Chapter 107- Wings Tour Finale in Seoul I

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December 8th, 2017:

I'd woken up to a loud bang. I sat up quickly and winced leaning back down gently feeling my shoulder. I then heard giggling between two people downstairs. The sun had fully risen as I got back up slowly, getting out of bed. I quickly took my phone and saw it was ten in the morning, way later than I'd woken up in a long time.

"You're up," Yoona said smiling.

"Yeah, heard a bang," I say, still rubbing my eyes awake.

Yoona looked over at Hanbin both stifling laughter.

"Sorry," Hanbin grimaces embarrassed, "that would've been me..."

"What was it?" I question.

"I dropped the pan with the potatoes taking them out of the oven," he says sheepishly.

"Potatoes? Why are you cooking potatoes?" I ask confused.

"I called your sister asking what a traditional Québec breakfast was like feeling like it might cheer you up," Yoona explains, "and so I got some bacon, eggs, maple beans, ham, and we had potatoes, but not anymore..."

I just laughed slightly looking at them looking at each other a bit embarrassed.

"I appreciate the effort," I chuckled, going to sit on a stool, "don't you have meetings oppa?"

"First meeting's at noon," he says, "answered emails and stuff when I got up, so it looks like I'm in my studio".

Yoona had put all the food they'd made, minus potatoes, on a plate and placed it in front of me. Hanbin went to start the coffee machine.

"You guys really didn't have to do all of this," I say, picking up a fork from the drying rack.

"Well, Yoona's the one that really did everything," Hanbin admits, "I honestly probably shouldn't have helped. I feel I was more of a nuisance".

"No, you made it fun," she laughs, "I wasn't expecting you to be here though. He scared me when I first came in. Was halfway to calling the cops when I realised who it was".

"Well, this looks good," I laugh, taking a bite from the bacon.

"The bacon's the only thing I can really take credit for," Hanbin points out proudly, "good right?"

I nodded, it was a bit overcooked, but still not bad. Hanbin and Yoona both dished themselves plates as well and joined me for breakfast as Hanbin got to know how my political talks with Yoona occurred.

"Well, as much as this debate about first-past-the-post has been enthralling," he says jokingly standing up, "I'm gonna have to head out if I want to be at my meeting on time".

"Ok, thanks for coming over last night, I had a really good time," I say smiling up at him.

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