Chapter 56: Shade, Havoc, and Rascal

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Error's POV

It wasn't long until the party started to wind down and everyone started to get tired and prepare to leave. By now Lovespoon is asleep in Horror's arms, exhausted from dancing around too much. I'm currently stuck in Reaper's lap as a mix of his joy and his sugar rush from the cake make him clingier to me, snuggling close and sprinkling kisses on my head. Nobody attending the party was surprised by this behavior, but his brother was surprised that he wasn't hyper or getting too crazy after consuming some cake. Which makes a very interesting position for us to say goodbye to any friends who decide it's time to leave. Goth and Palette enjoy their slices while Shino walks around the tables and puts out candles on abandoned tables. I can still see the white outlines of the hiding trio and notice that they've been shaking ever since I sent them the message.

They're nervous about me meeting them? Guess they weren't expecting me to find them...


I glance over, seeing Gaster walk over with fists clenched. Blue steps in front of him with Paps and a frown.

"Excuse me, where's your invite?"Blue asks

"THAT IS THE PROBLEM! I demand to see Sans now and have him explain why I never was told or invited to this!"

"Maybe look at how you're acting now and there's your answer."Blue advises

"Dad, you're not coming in here. Don't make me force you out."Paps says

Blip starts walking over to help but then a portal opens and Romantica steps through, grabbing Gaster by the wrist and twisting it.

"Let's go you. A deal's a deal and you're not making one of my flowers wilt or ruining this wedding."She says, dragging him away

Wow, that just fixed itself.

"Glitchy....What was that yelling about?"Reaper asks, lifting his head off my shoulder and pushing his flower crown off of his eyes.

And of course, my husband coming down from a sugar rush didn't notice any of it.

I chuckle, holding his cheek and kissing his head.

"It's n0tHiNg. JuSt yoUr GaSTEr fAiLiNg mIsErAbLy t0 cRaSh tHe wEdDiNG."

"Oooh...."He says

The gang leaves shortly afterward and Blue leaves before his brother worries about where he is, each of them saying goodbye and congratulating us. So that only left Horror with Farmer and Lovespoon, Palette, our kids, and our brothers. Horror insisted that he'd help me get home even if it meant helping carry the semi-conscious Reaper who refused to let go of me. Then I notice Shino is nowhere in sight.


"ShInO? WhErE aRe YoU?"I ask

"Shino's not here?"Reaper asks, snapping to his senses

He releases me and starts searching around the tables she was fixing but it's unsuccessful. It's a bit odd how quiet it is.

"ShINO?"I shout, glancing around.

"Papa! Some strangers are spying on the party behind these bushes!"She shouts

I glance over, seeing her peeking through the bushes that the three outlines are hidden behind.

"Shino! Don't sneak off like that!"Raven says, picking her up

He glances over and frowns.

"Papa! Dad! She's right!"He says

I go over, having them go to Reaper, and see three skeletons in heavy jackets staring back at me nervously. Well, except the shortest one who looks more annoyed and done with this situation already.

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