.

"Aw, man. This is definitely gonna go to his head." Morty said.

"Absolutely. Straight to his head."


It was only 2 hours since we've been on Pluto, I can't count how many times Dad said that Pluto was a planet, but he was loving it. Got to his head real quick, kept glancing at his kids with a little smirk, saying "told ya so". The Plutonians were more fixated on our father, none of them really talked to us. And uh... Dad's not a damn scientist... but I guess in a way... Dad did need this, he's wrong about mostly everything else that happens, at least he's got a little bit of a win for once.

"We are back on "Good Morning, Pluto." And a very good morning it is for our guest. Earth scientist, Jerry Smith, who's making headlines with his bold announcement that is... what, Jerry." Dad set his mug down and smiled to the camera.

"Pluto is a planet." He says, making the hosts laugh and get excited.

"Well, how about that."

"I love it." Morty and I stared into the tv on set, watching our dad announce that Pluto's a planet... for the thousandth time today, it's only been a couple hours since we've arrived.

"Julia and Morty Smith," We turn our heads only to be met by another alien, the only alien on this planet that we've met that doesn't seem very happy, "I'm Scroopy Noopers. I'm a scientist. Can I show you something?" He asked, his hands were behind his back.

"Um..." Morty and I looked at each other, "We'd better not." Morty said to him, causing the alien to react by pulling out a gun on us.

"Right now." He said, pointing the gun to him then me. I stared at the gun as did Morty, shit. We'd better do what he says.

"Ok, ok. Let's go... Don't shoot us." I said, how did nobody in the studio notice the gun?

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