Chapter Twenty-Seven - Raising Gazorpazorp

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There's never been a quieter breakfast than this. All of us, excluding Morty, sat at the table and continued to eat our breakfast in silence... awkward silence, except for the thumping and the creaking noises that occurred upstairs. We all knew what was going on. Mom and Dad just stared down at their plates, Dad seemed frustrated. Summer was looking around the table, same as I was, Rick didn't seem like he cared much, just ate his breakfast like any normal breakfast. I swallowed my eggs as I looked up at the kitchen light above us that swung slightly by the movement above. I looked down and Summer cleared her throat, setting her cup of milk down to be the first to speak.

"So, we're just gonna pretend this isn't happening? I'm not saying that's a bad idea, just... asking?" Dad then sighed right after, setting his silverware down and then began to confront his father-in-law about this situation. The noises halted upstairs.

"Ugh, Rick? Why would you let Morty bring that thing into our house?!"

"I don't know, What do you want from me? He thought- he tho- thought it looked cool. You know what I mean." He said with a mouthful of sausage. He swallowed it as Morty descended the stairs and confidently walked over to the kitchen table. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and then took the orange juice from Dad's left side. He then started to chug the carton of juice for seven seconds before setting it back down, wiping his mouth and looking at Dad and Rick.

"Hoo! Alright, back-back... back upstairs!" He said before running back up the stairs, followed by a door slam... and back to business. Dad shook his head and got up from the table, making the chair slightly screech behind him.

"Well, I'm intervening."

"Intervening with puberty?" Mom asked him, setting her fork down and crossing her arms over the table before continuing, "You'll turn him into Ralph Fiennes in "Red Dragon." He's at that age, let's just be proud of him." The movement upstairs stopped again.

"Jesus, did I really set the bar that low?" Summer asked, that was when we heard running footsteps down the stairs, showing a sort of worried Morty.

"Uh oh." I said as I at my last piece of bacon. Everyone looked over at Morty.

"Um, Rick! Could you- you- you come with me please? Q-q-quickly!!" He said before running back upstairs. Rick jump out of his seat and followed behind him. We all looked at each other, not knowing what's gonna happen next.

"Ok... now if we hear squeaking, we intervene."

"Oh my god, you don't think Grandpa Rick and Morty are gonna, like... ew." Summer said, grossed out. Her and I stood up from the table, about to put away our dishes until we heard the squeaking.

"That's it!!" Dad was the first to react, Mom leaped out of her chair and ran in front of him. Summer and I hurriedly followed our parents to find out what's going on with Rick and Morty and the sex doll. Dad tripped a little at the last step and the group had made it to Morty's room... now seeing something different.

"Ok unacceptable!- oh..." Mom stopped herself as we walked into Morty's room, noticing Rick falling on the bed and a flying ball bumped into everything in Morty's room, making weird beeping noises as it did... Wait.

"Whoa, is that the doll?" I asked.

"What is going on?" Dad asked. Suddenly the ball froze in the air and opened the bottom of it. Morty opened his arms as if he was going to catch something. Some pink and dark green goo came out of it... and an alien baby fell into Morty's hands.



"Alright, uh-oh."

"UH-OH? What is that?!" Mom asked her father. Suddenly the ball turned back into the doll and landed on Morty's bed. The baby giggled as it looked around the room, admiring everything.

"Hm, I think Morty's robot was designed for more than long weekends." Rick said, pulling out a tool from his inner coat pocket and sticking it into the doll's ear, shutting it down. It then collapsed on the bed and Rick began to open it up.

"Genetic compiler, incubation chamber... Yup, this here's some kind of baby maker. And that there's half Morty, half who- who knows wh-what? It's my bad, guys I'll take care of it" He said as he took out his gun. This made all of us jump and run in front of Morty and his half alien baby, shouting.

"Whoa whoa nonono, Dad. What do you think you're doing?!" Rick aimed the gun away for a moment.

"Hey listen, you guys quarantined the house when Summer and Julia brought olives back from Mexico. i mean, this thing could grow to the size of Delaware. I mean, it might eat brains and exhale space aids. We gotta be careful."

"I lost the chance to be careful, Rick.I'm a father now! You know? It-it's time for me to be responsible. Isn't that right..."

"No don't name it-"

"Morty Jr."

"Ughhh he named it." Rick then pocketed his gun, glaring down at the two.

"Well, Dad, it's a living thing, and its half human."

"And it was born on American soil, which entitles it to-"

"Jerry, majoring in civics was your mistake. Don't punish us for it."

"Uh... fine. I'm gonna take this thing to my workshop and do a little bit of investigating." Rick said, picking up the doll and walking to the door. He stopped short and looked at Morty.

"Do NOT let that thing out of your sight. Looks harmless now, but it could grow into something dangerous."

"Like the insane clown posse!" Dad said, smiling at Rick as if he would get anything out of it.

"Yeah, good one Jerry. 2003 just called, it want it's easy target back." Rick said, before exiting the room. Morty and Summer looked down at his baby in awe, already getting attached. I guess I am a little, I'm an auntie.

"Aw... he's a little me. You-you don't think he'll turn into a monster... do you?"

"They always do." Mom said to him. Which made his smile falter. Dad then jump to the doorframe and called out Rick.

"Hey, uh, 1995 called! They want their "certain year called wanting its 'blank' back" formula back!"

"No, why... Jerry, why expend the effort?"

"Life is effort and I'll stop when I die!"

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