Chapter 53: Tangled Timelines

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A few days later, Error's POV

"So yOu'Re sAyInG tHaT tHe tiMeLiNeS hAvE bEcOme uNsTaBlE aNd aRe sTaRtInG tO oVeRlAp?"I ask, processing what Blip just told me.

"LiKe 0n3 0f tHe w0rSt tiEd kNoTs. I'Ve cAuGhT sO mANy pEoPlE cr0sSsInG oVeR bEfOre tHey cAuSe tRoUbLe aNd iT iS alMoSt eNdLeSs w0rk. I'Ve bEeN tRyInG tO mAnaGe iT tHe bEsT i cAn sINCe oNe dAy It iS fROm tHe pAsT aND sOmeThInG fr0m tHe FuTuRe. So i jUsT aDviSe y0u t0 uSe sOmE cAuTiOn oN yOuR bIg dAy...FaThEr iSn'T gOiNg t0 bE tHerE, iS hE?"He says

I sip a cup of chocolate milk, nodding as I process it. He sips a milkshake as we sit at a shop to catch up. Shino and Lovespoon are sitting at another table with bags beside them that they refuse to let me see as they eat some lunch. They whisper to each other, giggling excitedly after I let them go to various stores at their request to craft. Knowing them, they're making surprises or schemes to prepare for the big day. Lovespoon was very happy to meet her Gruncle Blip though and he was overjoyed to meet her.

"I wiLl kEeP tHAt iN mInD. No, h3 iSn'T c0miNg. He iS baNneD fr0m c0miNg. He d0eSn'T DeSeRvE t0 c0Me aFtEr hAcKiNg ReApEr aNd tRyInG tO tAkE mY liFe aWaY jUsT bEcAuSe iT iSN'T FiT f0r hIs sTaNdArDs. HoRrIbLe rEwArD f0r tHat w0uLd bE lETtiNg hIm c0mE aNd aCt liKe iT wAs noThInG."I say

"TruE. NoW, h0w aRe y0u d0iNg, ErRoR? HoW dOeS iT fEeL tO bE gEtTiNg mArRiEd t0 ReApER? HoW hAs hE bEeN aCtInG?"He asks

"Do1nG wElL. It fe3lS gReAt gEtTiNg rEaDy f0r tHiS aNd hE hAs nEvEr bEeN hApPiEr. He iS vErY g0oFy lAtElY aNd hAs bEeN vErY sWeEt."I say

"So, d0 y0u wAnT t0 g0 chEcKiNg OuT tHe wEdDiNg sHoPs? FiNd yOu a n3w suIt?"

"NO!"Lovespoon shouts

I glance over at her, seeing her pout with her arms are crossed.

"I wanna make G-Pa a special suit!"She says

"WeLl wE cAn aT lEAsT bRoWsE tHrOuGh tHe StOrEs tO gIvE yOu iNsPirAtIoN. DoEs tHaT SoUnD niCe?"He suggests

She starts to smile, agreeing.

The three run off to browse as I continue sipping from my cup. Then my phone rings.

"HeLlO?"I say

"Hey Error.~ I finally tracked you down. Are you enjoying your beverage?"

I check the ID, saying that it's recognized as Nightmare's number. And they can see me?

"Wh0 iS tHiS?"I say, glancing around.

"Just someone who looks forward to adding you to my arsenal. You seem available now. Why don't we meet no--?"


A blast tears through the store that's shaped like an axe. What the hell? I glance around as I hear multiple screams before the blast fades and reshapes into a sunflower. The sunflower hovers over me, shielding me as the shop crumbles from the blast before completely fading away. It grows quiet aside from random pieces of rubble dropping down like ceiling tiles dropping onto the floor beside me. I checked my phone, seeing the call disconnected and there was only a scream before it disconnected. 

What in the world was that? What happened? What's going on here?

Then a note appears from a spark of magic fading from the sunflower that reads: Be careful and stick with real allies. There's a manipulative, dangerous, possessive demon on the run and targeting you.

I frown as the note fades as well.

.....WHAT? Wait, so someone is targeting me and that was meant to protect me? Perhaps this is part of Blip's timeline issue where too many things are overlapping...Great....

I hear running footsteps and see Blip return with Shino and Lovespoon. They stand at where the store entrance used to be, now just a broken frame remains as they stare in shock at the wreck that tore through it and the rest crumbles away. It looks like a train went through the wall, ripping a line through the ceiling and bursting out the back. And then there's me of all people still at the table they left me at.

"G-Pa! What did you do?!"Lovespoon snaps

"NoThING! ThIS wAsn'T Me i pRomIsE!"I say

She crosses her arms and gives me a look that says really?

"This does look like your handiwork, Papa."Shino says

"Ok, I kNoW hOw bAd tHiS loOkS bUt iT wAsN't Me tHiS tImE! I'd hAvE nO rEaSon tO!"

"That's even WORSE!"Lovespoon says

"I wiLl eXpLaIn OK? LeT'S jUsT gEt oUt oF hErE bEfOrE wE'Re cOnnEcT3d t0 tHiS."

They nod and I head out with them before any authorities arrive. We ended up leaving the AU to visit another one at Lovespoon's request, yet I still feel eyes on me.

"I G0t a w3iRd cAlL aNd tHe pHoNe sAiD iT wAs rEaPer wHeN iT wAsN'T. S0m3 wEiRd0 mAdE iT s0uNd liKe tHeY wErE cl0s3 bUt tHeN tHe bLaSt cUt tHeM oFf. I'M tELliNg y0u tHaT I diDn'T cAuSe tHAt."I say

"Really, G-Pa?"

"HaVe y0U eVeR sEeN m3 cAuSe aN aXe-ShApEd bLaSt?"

"Ok, so it wasn't you."


"I think we should head home then."Shino says

"I wiLl tAkE a l0oK aT y0uR pHoNe, ErRoR."Blip says

So after Lovespoon gathered some flowers and seeds from the AU, we go home where Reaper is found with his brother on the front porch chatting....intensely. I know Goth is over at Palette's with Raven so I'm not too worried. Blip takes my phone and Shino giggles as Pap goes from aggressive with Reaper to sweet with her, patting her on the head. Then again, Pap is upset with Reaper for not being told first. But maybe it wasn't a good idea to return home cuz Reaper immediately lost all of his focus.

"Hey, Glitchy! Welcome home!~"He coos, giving me a big hug

He kisses me gently on the head and holds my hand, squeezing it gently. 

"Hi ReApEr. HaVe y0u maDe Up wItH yOuR br0tHeR?"I say

"Working on it..."He says

I chuckle, going inside to check things with Blip. I don't want Reaper to worry after all when he's so excited and happy. Just have to handle this and focus on the future.  

Meanwhile, NO POV

"So that's what they all looked like when they were younger. Do we grab him now?"A voice asks

Two figures are in the distance, watching the family home closely.

"No, dum dum! He's obviously going to have some barriers! And that just doesn't mean the two gods of death! We have to wait anyways until their wedding or everything is ruined! If they aren't married, then you know the poo that's going to unfold or others will take advantage!"The second figure says

"But I really wanna meet him when he's..ya know, HIM!"

"You'll meet him when you meet him! We are waiting and that's FINAL! We could've done this sooner if you didn't make that big mess with your blast!"

"Shino's so tiny here...."

"Don't change the subject!"

The two continue to bicker, too far away to be seen or heard fortunately for them.


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