Chapter 39: Leaks Back Home

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Error's POV

I quickly answer, finding that Reaper's calling.

"Hello, my beloved Glitchy! How are you doing?"He coos

I pause, waiting to hear some noise as Bliss runs upstairs to check on his uncles. When I don't hear anything, I decide to quietly respond.

"HeY rEaPeR...I tHiNk i Am DoInG oKaY...S0m3tHiNg cAmE uP..."I whisper

"Oh really? Why are you whispering?"He asks

"OtHeRs aRe aSlEeP aNd i d0n't wAnT tO wAkE tHeM."I say

Then an alarm starts ringing and I hear a baby crying upstairs.

"Glitchy, what are you doing now?"He asks

"UmMm...I'Ll hAve t0 cAlL yOu bAcK."I say, hanging up

Approaching threat detected. Fire openly?

I glance out the window seeing large amounts of goop and frown. I step outside, shutting the door behind me and summoning blasters. I send them around the house to blast the goop crawling close and rising rapidly with a trail of burns like acid. I watch as the blasts tear through the goop, eliminating it or hearing it hiss as it flees. The amount quickly shrinks down, causing the small bits to flee. But the blasts shaved the goop down, revealing the souls that it consumed underneath and I see Palette collapse against the ground, gasping for air after being suffocated in that goop for who knows how long. I see the black mark on his cheek, indicating that he's from this future point in time and not my time.

"Dad!"Bliss shouts, running out to him.

He kneels down, hugging Palette and helping him up. I chuckle as they worriedly check each other for injuries and start bickering with each other about being careful. It's like seeing Palette argue with a mini version of himself after all the times that I saw Palette bicker with Goth about self-care. That's part of the reason I approve of his relationship with my son since they both are selfless to some extent but ironically remind each other to care for themselves as well.

"Papa will be so happy to see you!"Bliss tells Palette

"How are your uncles? Is your auntie safe?"

"Mhm! Auntie says that she's coming home to reset the alarm system she and Gramps made for the house! She's done scolding Grunklemare! Papa has been protecting Uncle Horror's home!"

"That's good. That's good....I'm glad that you're okay..."

"Buuut more time holes made deliveries. A younger Gramps came!"He says

"I thought I heard his blasters..."

Palette glances over and I wave to him. Then I see two figures land behind him. I see another version of me wearing a flower crown beside another version of Reaper.

"WhaT'S tHiS aLArM aLeRt 0n mY pHon3? ArE y0u aLr1gHt?"He asks

"Hi Gramps! Grunkle-Mare caused trouble and it was closing in on the house! Uncles are safe though!"Bliss says

"Oh, we've heard what he did. Your aunt filled us in."Reaper says

They help Palette up and they glance at me curiously, noticing me.

"What's that?"Reaper asks

"Who. You mean who is that. And the answer is that Past Gramps fell here. He blasted the icky mess away and freed Dad!"Bliss says with a bright smile.

"Is *Spoiler* oKaY?"My future self asks with a wink

"Yep! He's with Uncle Raven inside!"

"G0oD."He says

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang