Chapter 36: Destiny's Deal

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Reaper's POV a few months later

I smile, getting my plans together. Glitchy completed his quota so now I have the perfect window of time to give me an opportunity. Now I can get everything prepared for the biggest surprise of Glitchy's life. I'll make him so happy so that he never has to fear being alone again! He'll never lose us! Oh, to see the joy on his face. To imagine that golden glow on his cheeks...

"Okay, I'm getting things in order for Glitchy. It's going to be a special surprise and that means no snitching to him about it. I'm looking at you, Shino."I say

"WHAT I DO?"She snaps

"You know what. Anyways, what do you kids want to do?"I ask

I smile at them as they eat their breakfast and Shino frowns after being called out. But then she nods, knowing what I mean. She knows everything in this house and sells info for art supplies. It would just take Glitchy to give her more string to craft with for her to snitch on me to him.

"I plan to see Palette. He has been trying to help his uncle mentally recover from the trap."Goth says

Right...Glitchy freed him before the quota was filled...

"I'm going to hang out with friends."Raven says

"And I wanna go see Lovespoon!"Shino says, having her gardening gloves beside her already

I nod.

"Alright, just be careful each of you, and be back by dinner."I say

They nod, quickly getting ready and making portals to their destinations. The portals quickly shut after they say goodbye. I smile, taking out the ring box from where I hid it and open it carefully. In it rests a ring with a golden band and silver or deep blue jewels beside a larger ruby gem that's as red as his expressive eyes. The key colors that bring out the boldest parts of my adorable Glitchy. Surely this would mean more than getting a typical ring. Glitchy isn't the norm...not the kind seated by red, he's special. And he's going to know it soon.

"Just you wait, Glitchy...You'll get more than a simple welcome home..."I chuckle

Little did I know how long I'd have to wait.

Switch to Error's POV

Finally! I made it! I found them! Now it's time for a deal!

I quickly hop across the stones of an unknown purple river and try to use my jacket to shield myself from the rain as I run to the large house ahead of me. It says that it's the home of Destiny, just the person that I'm looking for. I smile wider, knocking firmly at the door. It swings open and I get greeted by finally seeing the supporter that I seek. Their many eyes look down at me as their hands lands on their hips.

"Well if it isn't one of Fate's many victims. You've certainly made a name for yourself haven't you, Destroyer? Your kids certainly have for resisting Fate's control thus far. You certainly have a progressive reputation around here. An astonishing one. Come in, the rain is much too toxic for you." They say

I nod, coming inside and sitting in a seat the size of a mountain compared to me. It's soft and comfortable as I sink into it.

"So? What brings you here? Usually you try to exit as soon as Fate is done with you."I say

"I seEk yOuR hElP iN gEtTiNg mOrE cOnTrOl oVeR mY liFe."I say

"You do realize how serious this request is right? It cannot be given out for every desire or end you seek. So if you're looking for me to rig things so you one day eradicate the multiverse, it's not to be done."

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now