Chapter Thirty-Four - Rixty Minutes

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The room was uncomfortably quiet after Rick left, talking about his now new favorite show. Summer and I leaned against the counter opposite of our parents, upset about what we just found out about Mom and Dad. She's more upset than I am, obviously. It's a shitty situation.

"So now what do we do?" Mom asked. Dad sighed and let out a suggestion.

"That show "Ball Fondlers" sounded kind of interesting-"


"WHAT?! They're having fun in there, what do you guys want from me? Every family on this block has to wonder if they're together by choice. Our family just has interdimensional goggles to show us for a fact that we're not."

"Well, I'm leaving!"

"You can't leave, you're 17!"

"Yeah, and I'm not pregnant! I'm gonna have better judgement than you guys had at my age! I'm gonna... move to the southwest and... I don't know, do something with turquoise!" And with that, she stormed off, probably towards her room. I called out for her but she ignored me. Then Mom and Dad started to fight after that. I face palmed and walked into the living room where Morty and Rick were still watching tv. I shook my head and walked towards her room, thinking I should talk to her, or should I leave her alone? She hates it when someone tries to talk to her when she's pissed about anything. I remember trying to talk to her when she was having cramps, she threw her phone at my face. Do I want her to throw something at my face again? Should I leave her alone? Or should I check on her anyway even if she gets pissed. She is my sister, after all. She'll just have to deal with it. I walked up to her door that was closed and knocked.

"Fuck off."

"Summer, it's me?"

"Fuck off."

"Can we talk?"

"Dude, like, no. What does "fuck off" mean?"

"It means you want to talk to your amazing loving sister. Who wants to talk to her other amazing pretty and loving sister..."

"Ugh, no."

"That means yes?"

"Hey." I turned to see Morty walking up to me.

"Hey, M."

"So, Dad just told Rick and I about Summer."

"Yeah, I know. I'm trying to talk to her. She won't let me in."

"Just open the door." He said and turned the knob, opening the door wide for us to walk through.

"Oh, yeah. She doesn't have a lock." I said to myself, shoulda done that a minute ago. We walked in and saw Summer, who was throwing in clothes and makeup and other essentials in a bag, with a pissed off look on her face. She really was truthful about leaving. Shit.

"Uh, hey, uh... y-you doing ok?" I asked her, all she did was look at me for a moment, before getting back to packing.

"You know, I kind of know how you feel, Summer-"

"No you don't, Morty. You're the little brother. You're not the cause of your parents' misery, you're just a symptom of it." This made Morty look away with a sad expression, same with me. Not sure what to say to her to change her mind. Morty than looked out the window, having an idea.

"Can we show you something?"

"Morty, no offense, but a drawing of me you made when you were 8 isn't going to make me feel like less of an accident."

"That out there?" Morty pointed to the two messed up covered holes outside that were next to the shed. I remembered that he was pointing at Rick and himself's buried bodies, from that night we arrived here.

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