Chapter Forty-Two - Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind

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"Hey, it's a good thing that space outlet had lab coats and your favorite kind of shirt in stock, huh, Morty?" Rick asked as he looked at a... really pissed off looking Morty looking away from him, offended about the conversation that went on in the restaurant about Rick's brainwaves and Morty's.

"Huh, Morty?" He asked again as he drove closer to the ground of the new planet, the location of the person responsible for hacking his Portal gun.

"Yeah, Rick, I-I heard you the first time. You don't have to keep saying it over and over."

"Man, this place is way off the grid. This guy does not want to be found."

"Yeah well, if he's a Rick, doesn't he just have to stand by a Morty to hide? I mean, I- isn't that what Morty's are? Human cloaking devices?"

"Morty, you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is."

"Is he though? I mean, it sounded like-"

"Mind your stupid business, Julia."

"She doesn't have to, Rick." Morty snapped at Rick and then looking forward and seeing a large dome like building in the center, surrounded by strange spikes in the swamp like planet. As we got closer, we were met by wailing growing louder and louder, noticing the source of the noise, shocking and horrified.

"Oh my god, guys, look!" I exclaimed as we looked over at the people strapped all over the outside of the dome.

"There's a bunch of people strapped all over that building!"

"Not people, Morty... Mortys." Upon further inspection, we noticed that all the individuals were Mortys, naked and screaming in pain as small objects pierced their sides.

"Oh damn, it's so messed up!"

"W-w-w-w-why would somebody do this? It's horrible!"

"Well, one Morty's enough to hide from the bureaucrats, but you get- you get a whole matrix of Mortys and put them in agonizing pain, that creates a pattern that can hide even from other Ricks bullshit. I fiddled with a concept like this once." As Rick parked the police car in the small cave below, we saw that the interior was illuminated in green. Although I wasn't fond of the color, Morty and I were too preoccupied with a mix of fear and anger towards Rick. He saw our expressions and raised his hands slightly in response.

"On paper, kids, on paper!  I wouldn't do this, it's barbaric overkill." Rick said as he got out of the car, next was me as I stretched my legs, "I mean, you could accomplish the same result with, like, five Mortys and a jumper cable." Before Morty got out of the car, he turned his head and fierce glare at Rick, "Which I also wouldn't do! I'm just saying, it's bad craftsmanship." Rick said and then was the first to walk into the cave. Morty growled, fists clenched as he marched after Rick. He was going to explode. I then followed them, getting ready to find the person responsible for all this... and getting prepared for Morty's outburst. When he gets very upset about anything, he gets pretty vocal, loud... rightly so in this case because Rick offended him more than once today, but I don't think this is the appropriate place to do so.

"Y-y-y-you don't care about me at all!" Morty called Rick out loudly through the large tunnel in the cave, met by green lights, slightly musty smell, rusty jail bars and big doors going up and down as we walk through the sensors.

"I'm no different that that jacket you've got on! Y-y-y-you- or your stupid portal gun!"

"Morty, brother, I understand your aggravation but it isn't the place." I tried as Rick belched.

"Listen to your ungenius and untalented sister, Morty. Not the time, not the place, zip it while I close in on the bastard." Rick said, not looking back at his grandson as he continued to go off.

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