Chapter 43: Rescue Mission

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Shino's group successfully tore through the floor and climb out, seeing nobody around. Horror lifts the two girls out of the hole and gets his axe out, ready to protect them. They wander cautiously through the halls, checking each room for Error with no luck. Then they find a room labeled The Battery Room. Shino and Lovespoon glance at each other, nodding. Lovespoon kicks the door open and at last, they find Error. And, well...

Destiny better count their days as far as Shino is concerned.

Error lays in the chains he was left in, unmoving with his eyes shut. Tiny glitches spark on his pale grey bones as it seems that he is drained of all color. Lovespoon quickly runs over to him, resting her head on his chest.

"He has a faint soulbeat! He's still ok!"She says as Shino examines the machine he's hooked up to.

"What the heck is he hooked up to?"Horror wonders

"He was probably used to fuel this machine somehow so that Shattered could run some experiments. There's a space for someone to enter the machine so he probably was running a test on people....I'll copy the code of this machine so that we can replicate it elsewhere to examine it."Shino says

Error starts to groan as he slowly wakes up, glancing around.

"G-Pa!"Lovespoon cheers, hugging him

"W-WhAt? LoVeSpOoN, W-WhAt aRe yOu dOinG hErE?"

"We're going to get you out of here! Just don't close your eyes!"She says as Horror destroys the machine to free Error from it.

Lovespoon rips the chains off of him and Error shakily gets to his feet, pulling Lovespoon behind him and grabbing Shino, pulling her closer.

"HoRrOr, GeT bEsIdE mE."He says sternly

Horror nods, putting Error's arm over his shoulder to support him. Error grips them tightly, glancing around as he is unable to hide his fear. He's at his weakest point right now and can only think of the danger that his loved ones are in. He then gets an idea, cocooning the two girls in his strings and tying the cocoons to his back.

"We n3eD t0....g-g3t ouT n0w...b3f0r3 h3 c0m3s bAcK..."

Then they hear a loud scream in pain yet don't recognize it. They help Error to the closest window as they gaze out to see who could be screaming. Killer and Dust have piles of bodies around them and Killer keeps stabbing them but no screams are from there. Shattered is seen dropping to his knees as Palette stabs a tentacle through his chest, making him tremble as if he's getting electrocuted. Palette removes the tentacle once Shattered's screams fade away and smiles as Shattered drops onto the ground weakly.

"What was that?"Dust asks

"COOL AS FUCK!"Killer cheers

"He was trying to attack Goth so I beat him to the punch."Palette says

"What did you electrocute him with?"Dust asks

"I didn't electrocute him exactly. Well, I didn't use electricity to hurt him. I overwhelmed him with dreams and hopes too quick for him to shatter until he was too weak to stay awake. Maybe next time he will think twice about trying to corrupt something good."Palette says

Goth soars down, hugging him.

"No sign of him here!"Raven shouts

Error sets down the cocoons with relief, freeing the two girls.

"Why did you cocoon us, G-Pa?"

"I diDn'T wANt yOu tO gEt hUrT...."Error says

"Got him over here!"Horror shouts out the window as the girls hug Error.

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now