Chapter 41: Leech Alert

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Error's POV a few weeks later

It wasn't long until my code screens started sounding an alarm that Shattered's trap was broken. I go to investigate, seeing that the plants LovEsPoOn grew to trap him were uprooted and pushed into the walls of my trap. The code knows not to harm her so it probably recognized her code in the plants obeying her power, giving an opening instead of knocking Shattered back. There was even a note left behind. I pick it up carefully as it reads: Get ready, I'm back.~ You ready for more, Error?

I couldn't stop my hand from shaking as it held the note tightly. Last time was living HELL, what's "more" going to be like? And with the time difference between AUs, who knows how far in preparations and scheming he is...He could be coming now....

"See what happens when you get too attached? You end up suffering. You're too attached to that family, to those people, to these AUs and homes. Shattered isn't and he doesn't suffer. You do. You're showing weakness, Error. You're showing fear and got too attached to the pleasure you were given. You were better off in that anti-void where your only weakness was that dumb baby you clung to."

I grit my teeth, knowing better than to argue the being in control of my soul after all the time spent with Fate.

How dare the one responsible insult my family...My children...Goth...Everything that I love...Everyone...I have to find a way to fix this...

"G-Pa? What are you doing here?"Lovespoon asks

I turn to her, seeing her walk over with baskets of carrots. I drop the note, kicking dirt over it. She sees the empty trap and gasps, backing up.

"That leech got out?!"She exclaims, dropping the baskets

"NoT wItHoUt hElP. DoN't wOrRy, I wiLl hAnDlE iT."I say

She frowns, stepping closer and holding my hand.

"You're shaking G-Pa. Take me with you to help. I don't want that freak to hurt you again...I'm not losing you...Mama won't be happy if something happens to you. Mama will cry again and I don't like my family in pain."She says

I sigh, shaking my head as I recollect myself. My hand stops shaking after some concentration. I can't show fear to her. She's scared and will only get more scared if she sees that I am. I have to be strong and protect her...Protect our family.

"BuT hE wiLl bE eVeN mOrE uPsEt iF hE lOsT yOu. YoU'rE hIs bElOvEd cHiLd tHaT hE tRiEs tO pRoTeCt. EvEn iF tHiNgS diD gO riGhT, hE'd pRobAbLy hAvE a sOuL aTtAcK iF hE kNeW yOU wErE iN dAnGeR. AnD hE'd pRoBabLy kiLl mE fOr bRinGiNg yOu. I dOn'T wAnT yOu gEtTiNg hUrT sO jUsT lEt mE fiGuRe sOmEtHinG oUt oKaY?"I tell her

She sighs, nodding. I help her sort her baskets again, leading her back to the house and raising the barrier once she went inside. Farmer waves to me as Horror sleeps on the front porch bench-swing. I wave to him and go through a portal to plan, arriving in my antivoid. I collapse on the bean bag, trying to think.

Then I got it.

I can still protect them if I code barriers around them! But I don't want to trap them forever...They have lives to live...But what if I code the barrier to be around them wherever they go? And it just specifically repels Shattered and any force working with him? Yes, that would work! I already did that for each of the kid's birthdays in case of emergencies when they are in other AUs, I'll just adjust the code to be aware of Shattered and not just "any threat" that I originally had it coded to protect against. So that handles Palette, Goth, Raven, Shino, and Lovespoon. The code screen quickly updates and I grin. I find some gifts to code for Horror, Blue, Farmer, Killer, and Dust. I drop them through portals after coding the protection into them, ready to activate to repel Shattered.

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