Chapter 38: Bliss and Trouble

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Three months later, Error's POV

"LeAvE m3 aLoNe! I aM jUsT l0oKiNg f0r s0m3 f0oD, n0t k1sSeS!"I snap

"Error, my sweet black rose! My eternal, powerful, mysterious love! I'm so happy to see you again! Let me embrace you before we doze!"A voice shouts behind me.

What the heck is this? Is this Reaper a poet or something? Why is the other me into a poetic idiot? Uggh...

"I aM n0t y0uR eRr0r!"I snap

"Of course you are! I have one of your spare cloaks!"He says

I tie him in my strings and he freezes up quickly.

"I aM n0t y0uR eRr0r. We sWapPeD pLaCeS uNdEr tHe d1r3cti0n oF DeStInY."I say

"So that's why he suddenly wanted to see Fate...When will he be back for our date?"He asks

"268 dAyS."I say, checking the timer on my phone

"If you say so."He says, calming down.

He calms down so I release him, walking away. Then something pops up, asking why I didn't go with him. I enter that I'm not interested in him. He's obviously not my Reaper to love. It dings as if I got a question correct. I walk away, finding a meal at last and savoring it.

"So, how is it going with the deal?"A voice asks

"Oh, hEy bLuE."I say, glancing over as he sits beside me.

He smiles at me and I smile back at him. Here, he is the god of life funny enough. I see it as sort of fitting for him in comparison to Life especially when comparing our relationship to the one she has with Reaper. She and Reaper aren't exactly enemies, they just have different views on how to get things done with their positions. The same goes for Blue and I. We're not exactly enemies, we're friendly and can have conflicting views. He's a protector in the eyes of the multiverse and in personality while I am only known to most as a deadly destroyer that threatens everyone. Still, he's a good friend so this is a fitting position for him in this place. He was the first to realize that I wasn't the Error he knew and has been helping guide me about this version of the multiverse. He filled me in on everything, who is what now, and where to go so that I wasn't lost. And he keeps checking in about my deal, looking to help however he can...

....And he also saved me from the call with Reaper where he asked about my deal. He didn't realize it, he just wanted to heal me from the wounds I got but I took the chance to get away from the questions.

"GoInG aS wElL aS iT cAn. It'S mOsTlY jUsT a wAiTiNg gAmE wiTh oCcAsSiOnaL qUesTiOns tO cHeCk mY dEvoTiOn. I'M  oNlY 97 dAyS iNtO thE deAL tHoUgH So i hAvE a LoNg rOaD uNtiL i aM hOmE aGaIn. AbOuT aNoTHEr niNe mOnThS."I say

"Has Reaper caught on yet?"He asks

"I HAd t0 tElL hIm t0daY bEfOrE hE mAdE mE crAsH. He wAnTeD to HuG mE aNd m0r3 i tHiNk. I dUnNo, hE wAs tAlKinG iN rhYmEs liKe a pOeT oR sOmEtHinG."I say

"Yeah, your other self had it bad for poetry. That's basically how Reaper seduced him. That and chocolate. I told you how his feathers are destructive right?"He asks

"YeAH. He sHeDs TheM aS hE flIeS aNd iT kILls aNy sOuL oR dEsTrOyS aNy aReA iT toUchEs, rIgHt?"I reply

He nods.

"He once left a crater outlined in feathers in a random AU with a box of chocolates and a poem taped to it for your other self. A month after that Reaper became his boyfriend."He says

"InTeReStInG..."I say

"How did you get with your Reaper?"He asks

"WeLl iT wAsn't aS gRaNd aS tHAt. AfTeR dEaliNg wiTh iNk aNd a siTuAti0n tHaT mAdE m3 feAr l0s1nG hiM, I c0nf3sSeD aNd tHe rEst wEnT fr0m tHeRe."I say

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now