Chapter 4: Nobody's Warning

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Shino tries to warn Reaper as "Nobody" had warned her but had some trouble explaining it to him when asked who she heard this from.

"Who told you that there's trouble?"Reaper asks

"Nobody said that there's trouble but that there's trouble brewing specifically against you."She says as the owl lands on her shoulder with a nod.

"Well if nobody told you then why are you so worried?"He asks

"Because they were serious! And very wise about it!"She says


"Nobody!"She says

He sighs, shaking his head thinking that she's just being defensive or anxious.

"Shino, I have to know who you've been talking to that said that there's trouble. I can't just let a stranger fill your mind with worries. I know you're worried about Papa but this won't help you. It will just worsen things."He says

"Nobody told me. Nobody is wise and nice."She says

"Of course there are wise and nice people that exist. Now who told you this information? Did anybody tell you this?"He asks

"Yes, somebody gave me info."



"But you just told me that somebody told you this."

"Yes, Nobody."

"Not nobody, you said somebody did."

"Yes, their name is Nobody."

It clicks for Reaper and sighs.

"That's not a real name for a person, Shino. That's just someone trying to remain unknown."

"Neither is Ink, Horror, Blue, Dust, or a few others as names for people. Those are either objects or description terms yet we know people by those names. Cut creators some slack if they ran out of creative names."She says

He pauses, actually agreeing with her point.

"Tch, you believed this person? Wow, the cyclops gets fooled by a so-called nobody again."Raven says

"Don't call your sister a cyclops."Reaper says, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?"Shino asks

"There is a tale about a human named Odysseus that fooled a cyclops by saying that his name was Nobody to avoid getting into trouble."Raven says

"Well I've known Nobody for days now and he's a bunny, not human! Nobody plays with me and even reassured me when I spoke about Papa! Papa could still be out there after what Gaster did! He could be trying to protect us from getting hacked!"She says

"Who says that he was hacked? Or that we will be hacked?"Reaper asks

"It's a possibility that somebody tried. He is a glitching skeleton. It would explain why he hasn't come back if someone else in control."Goth says

"And how do you intend to test this theory?"Reaper asks

Shino lifts a puppet of Error. One of her own puppets.

"Using my puppets with special code! Each one has a matching puppet or another partnering puppet that I left behind! Some pairs of Big Brothers or Dads! I've grown connected with anyone on my list of cracked souls! We know Papa can't resist a puppet of family! So far only ten have taken the puppets I left behind. Now I just wait to listen in and hear them slip up and say something indicating Papa!"She explains

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