Chapter 5: Early Celebration

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"Did I really just hear that...?"Shino mumbles, glancing at her collection of puppets

"I miss you so much..Reaper...Stars this thing hurts my neck...And just because I got close to you again....This happens after seeing Shino too every now and then...That girl is so clueless sometimes...What have you been teaching her about self-awareness? You both could have an angry mob with pitchforks following you and you wouldn't notice since you're admiring a butterfly....Ugggh, Gaster is a piece of..."She hears a puppet of Error say softly

She finds it and recognizes it as the matching one to the puppet she left with "Nobody". She grins, hearing everything a treasure trove of the info she has been waiting to hear. She opens a code screen to see which one she gave this to, seeing Error aka "Nobody" readjusting the chain on his neck and wiping his tears. She gasps and grins, loading all the info of his code. 

He jolts as he recognizes someone trying to access his code. He has to be aware and sensitive to it after being hacked. 

She sees his soul and recognizes the shard that matches the shape of her papa's. It's a perfect fit and the rest of his soul that she usually saw is now revealed to be just a hacker's code creating an illusion.

She squeals, clapping her hands eagerly. She found Papa and now he can come home! Dad is in that AU right now! Everything is going to work out now! It has to! At least, that's what she thinks as she excitedly sees this as the stars aligning for her family.

She quickly calls Reaper to tell him.

"DAD! You're in Papa's AU!"She shouts into the phone

"Seriously? How do you know?"He says

"You went to Nobody's AU! And Nobody is Papa!"She tells him

"Shino, your papa is someone very special."He tells her

Shino groans, rolling her eye.

"Dad, don't start this again! My source named Nobody is Papa! My puppet trick just proved it!"She says

Reaper is silent for a few moments, shocked that it worked. They actually are able to find him. He's going to be okay...He will be able to help his Glitchy come home again...

"Where is he?"He asks

"He's in an office building surrounded by cops! He looks like a bunny so don't look for a skeleton to greet you! Please go cheer Papa up, he seems very sad and in pain!"She says

Then it hits him that the bunny that waved to him was Error. He found it odd that someone would wave to him while everyone else on the streets fled from the sight of him, but now it hits him hard. Error was so close to him and he just left him there. What's even worse is that he doesn't know what the police situation is. Was he in trouble and hurt? What was done to him for the cops to come? And now he is hurt and upset? He frowns, determined to fix this.

"I'll call you back, Shino. Go get some cookies to celebrate. I think Papa is coming home soon. I promise."He says

Shino eagerly does so, shutting the code screen after hanging up. Then after having some cookies, she starts eagerly decorating the house to celebrate her papa coming home.

What they didn't realize was that Error got tipped off by Shino accessing his code that someone was coming for him, but he didn't know who. He was concerned that Gaster was coming to harm him more himself, so he quickly left the office to return home and complete tasks that will free him temporarily from the chain locked around his neck. He narrowly misses Reaper arriving at the office in search of him.

Reaper easily gets into the office and looks around, humming a tune with a grin. His mind is filling with ideas of how he will reunite with his Glitchy and help make all his pain go away. But he frowns when someone dares to interrupt his thoughts.

"What are you doing here?"He is asked

"I'm looking for someone here. You might know him as Nobody."He replies

"Nobody?"One person asks

"He must mean Nolan."Another worker says

"That's quite rude, even for a god."A third says from their cubicle

"Nah, it seems to be a nickname that combines all three of his names. The first, middle, and last name."A fourth says, sipping some water

"What are you talking about?"The first asks

"We know a coder that goes by Nobody by some but officially his name is Nolan Boda Dylans. Take the first two letters of each name and you get Nobody. Weird set of names if you ask me."The fourth worker says

"Is he here?"Reaper asks

"Why do you want him? To kill him?"The second asks

"He wouldn't be the one you would want to eliminate. Though I can name nearly a dozen that you would...Bunch of weirdos thinking of immortality..."The third says

"To talk to him."Reaper replies

"Well he left fifteen minutes ago so I'm sorry that you just missed him."The third worker says

"He always seems to have tasks to do outside of work and they're always so boring."The second says

"Then again, he seemed really shaken up after coming back from outside with the cops everywhere...I saw him leave an alley on shaky feet as the other coworkers in team G were arrested. Unbelieveable that they'd actually try something...Perhaps it was too much for him and he went home to get away from the scene that upsets him so much."A fifth chimes in

He frowns, opting to see his desk instead for clues. He sees to-do list on top of to-do lists covering the cubicle and small balls of blue yarn in the corners of the desk as advanced code loads on the computer. Error certainly left in a rush. He frowns, then gets an idea. He is going to stay until Error returns to work, getting comfy in the rolling seat.

He has to come back to work at some point, right? He will be here waiting for him, ready to give him a big hug and close his wings around his Glitchy to provide some protection.

Both he and Shino were very optimistic about the outcome...Maybe too optimistic and not considering how complex it could be to handle being HACKED. 

And Gaster wasn't going to let a reunion happen so easily.


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