Chapter 10: Targets

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Error's POV

Shino hops onto the bed beside me with code screens. It shows the stranger that she has been tracking spreading more posts than before, yet now it isn't just focused on eliminating Reaper or getting my soul. Now it has advanced to eliminating any "competitors" or other souls connected enough to find me first. I recognize images outlining Horror, Blue, each member of the gang with their souls highlighted. Hell, Palette was even being targeted! There is even a livestream broadcasting from this asshole, giving directions.

"These souls on your screens are not truly people. They are obstacles. And if we want to reach our goals, these obstacles must be eliminated. Play your cards right and don't let their lives influence your actions. Think of them as pawns to move on a chess board or knock off the board. Insignificant sacrifices. Keep an eye out and do so by any means necessary. Don't let anyone or any circumstance get in your way. I will assign each of you a target to eliminate and the needed information, including weaknesses to exploit and connections to manipulate. But please, don't mistake assignment 12 for me. Get it done and do so fast. You know what happens if you don't."They say, nothing more than a silhouette in a dark room.

I can see tentacles in the video of the silhouette, yet it doesn't sound like Nightmare. And Assignment 12 was targeting Nightmare anyway, showing him on the screen. There are very few who can imitate Nightmate's appearance with the tentacles...I doubt that it's Strawberry Nightmare...So it's likely Shattered.

Ugh, great. Another Dream? It's entirely possible if he's from another timeline coming in. His corruption would revoke his guardian position so it wouldn't throw off the balance between Dream and Nightmare, allowing him to do as he pleases...Ugggh...But first things first, protect them from the threats.

Me: Nightmare, I'm putting your castle into lockdown. Nobody will be able to come or go without permission so make sure everyone is accounted for.

BitterApple: What makes you think you can do that?

Me:Well unless you want your castle overflowing with attackers that want all of you dead, then you won't complain. I doubt you want that mess or anyone harmed, including yourself.

BitterApple:All of us?

Me: Yes, all of you. Not even Palette is safe. Shino found hidden streams and posts scheming it. So, make sure everyone is accounted for and confirm it before I lock things down.

By now the stream ended and Shino is looking to me for guidance.

"What's going to happen to Uncle Blue and Uncle Farmer?"She asks

"We wiLl gEt tHeM to sAfeTy bEfORe tHeY aRe cAuGhT."I say, getting the confirmation message from Nightmare.

She quickly opens a portal and runs through it once I say that.

"I'll bring them back!"She says

I frown, knowing that it's for the best. She will be upset hearing that Horror is missing but Farmer and Sprout-Farmer's brother-should be brought to safety since they'll be targeted to get to Horror. Same goes for Blue's brother to get to Blue.

Within minutes she brought Farmer and Sprout back and I open a portal to Nightmare's castle. The castle in lockdown will be the safest place for them. Farmer hangs back as Shino leads Sprout through, explaining the situation.

"Have you heard from Horror? I know he'd reach out to you first and he was worriedly searching for you."He asks

I shake my head.

"ThErE's pLenTy oF bAd pOsSibiLiTi3s bUt nOw tHaT I aM bAcK, I wiLL wOrK tO fInD hIm."I say, opening code screens to start searching for him

I notice his longing gaze at Reaper and frown.

"Another child, huh?"He says

"NaH, tHiS iS ReApEr. ChEmIcaL aCcIdenT. Is...Is eVErYtHiNg Ok?"I ask

"Oh...Oh right. I forget that he probably didn't get a chance to tell you...Umm, I'll wait for Horror. I know he wants to be the one to give you the big news."He says, going through the portal

A few minutes later, Shino finds Blue and drags him with his brother through the portal. Then I put the castle into lockdown after she returned.

"What do we do now?"She asks

I frown, running the code to locate Horror. I can only wonder where he may be and imagine the worst. He could be attacked, wounded, fighting, held captive, or even hacked and experimented on. I am giving no benefit of the doubt to anyone on this stream.

Then my phone starts ringing with a call from Horror.

"HoRROr? WhErE aRe yOu rIgHt nOw? ArE yOu oKaY?"I ask

"Hey, Dad...So good to hear from you again...Sorry, I just got f-free a-and..."

"DoN'T aPolOgiZe, HoRrOr. EvErYoNe hAs BeEn wOrRiEd aBoUt yOu. I aM jUsT gLaD tO hEaR y0u...I'm cOmiNg."I say as the code locks in on his location

"Okay..."He says

"ShINO, KeEp yOuR bROThErS iNsIdE."I say, checking the code screen

I see that it detects Horror's wounds and that his code has been toyed with, stating that his speech keeps him forced to reveal his loved ones by name or rank...It says that he can't hide who he loves or how he feels for those close to him. Strange thing to mess with in his code but maybe they thought it would expose other targets.

Shino nods, going downstairs.

"Should we go join Uncle Blue and Uncle Farmer instead? Dad could be cured there too."Shino asks, returning with her brothers

"GoOd iDeA."I say, reopening the portal.

Reaper wakes up as I lift him out of the sling against my chest. He glances around confusedly as I hand him to Shino. He sees the portal and tilts his head.

"Papa's going to help Uncle Horror but we're going to join Mister Nightmare where everyone is gathering."Shino tells him

"We're going into lockdown, Dad."Raven says

"But it'll be okay! Let's go!"Shino says confidently

Reaper looks at me and frowns with a pouty glare. I chuckle, recalling the last time I put them in lockdown albeit under the influence of Ink's vials. Now he's probably recalling that and disliking the idea of being apart again, but he stays quiet as Shino carries him through with her brothers leading her. He does however glare at me over her shoulder, indicating that I'm in for one heck of a tantrum when he sees me again. The portal shuts and I grin, focusing on Horror who is still on the phone.

"Lockdown? W-What's going on, Dad?"He asks

"DoN'T wORrY aBoUt iT. I'm coMiNg so jUsT sTAY whErE yOu aRe iF iT's sAfE."I say, opening a portal to him

I'll get him and soon, I'll go after Shattered or whoever is in charge of this. Put an end to this and make it clear that my soul is not one to hunt and my loved ones are not to be messed with or targeted for elimination. Or else the eliminators get eliminated.

I smirk at my thoughts as I prepare some strings. Finally back to being a destroyer and they're going to realize it soon enough.


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