Chapter 34: Gather the Kids!

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Meanwhile, Reaper's POV

Oh come on! I glanced away for two minutes! They were just here on the slides and swings before I went to get them ice cream!

Today was supposed to be a simple day. A fun day. I take the kids to the park where they can enjoy themselves and play with other kids. Simple. They were running around enjoying themselves when I heard the ice cream truck. I go to get them some treats from the truck and return to find them gone. Nowhere in sight and not responding to my calls or shouting.

Uugggh, and I can't call Glitchy! He will panic or KILL ME! He is training with Lovespoon again today!

Then my phone rings and I see that it's Life. That's odd. Usually she sends letters or scrolls. Phone calls aren't really her thing since...bringer of life, lives in a garden and all that...Still, I'll answer.

"Sans, I apologize to be reaching out to you like this but it seems Gaster has spread his intellectual stupidity again. He has caused some trouble by telling the other gods about your family and your bond with Error. Your four children were taken to be tested in a maze made by the gods to see the extent of their powers. The culprits left to watch them and I'm going to scold them shortly. I sincerely apologize to inform you of this but it will be fixed shortly and I will escort your children back to you."She explains to me

I groan, shaking my head. I knew I had a bad feeling. And OF COURSE it's caused by Gaster....

"Wait, four? I only have three kids."I say

"They also took your sweet little granddaughter. Her name is Lovespoon, right? She is quite skilled at making pumpkins with flowers. It's quite an interesting skill..."She says

"Wait....Glitchy was supposed to be training her today...."I mutter

"He doesn't know that the kids were taken, I assure you. You would've been called here to collect some souls if that were the case."She says

"What do you mean?"I ask

"They also decided to take your boyfriend since they had concerns about your relationship. They mentioned the kids and he threatened to kill them if they tried anything. He didn't know that they already did so they fled from him. He is currently with Romantica as far as I know. Come meet me in the garden so that we can fix this quickly."She says, hanging up

I shake my head, then chuckle. She sounded really annoyed on the call and if she's really going to scold the other gods...They're in for a lot. You don't want to deal with an angry goddess of Life.

I meet her in her garden and she sighs with relief, waving to me as I hover above the grass to avoid killing it. What kind of manners would I have to kill her garden when she's helping me? But before we can discuss things further, a code portal appears and Shino walks through with her clothes covered in mud and dirt. She glances at both of us and smiles, hugging me close quickly.

"It worked! It worked! I did it! Hi, Dad!"She cheers

"Little did you get out?"Life asks

"They prepared for a daughter of Death with well...deadly abilities. They didn't expect a coder and didn't realize just how weak their security was. Now that I know we can get out, I'll try locating the other three."She says

Then the ground starts to rumble, even alarming Life as I see the shock on her face. I watch as Lovespoon sprouts up from the ground and she steps out of the hole as a pumpkin grows in her place. She looks dirty and exhausted, shakily glancing around at us.

"I think those idiots expected me to be like G-Pa or The Destroyer as they called him...Instead of a farmer and lumberjack's daughter. Now...I feel pretty tired....Can I...?"She says before passing out.

Shino catches her and holds her gently as she sleeps peacefully. Her escape must've drained her. I smile, glad that the gods underestimated them and that they're back safely.

"Can we go home to make sure she's ok? I'll get my brothers next."Shino says

"I'll go scold those fools."Life says

I nod, taking Shino home with Lovespoon. After putting her in bed, Shino goes to find her brothers in the maze. She returns shortly afterward and grins with her brothers. I smile, then help clean each of them up. 

I hear the front door open the kids each take a chance to sleep. I head down the steps and find Error coming in with a grin and cheerful hum. I've never heard him hum so happily before. And all he holds is a rose that he brushes gently with a fond look. 

"Glitchy? What are you up to?"I ask

He quickly tucks his rose away, his face burning.

"HaD t0 aDjuSt a fEw tHiNgS fOr trAiNiNg LoVeSpOoN. AnD sOmE gOdS nEeDeD a wArNiNg."He says

I fly closer to him with a grin.

"And the rose?"I ask

"A sYmBoL fRoM rOmAnTiCa. HoW wAs th3 paRk wiTh tHe k1dS?"He replies

I sigh, smiling a bit at him.

"Yeah..."I say, rubbing the back of my head.

He smiles, stepping closer to kiss me.

"YoU lOok sTrEsSeD. DiD s0m30ne sAy s0m3tHiNG? Is iT tHaT bAd f3eLiNg aGaiN? I'm tElLiNg y0u, y0u'r3 n0t l0s1nG uS."He says, pressing his head against mine.

I hear him let out a sigh of relief as he does so.

"Are you ok?"I ask

"JuSt hAd mY pHoBiA tRiGgErEd aNd gliTcHiNg....I rEaliZe tHaT iT's 0nLy l0v3d oNeS tHaT i'v3 gr0wn oK ar0unD."He says

I gently hold his hand and kiss it.

"Shall I get the glitching recovery routine ready?"I ask

"No....JuSt wAnT tO r3lAx."He replies

"As you wish."I say

I hear a sleepy gasp.

"G-Pa! Mr. Reaper is really nice! He's G-Ma material! Also can I have some milk...?"Lovespoon asks

Error glances down at her as she sleepily rubs her eyes, then at me.

"DoEs hOrRoR kNoW yOu tOoK hEr tO tHe PaRk?"He asks

"Uhhh, well about that...."I say

"Is that a no?"She asks

"I'll go get you some milk."I say, going to the kitchen

"Thank you, Future G-Ma!"She says

I glance at her hearing that.

"What? Neither of you denied it."She says innocently with the red in her eye twinkling

Dear stars she is as blunt as Horror can be...


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