Chapter 53 - The Lucky One

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May 16th, 2017:

We were back in Korea after the second concert in Hong Kong. Everyone had tried to get me to take another day of rest, but I flat out refused. I would not let ARMY in Hong Kong go to two concerts without at least seeing me, so we decided on a compromise of me sitting to the side. I could sing and be seen, but they wouldn't let me perform the dances saying they didn't want to risk anything happening with the upcoming US schedules. Jungkook, Seokjin, and Jimin took over a lot of my really high notes, only letting me do the ones in my solo.

I was meeting SinB tonight at my place because I had told her I wanted to meet with her and it was serious. She seemed confused but said that she would come over after her last schedule. She got here at 11:30pm.

"Hey," I smiled, opening the door for her.

"Hey," she smiled back, taking her shoes off.

"I had bought snacks, but the girls found them and ate them all during rehearsal," she chuckles, "they apologise".

"Hahaha, it's fine, I shouldn't be eating anything anyway," I laugh, "do you want anything to drink or anything?"

"Um, water if that's okay," she responds, putting her bag down.

I get her a bottle of water and walk over to the couch where she had sat down.

"So, what's up?" she asks looking at me questioningly, taking a sip of her water.

"In Japan, I learned something... something I'd have hoped you would have told me," I say, unsure about how to go about this despite having gone through it in my head several times, "that you... you and Jungkook went out together..."

SinB looked at me more confused than surprised, which was not what I was expecting.

"I mean... yeah... I thought you knew?" she said confused, "I thought JK had told you?"

I look at her trying to figure out if she was covering up her lie or not.

"No, he never told me, we had a whole showdown because of it," I say, "it was really bad. I thought everyone had been lying to me, that you guys were like I don't know... not my friends, lying... it hurt".

"Unnie..." SinB says looking genuinely sad and apologetic, "I honestly thought he had told you. I just thought you were like embarrassed or found it awkward or something and didn't wanna bring it up, so I didn't. It was only two dates, and yeah, he's a sweet guy, but it was just too awkward for me knowing he's like, basically your brother, I don't know. If we ever move forward, then I want myself to be steadier in my career at least too... I'm really, really sorry about this whole misunderstanding. I never ever meant to hurt you, that's the very last thing I'd want to ever do to you".

I don't know why but I couldn't stop a few tears from falling. It seemed now like I had well and truly overreacted. It was all a huge misunderstanding. I hadn't ever lost my best friends; they were still with me. They still loved and supported me.

"Unnie, don't cry," SinB said warmly, moving over to hug me.

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