Chapter Six - Lawnmower Dog

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"Bring me my slippers." Dad said to Snuffles. Mom got back from work, only to see a now very obedient dog, she wasn't very amused by the scene. She just stood there and had her arms folded over her chest. Snuffles obeyed and brought Dad his slippers. After Rick and Morty left, Dad and Summer were giving Snuffles orders. Summer had her phone out the whole time, smiling, sharing to her friends and Facebook. I have Facebook, but don't have any friends. Just Summer, and Nancy. I don't really use Facebook as much.

"Now, be my footstool, Snuffles." Summer said, bringing her feet up a little for Snuffles to walk up to her. She couldn't help but smile wildly as the dog obeyed her. I'll admit that this is really cool... very cool.

"This is what I'm talking about. This is a dog."Dad said to Mom, smiling proud.

"Oh yeah, this should play out juuust fine."

"You said the same thing, equally sarcastically at our wedding and guess what." I guess he didn't expect Mom to turn to him with a slight attitude, shaking her head an walking out of the room without saying anything. His smile faded, and he looked a little defeated, as he just slouched a little in his chair. Out of nowhere, when Summer lifted her feet from Snuffles' back, our dog suddenly directed his attention towards us and emitted a sound that wasn't exactly a bark, but more like a mixture of howling and whining. This caused Summer to react with a small jump in her seat, filled with excitement.

"Oh my God, he's trying to tell us something! That is so awesome!" She said as she put up her phone again to record him. Snuffles started to howl again.

"Aw," Dad started, sitting up a little straighter, "he's saying 'I love lasagna'." Dad said, Snuffles looked at him, then looking back at Summer and I before howling a little louder than before.

"He's saying 'I love Obama'! So cute. I'm posting this online, like, right now." Summer said and quickly got up to leave the room, Dad also got up from his seat.

"I should call Bob Saget. Is that still a thing?" Then it was just me and Snuffles in the room alone. I looked down at him and he looked up at me. Suddenly he just sighed and walked out of the living room.

"Huh. Wonder what he was actually saying." I said as I looked down at my journal, trying to fix an error with a drawing. Stupid eraser is stale. Can erasers get stale? Eh probably. I then stood up from the couch and went to walk out of the room until I heard from the kitchen, like when you open up a drawer filled with forks and spoons, but something was off about that sound. And nobody was in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, only to see Snuffles walking passed me with something in his mouth. When I looked behind him, I noticed that the drawer filled with batteries was opened all the way, a couple of batteries were rolling on the floor.

"What the..." I walked over and picked up the batteries and put them back in the drawer, when I closed it, I could help but wonder... what was Snuffles doing with batteries?

"Strange." Seconds later, I got a text message from Matthew, the pianist that plays in Harmony Plaza.

--"Hey! Gonna be at the mall
in an hour, have time to play
some music 🎶 🎹 🎻?

Funny, I thought he had other plans for the week. I then started to text back as I heard some noises coming from the garage. Curious.

                  "Hi! I think I'd be able to..
                                 I just need a ride over there.
                                  Same spot outside or in the
mall ?"--


I heard more noises coming from the garage. I decided to investigate, I walked out of the kitchen and when I slowly opened the door, just a little bit so that I could see, I noticed that our dog was... working on his helmet. There were batteries on the floor, he had a screwdriver in his mouth. There was a claw of some sort beside him. I think maybe giving the dog some intelligence was a bad idea. My phone then made a loud PING noise, startling me and causing Snuffles to stop what he was doing and turn his head to the door. I quickly hid behind the wall, don't think he saw me, but he must've noticed the door was open obviously. I walked away from the garage and towards my room, looking down at my phone.

--"Yeah in the mall. cya there!"

I think I oughta get out of here, huh? I walked into my room and picked up my bag. I emptied it so that I could fit my violin in it. I got on the floor after placing my bag on my bed. I looked under my bed and dragged the case containing my violin out from under it. Don't wanna walk out with the case, the violin fits perfectly in my bag, doesn't really get damaged or ruins the bag. I placed my mask in there too. What else do I need? How long will I be in there for? Maybe an hour or two, and I wanted to go shopping anyways for some clothes.

A few minutes later, I was ready to leave. At this time, I saw Summer and Dad in the living room again. Watching tv, or on their phones.

"Hey, Dad, can you give me a ride to the mall? Tara is gonna meet me there, we're gonna go clothes shopping and stuff." I said to him, before he could answer me, Snuffles walked into the room, catching all of our eyes as he did. Summer quickly got up from laying on the couch, staring at him. Snuffles' helmet underwent improvements, and he now had an attachment on his back resembling a scorpion tail, with a larger size than himself.

"Whoa! Hey... buddy. What you got going on there?" Dad asked him. Snuffles turned to face him, sitting down.

"Snuffles fix. Make better. Humans understand Snuffles now?" My jaw dropped as he spoke... in a robotic tone, almost very clearly. Summer whipped out her phone to record him.

"Holy shit."

"That. Is. Awesome!"

"Snuffles want to be understood. Snuffles need to be understood." As he spoke, his claw was moving around a little. This is becoming a little... too much. Dad nervously chuckled before speaking.

"Ok, yeah... I get what Beth was talking about. Fun's over." Dad said and as he got up from his chair, Summer stepped in, basically running up to him, pulling him back a little.

"Whoa, Dad! You can't, like, endow a creature with sentience and then rip it away!"

"Why not?"

"Well, I don't know... its indian giving?" She said as Snuffles got up on the couch and... picked up the remote to change the channel. Now the dog is watching the national discovery channel.

"Uh, Dad? The ride to the mall?" I turned to him once more.

"Oh, u-uh... Yeah, I'll just get the keys and gonna tell your Mom that we're going."

"Ok, I'll meet you outside." I then turned around and walked to the front door, slightly more eager to leave the house. Not only because I don't want to be late... but afraid that this Snuffles situation will get a lot more crazier.

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