Chapter Seventeen - Meeseeks and Destroy

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Minutes went by and Rick was now playing poker with Slippery Stair and a few others. He was kicking some ass, had great hands so far, I'm not really that good at card games, I think I would be awful at poker. Sometimes can never keep a straight face, not if my life depended on it.

"Come on, Rick. Quit sk- stalling! What do you got?" Slippery Stair asked him, Rick smiled as he threw down his cards on the table, showing that he had a royal flush.

"Read 'em and weep, fellas." They all groaned as Rick scooped up the chips from the center of the  table. That was when I noticed Morty walking over, looking very uncomfortable, almost as if he was on the verge of tears.

"Oh hey, Morty. Listen, I'm really sorry about all that stuff I said earlier about your adventure. I-I-I'm having a good time, Morty. It's not that bad."

"Let's just go home, ok? I'm calling it. The adventure's over." He said, voice cracking a little. What the hell?  I stood up from the booth and walked over to my brother and Rick.

"We can't leave now, Morty. I'm on fire!"

"Look, I wanna leave now! You win the bet, ok? Just give me the portal gun and let's go, please." Morty said, begging, trying to find Rick's portal gun. As he was doing this, I noticed the same grey bean character walk out of the bathroom... covered in bumps and already forming bruises, covered in some filth. He rubbed his back as he glanced over, I couldn't help but feel very suspicious of this. Something must've happened in there. Otherwise, why would Morty now act like this? Be fine in before leaving for the bathroom and becoming very emotional and not ok after? I looked down and Rick had the same look on his face.

"Please, I just want to go home." Morty then started to cry, which was a little painful for me to see. I don't like to see anyone cry, especially my sister or little brother. I wanted to take him out of here, I could. I've got my portal gun. Finally Rick spoke, making Morty look up at him with teary eyes.

"Listen, Morty.  I just won a bunch of shmeckels. Why don't we use 25 of them to pay Slippery Stair here for a ride back to the village, and then we'll give the rest of the shmeckels to the villagers, huh?" This made Morty give Rick a small broken smile.


"Sure, Morty, yeah. You know, a good adventure needs a good ending. Now, let me play one more game with these guys. If I win, this would beat my record. Then we'll go right away." Rick said, smiling back. Morty sniffled, he then nodded and sat down at our booth. I sat across from him, watching him a little as I also glanced over at the bean guy, who then made his way out of the tavern.

"Are you ok, little brother?" I asked him softly, looking at him closely. He just nodded and didn't look up.

"Y-yeah... I just... stubbed my toe, and walked into a wall in there, and it hurts." He said, matching my tone, quiet, voice quivering slightly. I know what he just said isn't true, but I'm not going to pry.

"Yeah, you are always so clumsy... you don't have to tell me anymore. Here's your bloogie, by the way. It's weird, but it tastes so much like a fruit smoothie. The aftertaste is soothing, even though you're not a big fan of bananas, right..." He didn't look at me, he wouldn't look at me, I don't think he wanted me to see him like that. He looked over at his drink and slowly picked it up by the handle. He took a sip of his bloogie and made a face. I smiled at him, as if he is drinking pure lime juice or something.

"Isn't it amazing?" I asked him, giggling a little bit as he licked his lips a little, making faces as he set the drink down.

"Aw geez..." he wiped his lips  with a napkin, glaring at his drink.

"Hmph, well, I kinda liked it..." I said shrugging.

"Well, of-of course you would, you like intensely fruity and weird things. You're w-weird."

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