Chapter 52:New Start

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A few days later, Error's POV

"Welp, that's the last picture that needed to be hung up. It's finally home again."Reaper calls up the chimney leading to the fireplace.

I smile, gazing up at the house we rebuilt. The kids have worked to rebuild it with us and put their things back in place. I just finished adjusting the chimney as they worked on the interior when Reaper gave me this update. I glance at our house and the garden Lovespoon worked with Shino to make around it. We made the house bigger and stronger so that it would be more secure from outside trouble and safer with any indoor trouble like Shino's basement experiments. We made sure to add more guest rooms.

Then I noticed another house built a small distance away.

"Lo0ks liK3 w3 hAVe a n3iGhB0r!"I call down the chimney

"What?"His voice echoes up

"I'Ll g0 sAy h1!"I say

I go over, finding Palette painting the walls with a grin.

"Hi, PaLeTtE!"I say

"Hi, Mr. Error! I'm just setting up a home up here! I notice that my positivity is bothering Unclemare too much and his negativity is making it harder for me to control what Shattered injected into me. So until I can control it without my surroundings determining it, I will live here. I got everything set up too!"He says proudly

Ah, so he is our new neighbor.

I smile at him.

"LeT m3 kN0w iF y0u n3ed aNyThInG."

He nods with a grin.

He continues painting the walls and I return to the house, seeing Reaper smiling at me. He holds my hand, taking me inside and pulling me onto the couch to cuddle. He leans against me and presses a kiss against my head.

"You're my fiance...."He mumbles softly, his eyes twinkling with happy fascination

I smile at how adorable he is. He has been repeating that the past few days as if in awe of it and it's still sinking in. I kiss him gently and nod.

"SuRe aM."I say, then notice how dirty he is from building the interior.

His wings are covered in dust or bits of dirt and materials from building like mortar for bricks, small stones, or sawdust from wood. I take his hand, leading him to the bathroom to get him cleaned up.

"What are we doing?"

"We jUsT fInIsHeD mAKiNg oUr hOmE aNd yOu'Re fiLtHy. We aRe nOt lEtTiNg yOu sPreAd tHe mEsS aRoUnD...PlUs iT'D bE a nIcE wAy tO rElAx toGeThEr..."I say

He quickly strips his clothes off when I say that, only keeping his ring on. I shake my head, glad that I shut the door before saying that.

"I'Ll gEt tHe bAtH rEaDy."I say

Once it's ready, he steps in and I spend the next few minutes picking his feathers clean and tossing whatever dirt is stuck in them into the trash can. Once his wings are clean, I see how relaxed he is after lovingly gazing at me the entire time. His wings droop and I take the chance to undress and step in to join him. He pulls me close to him, gently feeling my ribs under the water.

"This is nice..."He says softly

I nod and we spend the next few moments in a comfortable silence just enjoying the chance to relax together. Then his phone rings from his cloak pocket on the floor and he groans.

"Why is it that the same people who questioned our relationship and tried to meddle with it now assume that they'll get an invite to our wedding? Life and Romantica are fine but Gaster or the others? You've got to be kidding me."He says

I nod.

"Yeah, mY gAsTeR iSn'T mUcH bEtTeR. AfTeR teAriNg oUr liVeS aPaRt aNd tRyInG tO rEpLaCe iT hE sOmEh0w tHiNkS tHaT hE cOuLd cOmE aNd aCt liKe hE sUpPorTeD uS tHe wHoLe t1mE. He hAcKeD yOu aNd sEnT oVeR a dOzEn rEpLaCemEnTs tO fiNd mE sO hIs rEquEsTs nOw aRe bUlLsHiT."I say, hearing his phone go to voicemail

"Is your brother coming?"He asks

"He hAsn'T aNsWeReD hIs pHoNe wHeN I cAlL."I say

"What does he usually do?"

"He uSuAlLy wOrKs tO sTabiLiZe tImElInEs aNd eLimInAtE aNy tHreAtS. So iT iS tImE-cOnsUmInG."I say

I glance at him, gently holding his cheek.

"BeSiDeS, I tHiNk wE nEeD tO pLaN iT bEfOrE I tElL hIm tO cOmE. WhAt dID yOu pIcTuRe fOr yOuR wEdDiNg, ReApEr?"I ask

"Our wedding."He corrects me

"I kNoW bUt i kNoW tHiS wiLl bE eXtRa sPecIAl sInCe ThIs iS tHe oNlY oThEr gOoD wEdDiNg eXpEriEnCe beSiDeS HorRoR'S. I wAnT tO mAkE sUre iT'S sPecIaL fOr yOu aFtEr aLl tHosE bAd WeDdINgS yOu viSiTed fOr wOrK rEaSoNs."I say as his phone rings again

"True...What's usually needed for weddings?"He asks

"I hAvE a bRiEf iDeA fR0m h0rRoR's wEddiNg aNd c0nv3rsAt1oNs wItH hiM...HmMm...WeLl wHiCh oF uS iS wAlKiNg t0 tHe 0tHeR? LoVeSpOoN aLrEaDy wAnTs t0 d3siGn tHr cLoThEs..."

Then his phone plays another voicemail, this one from his brother.

"SANS! PICK UP YOUR PHONE YOU LAZYBONES! CAN YOU EXPLAIN TO ME WHY LIFE TOLD ME ABOUT YOUR BIG DAY AND NOT YOU? MY BROTHER FINALLY IS HAPPY WITH A BIG DAY AND HE DOESN'T EVEN TELL ME! Wooow! We both know you won't last two seconds on that day so come find me when you hear this so you don't pass out on your wedding day. Promise me that you won't be sleep-deprived or rely on coffee that day at least! Dear stars...."

"SoUnDs liKe y0u hAvE s0mE eXpLaiNiNg t0 d0...He d0eS mAk3 s0m3 p0iNtS kNoWiNg y0u."I say

"....Shit..."He says

We finish the bath, dying off and he quickly leaves to talk with his brother who sounds genuinely hurt that he wasn't told first. I get my phone, and see voicemails from the gang and Lovespoon. I shake my head, only able to imagine what they're calling about. This is going to take a bit.

I smile, writing down some notes on my phone for the obvious choices. Reaper or I will have our brothers walk us down, depending on what we decide or they'd be the best man I assume. Of course, I'd have Horror as one of the groomsmen. Perhaps Nightmare too who has become a good friend again and Blue, who has been my longest friend. I can see Shino and Lovespoon being the flower girls and our sons either being ring-bearers or some of Reaper's groomsmen. That outlines some of the plans, but of course it will take more discussion. 

I take a moment to gaze at my ring and smile wider, taking in the fact that this is really happening. I haven't lost him and I'm not going to...not anymore...We'll finally have the happy life that Romantica showed me we could.

Then I hear another voicemail from my "father" asking about grandkids after the wedding and block his number.

I should probably call Blip before I get an angry voicemail like Reaper did from his brother.

I smile, dialing his number as my soul fills with excitement. 

Little did I know that our trip to a happy ending wasn't over. 


Death's Destructive Family: DestructiveDeath SequelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ