Chapter 28: G-Pa in Recovery

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After some time passed, Error sees Lovespoon walk past his cell. Then she returns, seeming to pace up and down the row of cells carefully. He frowns, seeing that she's by herself and his mind spins with different worries. What if Shattered returns and gets her? How did she even get here? The last thing he wants is for his family to get locked in one of these cells.

He got so distracted by his worries about his family that he didn't hear an order given by a viewer. They were quick to alert this to the system, causing the machine to descend from the ceiling to prepare for another punishment. He sees it but is indifferent to it now, too used to this cycle. His gaze focuses on Lovespoon who is pacing outside.

Then she stops in front of his cell, placing a hand against the wall and almost staring as if she could see in. Then she raises her hand and swiftly punches into the wall. A loud rumbling follows as a large plant erupts from the floor, tearing through the machine as it struggles to stay on. Two more strike up into the cameras with their speakers and he watches the red recording lights flicker off. Then the plants turn to the wall as Lovespoon steps back, tearing the wall down as the plants burst through it.

What the...? Her training has come along well with controlling it but that HAD to of attracted a lot of attention or alerted someone. What if she gets caught?

The wall crumbles away and Lovespoon is quick to run through once she sees him.

"G-Pa! You're here! You're safe now!"She says, quickly climbing over the plants and rubble to hug him with a bright smile

She clings to him tightly and he can feel her trembling. She glances up at him, examining him from head to the tip of his tail. She frowns.

"G-Pa...Hurt badly by the mean man....He will pay..."She says

"Where'd Lovespoon go? What was that noise?"He hears Reaper say

"She probably found him. Come on!"Shino says

"G-Pa located! In here!"She shouts

Shino and Reaper run over and stare in shock when they see him.

"How did you find him?"Reaper asks

"I felt vibrations from audio through the wall that I didn't feel anywhere else. I broke it with plants and that dumb machine must've been reaching for him. You said nothing unnatural is allowed in so nature or natural things would!"She says

Reaper quickly soars beside Error, breaking the chain from his neck. Shino gently feels his cheek, seeing how broken the right side of his face is.

"Dad? Are you okay? We have you now....You're safe...You're going home."Shino says

Error sighed with relief, yet couldn't move. He was still unable to move.

"ShInO....ReApEr....LoVeSp0oN..."He says quietly

Reaper scoops him up the best he can and is as gentle as he can. Error's long centipede-lamia tail hangs out of his arms and the two girls try to bandage it wherever they can reach. Error goes completely limp, finally able to relax as he feels Reaper's warm embrace and feels wrapped in their love. He feels safe with them and he finds it hard not to gaze at his loved ones. Shino makes the portal for them to go through and it shuts behind them. He sees Horror sitting on the couch with Goth and Raven asleep on him. Horror's eye shrinks at the sight of Error.

"Mom! Mom look! G-Pa's back!"Lovespoon cheers, waking the two boys

"Papa!"They exclaim, quickly coming over to examine Error.

Horror sighs, seeing Reaper surrounded by the worried kids and whistles to catch their attention.

"Let's go get recovery supplies."He says

Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelWhere stories live. Discover now