Chapter 19: Baby Girl

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Error's POV

We reach a hospital room and I can hear a baby crying inside. The doctor pushes the door open, allowing us to see Horror lying in a hospital bed with his eye hardly open.

"The newborn had a birth without issue. The real challenge was keeping Mr. Horror stable."The doctor said

"You couldn't have just told us that or led with that? We tried our best isn't a phrase with the best implications."Killer says as Farmer breathes a sigh of relief.

"I apologize."He says before Killer shoves him out and shuts the door.

"I'll start unpacking."Dust says, setting boxes down.

He opens them with Killer opening boxes and they put blankets over Horror as Dust puts a neck pillow behind his head. I see a small crib with little hands reaching out. I smile, leaning over to see an adorable baby lying in it and crying out, reaching towards Horror. She pauses, looking up at me with one red eye twinkling at me with a green outline around it. She has no clothes and is tucked under a thin blanket. I put her in the clothes that I knit in the waiting room and she giggles, smiling up at me as Killer wraps her in a softer, warmer blanket. Farmer glances at her and smiles.

"Hey, Lovespoon. Welcome to the world. You really wanted today to be the day, huh?"He chuckles

She reaches for him and he gently feels her cheek, smiling wider.

"Farm? What happened to your hand?"Horror whispers

"Don't worry about it, Horror. You've dealt with enough. You really should rest."Farmer says, brushing Horror's cheek

"Yep! We're here now!"Killer says

"We'll take care of you now. And we won't let Boss take advantage of you as he plans. We'll keep him away for the next 8 months at least, right Error?"Dust says

I nod.

Lovespoon glances over to Killer and Dust, smiling at them as she tries to reach for them. Killer presents her with a stuffed green penguin sewn with decorative sunflowers and she hugs it. Dust pushes his hood down, admiring the little girl with a smile.

"She's adorable, Horror."He says

"So how long until he can start calling us uncles? OW!"Killer asks, quickly getting smacked by Dust

"Shut up. She was just born!"He snaps

Horror chuckles as the two bicker and Farmer sits beside him, leaning against the bed as he finally relaxes to the point of dozing off. Horror gently kisses his head. He smiles at each of us, seeming tired.

"Can I hold her? They didn't let me hold her yet..."He asks

I nod, lifting her and keeping her swaddled in Killer's blankets. I carefully put her in Horror's arms and she eagerly cuddled into his arms. He smiles at her, kissing her gently on the head.

That's so cute...

Then I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Reaper smiling at me.

"I'm glad that this went well...."He says

"What are you doing here, Reaper?"Killer asks

"I've been in the corner watching. His name was flashing on my list so I got concerned and watched over him. The kids are grabbing snacks from vending machines."He says with a shrug.

"Were you going to collect his soul?"Dust asks

"No, I didn't want to do that. But when a name flashes on my list, it's never good and demands my attention. I supervised things to make sure that wouldn't happen and his name wouldn't fade from my list."He says

Then the kids run in with snacks, smiling at us. Shino hovers beside Horror, feeding him a drink with a straw as Goth gives Lovespoon a bottle to drink from. Raven helps Killer organize the boxes. I notice Reaper gazing at Lovespoon with a grin.

"I'm glad that she made it. She's adorable. Like the album of you as a baby or the kids.~"He says

"HuH?"I say

He shows me a picture he saved of baby me in his cloak reaching for him. My face burns up and he smiles.

"So adorable."He says

"Uggh, Boss keeps blowing up his phone."Dust says, glancing over at Horror's phone buzzing on a table.

Now Horror dozed off with his daughter holding his finger gently. Goth and Shino take their drinks away. I frown, shaking my head.

"I'Ll bE bAcK sOoN."I say, opening a portal

I go through and shut it behind me. Then I slam the door to the castle open, seeing certain tentacles twitch in alarm.

Time to handle a certain octopus...

"NIGHTMAAAARRREEEE!"I shout, preparing my strings

One Fried octopus later...

"Look, Lovespoon! It's your new home! Welcome home, sweetie!"Horror says as he carries Lovespoon into their house.

Killer and Dust carry bags and boxes upstairs to what will be Lovespoon's room. I smile seeing Farmer lean against Horror as they smile happily at their giggling daughter. Shino and Goth prepare the couch with pillows and blankets for an easy seat for them to rest. Horror and Farmer sit on the couch, still cradling Lovespoon. Goth and Shino tuck them in blankets.

"So...Do I wanna know what you did after you left?"Reaper whispers to me

"I jUsT hAnDlEd nIgHtMaRE. DuMbAsS wAs sEt oN gEtTiNg HoRr0r f0r a mIsSiOn aNd wOuLdN'T sToP. He w0n'T bE bOtHeRinG tHe nEw fAmiLy f0r a wHiLe nOw."I say, smiling as the couple coo to their baby girl

He smiles at me, resting his head on his shoulder.

"That's good enough for me."He says

Over the next few weeks, I'd visit with the kids sometimes joining me to check on the new parents. I smile, helping them take care of Lovespoon and doing the things that Horror told me about weeks prior. He wanted to see me bond with see the kids bond with her. He frequently takes pictures of us as we do so. I helped guide them on how to care for her and babyproof the house, keeping her from sharp farm tools as she started to crawl. I also helped make more clothes for her, giggling when she tried to copy me with strings of yarn. She only managed to get herself tangled up in it, giggling happily and glancing at me. She loved getting the attention of Shino, Goth, and Raven. She enjoyed the games they played with her, that being peekaboo or tickling, toying with her hands, or just letting her feel their wings.

But what made Horror very happy was when she started trying to speak. Farmer was Da and Horror was Ma. Shino was Shi, Goth was Go, Raven was RaeRae, and I got named Pa. He ran to me with a smile.

"Error! Error! I just told her that you were coming and guess what she cheered! Listen!"He cheers

"Pa! Pa! G-Pa! G-Pa!"She cheers

I smile, seeing how happy they are with big smiles aimed at me. I guess I did get the name of Grandpa for her.

They're adorable....


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