Chapter 18: The Big News

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A few days later, Error's POV

I smile, relaxing on the couch as Shino colors some drawings, Goth reads a book, and Raven is watching TV. Reaper is lying on the floor trying to stretch and loosen his body, especially his wings, after finding that they've grown stiff from the transformation. But overall, it's just a chance to relax that we're taking advantage of. Nothing big going on whatsoever.

That is, until my phone starts ringing.

I see that it's Farmer and smile wider. He probably has some questions about getting Horror to eat more or something. I pick up, answering with some answers already in mind.

"HeLlO?"I say

"Error! Can you come help? Our daughter decided to start coming in an apple orchard and Horror isn't taking it well!"He says

Shit it's a sudden one!

Horror had been watching himself for the signs as it got closer to nine months, planning to call to alert me and go to a hospital. Though it seemed that he was going to have a soul birth instead of a physical one, it's still risky. A soul birth is where the baby's soul disconnects from the parent soul and forms a body once a safe distant away from the parent soul. This sounds simple but it can be very stressful for the parent soul and doesn't always go smoothly. Horror's frail bones and starvation/malnutrition history puts him at risk, which is why he planned to go to a hospital.

"ShIt, oK. I'm on mY wAy."I say

"Thank you!"He says, hanging up.

I quickly open a portal, getting my shoes on.

"Where are you going, Glitchy? That sounded bad."Reaper asks, glancing over at me

"It'S hOrRoR. I'm gOiNg tO hElP. I wiLl b3 bAcK sOoN sO jUsT sTaY wiTh tHe k1d$."I say, then go through the portal

I shut it behind me and quickly march over to the apple orchard on the farm. I find Farmer knelt beside Horror who is twitching and trembling all over. His eyes are shut tightly and he's crushing Farmer's hand. I check their souls, seeing that Lovespoon has started to disconnect but is pressing close to Horror's soul, putting pressure on him and giving mixed signals to the connection. I smile a bit, seeing that it's well-intentioned though. Lovespoon seems to be trying to comfort Horror's racing soul.

But I dismiss that for the risks piling up now. Farmer glances over as I open another portal to a monster hospital and he sighs with relief.

"Horror, it's okay. It's going to be okay, hun."He says, pretty calm for someone getting his hand crushed.

"R-Really?"Horror chokes out

"Mhm. Just focus on steadying your breathing, ok? You're going to be ok."Farmer says

Horror opens his eye as I scoop them up in my strings, carrying them into the portal to the hospital. Everything quickly froze when I walked into the emergency department with them.

"CaN w3 gEt sOmE hElP hErE?"I ask, though already know that we will.

I won't give this hospital a choice to refuse. Who would really deny the destroyer of AUs?

Horror quickly gets taken away on a bed by nurses after prying Farmer's hand free. We get taken to another wing of the hospital when a nurse suggests getting his crippled hand treated. Within a short time his hand is bandaged in a cast so the bones can heal and his arm is kept in a sling to keep the cast upright. He sighs, shaking his head.

"I'm glad that we're apart now. If Horror saw me like this, his stress would double. And it would just get worse when he realized that he caused this."He says

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